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Micronutrient status in two long-term trials with fertilisation treatments and different cropping systems Organic Eprints
Fischer, Meike; Raupp, Joachim; Mäder, Paul; Dubois, David; Römheld, Volker.
Although organic fertilisers always contain micronutrients, we have to pay attention to the question of whether continuous fertilisation will lead to lower contents in plants or lower availability in the long run. We investigated topsoil samples from long-term trials with farmyard manure and mineral fertili-sation and with different organic and conventional farming systems. Input of micronutrients via or-ganic fertilisers was obviously more significant in the case of poor sandy soil than in that of loamy soil with high total contents and higher mineralising potential.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mikronährstoffversorgung in einem Langzeitversuch mit Stallmist- und mineralischer Düngung; pflanzenbauliche Konsequenzen für den Ökologischen Landbau Organic Eprints
Fischer, Meike; Raupp, Joachim; Oltmanns, Meike; Römheld, Volker.
Mikronährstoffe haben wesentliche Funktionen im pflanzlichen Stoffwechsel und sind vor allem für die Toleranz gegenüber abiotischen und biotischen Stressfaktoren von Bedeutung. Als Hinweis auf die Mikronährstoffversorgung im ökologischen Landbau wurden Boden- und Pflanzenproben des Langzeit-Düngungsversuches Darmstadt untersucht (Beginn: 1980; Sand-Braunerde, 9,5°C und 590 mm Jahresdurchschnitt, Varianten: Rottemistdüngung mit und ohne Anwendung der biol.-dyn. Präparate und Mineraldüngung in jeweils drei Stufen). Es wurden die Gesamtgehalte an Mn, Zn, Cu, und Fe des Bodens, die pflanzenverfügbaren Mengen sowie die Konzentrationen dieser Nährstoffe in Kartoffelblättern untersucht. Die organisch gedüngten Parzellen enthalten größere Mengen (5,8 mg Zn kg-1...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg - Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies ArchiMer
Bischoff, Addi; Alexander, Conel M. O'D; Barrat, Jean-alix; Burkhardt, Christoph; Busemann, Henner; Degering, Detlev; Di Rocco, Tommaso; Fischer, Meike; Fockenberg, Thomas; Foustoukos, Dionysis, I; Gattacceca, Jerome; Godinho, Jose R. A.; Harries, Dennis; Heinlein, Dieter; Hellmann, Jan L.; Hertkorn, Norbert; Holm, Anja; Jull, A. J. Timothy; Kerraouch, Imene; King, Ashley J.; Kleine, Thorsten; Koll, Dominik; Lachner, Johannes; Ludwig, Thomas; Merchel, Silke; Mertens, Cornelia A. K.; Morino, Precillia; Neumann, Wladimir; Pack, Andreas; Patzek, Markus; Pavetich, Stefan; Reitze, Maximilian P.; Rufenacht, Miriam; Rugel, Georg; Schmidt, Charlotte; Schmitt-kopplin, Philippe; Schonbachler, Maria; Trieloff, Mario; Wallner, Anton; Wimmer, Karl; Woelfer, Elias.
On September 12, 2019 at 12:49:48 (UT) a bolide was observed by hundreds of eye-witnesses from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and the UK. One day later a small meteorite stone was found by accident in Flensburg. The presence of short-lived cosmogenic radionuclides with half-lives as short as 16 days proves the recent exposure of the found object to cosmic rays in space linking it clearly to the bolide event. An exceptionally short exposure time of similar to 5000 years was determined. The 24.5 g stone has a fresh black fusion crust, a low density of <2 g/cm(3), and a magnetic susceptibility of log chi = 4.35 (chi in 10(-9) m(3)/kg). The rock consists of relict chondrules and clusters of sulfide and magnetite grains set in a fine-grained...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: C1 chondrite; Carbonaceous chondrite; Aqueous alteration; Carbonates; Early solar system; Oldest carbonates in solar system; Unique chondrite; Ungrouped C chondrite.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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