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Economic analysis of landholder water management under Cap & Pipe the Bores program: case studies in the NSW Great Artesian Basin AgEcon
Hill, Christine M.; Flavel, Noel J.; Eigeland, Neil.
The NSW Cap & Pipe the Bores Program is a jointly funded Commonwealth and State initiative that operates within the Australian Government’s Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (GABSI) framework. The third five-year period of GABSI was due to commence on 1st July 2009. This economic study of changes in landholder water management under the Cap & Pipe the Bores program was undertaken to inform the development of GABSI phase 3 policy in NSW. The study consisted of a small number of case studies of farming enterprises across the Great Artesian Basin Groundwater Management Zones of Surat South, Surat East, Surat West, Warrego and Central in NSW. The apparent landholder economic feasibility of the program was dependent on individual farm...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Economic impacts of NSW water sharing plan rules on irrigated agriculture: a case study of Coopers Creek AgEcon
Flavel, Noel J.; Bari, Maksudul; Singh, Inder Pal.
A water sharing plan is a legal document prepared under the Water Management Act 2000 (WMA) in New South Wales (NSW). It establishes the rules for sharing water between the environment and entitlement holders, with the goal of simultaneously protecting water dependant ecosystems and providing certainty for water users. In NSW 49 water sharing plans have commenced to date and another 40 plans are due to be commenced within next two years covering all surface and groundwater systems. The WMA requires that due consideration be given to the socio-economic impacts of the water sharing rules during preparation and mid-term reviews of the plans. This paper presents the framework used to undertake socio-economic assessment of the impacts of water sharing rules and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Monitoring Economic and Social Changes within NSW Water Sharing Plan Areas: A Participatory Approach AgEcon
Bari, Maksudul; Singh, Inderpal; Flavel, Noel J..
This paper presents a participatory approach being used to monitor the changes in economic and social indicators within the Water Sharing Plan areas in NSW. The approach entails close cooperation and input from the stakeholders comprising engagement and scoping; profiling, literature review and media scanning; indicators selection; data collection; and analysis and reporting over time. The monitoring data on the key economic and social indicators will be used for review of the Water Sharing Plans as well as further refinement and development of water policies in NSW. This framework provides the basis for developing similar monitoring programs.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Monitoring; Irrigation Industry; Water Sharing Plans; Economic and Social Indicators; Methodology; Participatory Approach; Land Economics/Use; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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NSW Great Artesian Basin water market assessment pre and post auction AgEcon
Schalk, Tara; Hill, Christine M.; Flavel, Noel J..
The NSW Cap & Pipe the Bores Program is a jointly funded Commonwealth and State initiative that operates within the Australian Government's Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative framework. Under the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Great Artesian Basin Groundwater Sources 2008, 70 per cent of the water savings made since 1999 shall be retained in the aquifers of the Basin to improve pressures and provide for groundwater dependent ecosystems. The remaining 30 per cent of the water savings may be released to extractive users over the term of the Water Sharing Plan to facilitate the continued economic and social welfare of regional western NSW. As the first step in this water release, part of the water savings from the Cap & Pipe the Bores...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water auction; Economics; Great Artesian Basin; Groundwater; Cap & Pipe the Bores; Water Sharing Plan.; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Water Trading within NSW Irrigation Industry: An Empirical Evaluation of Scale, Reasons and Attitudes AgEcon
Singh, Inderpal; Bari, Maksudul; Flavel, Noel J..
The paper discusses the level of water trading within the NSW Irrigation Industry along with water prices, reasons, attitudes and knowledge of both permanent and temporary water trading. It is based on the results of a survey of 1,115 irrigators representing over 10% of the total irrigators' population within NSW Water Sharing Plans that commenced during 2004 and various secondary data sources covering water trading. Temporary water trading in Murray and Lower Murray Darling and Lachlan catchments has expanded since the commencement of the Water Sharing Plans in NSW. Nearly 7% and 40% of the irrigators surveyed participated in the permanent and temporary water markets respectively. Fifty six percent of the irrigators believed that temporary trading was...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water; Market; Irrigation Industry; Social and Economic Reasons; Scale of Trading; Water Sharing Plans and Attitudes; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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