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A nova economia institucional e sua aplicação no estudo do agronegócio brasileiro AgEcon
Mendes, Krisley; Figueiredo, Jeovan de Carvalho; Michels, Ido Luiz.
This paper presents the theoretical roots from which emerges the New Institutional Economics (NIS). It shows that the NIS, in discussion with other branches institutionalists, reveals important theoretical limitations and contradictions. The lack of that rescue in studies on agribusiness prevents the observation of important issues of the Brazilian agribusiness, such as conflict, power and culture in the formation of structures of governance. The paper presents, first, the link between the understanding agribusiness in its systemic form and the institutionalist thought. Then, recovers the sources and branches of Institutional Economics, and shows that NIS is linked to the methodological individualism, which differs from the original institutionalism. It is...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Institutionalism; New Institutional Economics; Supply chains.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Figueiredo, Jeovan de Carvalho; Paulillo, Luiz Fernando.
During the period between 1945 and 1991 the dairy sector was regulated by the State. The price standardization imposed by the government, conducted many times aiming to facilitate adjustments in economy, had serious consequences right after the end of said intervention. The present study tried to understand the process which outlined the conformation of the current institutional structure in this complex, the causes of its maintenance, and the immediate trends which may be envisaged in short and medium terms. There is an absence of public policies devised to account for the incoherences detected in the dairy complex which originate to a large extent in the deliberate loss of the power of regulation by the State and in the liberal orientation taken in the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Sectorial policies; Agri-industry; Milk; Industrial organization.; Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Segmentation of Consuming Markets of Beef AgEcon
Lima Filho, Dario de Oliveira; Sproesser, Renato Luiz; Pereira, Susana Carla Farias; Novaes, Amilton Luiz; Figueiredo, Jeovan de Carvalho.
One of the tasks most difficult in the planning of marketing has been the election of the market-target. Being thus, the market segmentation reveals of great importance. The objective of this study is to discuss a market segmentation model of meat consumers. For in such a way, a bibliographical research was conducted, adopting two basic conditions: (a) the proposals of segmentation of used consuming markets in excellent scientific studies can indicate insights for the presented theoretical construction; and (b) the excellent variable in the process of purchase of the consumers must be considered in the quarrel proposal. The following excellent variable had been identified, considering the purchase process: culture, motivation, perception, health,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Segmentation; Meat; Consumer behavior; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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