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SST Indexes in the Tropical South Atlantic for Forecasting Rainy Seasons in Northeast Brazil ArchiMer
Hounsou-gbo, Gbekpo Aubains; Servain, Jacques; Araujo, Moacyr; Caniaux, Guy; Bourles, Bernard; Fontenele, Diogenes; Martins, Eduardo Savio P. R..
May-to-July and February-to-April represent peak rainy seasons in two sub-regions of Northeast Brazil (NEB): Eastern NEB and Northern NEB respectively. In this paper, we identify key oceanic indexes in the tropical South Atlantic for driving these two rainy seasons. In Eastern NEB, the May-to-July rainfall anomalies present a positive relationship with the previous boreal winter sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the southeast tropical Atlantic (20 degrees-10 degrees S; 10 degrees W-5 degrees E). This positive relationship, which spread westward along the southern branch of the South Equatorial Current, is associated with northwesterly surface wind anomalies. A warmer sea surface temperature in the southwestern Atlantic warm pool increases the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brazilian Northeast; Rainfall; Predictability; Tropical Atlantic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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