Barbier, Pierrick; Meziane, Tarik; Foret, Martin; Tremblay, Rejean; Robert, Rene; Olivier, Frederic. |
Marine habitat function has been typically investigated in terms of biogeochemical regulation but rarely in terms of population renewal, which is mainly controlled by recruitment dynamics. The recruitment phase is crucial for organisms with a bentho-pelagic life cycle, such as bivalves, and it regulates the population renewal success. This study provides new insight on the role of temperate benthic habitats on bivalve recruitment, as a function of nursery areas. Six dominant benthic habitats of the Chausey archipelago (Normandy, France) were studied. In each habitat, bivalve recruit assemblages were described at the end of two reproductive seasons. Furthermore, Ostrea edulis juveniles were immerged on each habitat during two months to compare growth... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Benthic habitats; Bivalve recruitment; Nursery function; Ostrea edulis; Fatty acids. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00367/47863/47845.pdf |
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Foret, Martin; Barbier, Pierrick; Tremblay, Rejean; Meziane, Tarik; Neumeier, Urs; Duvieilbourg, Eric; Olivier, Frederic. |
Post-settlement dispersal is a key process in the recruitment of bivalves. To assess the role of such secondary migrations and to identify potential associated triggers, we conducted an in situ sampling survey during the summer recruitment period on the bivalve assemblages of a coarse-sediment temperate tidal habitat in the Chausey archipelago (Normandy, France). The dynamics of drifters were studied using three types of settler traps (for example, bedload, pelagic, and sinking transports), and we monitored both the abiotic (hydrological and hydrodynamic conditions) and the trophic (nano- and pico-sized particulate organic matter [POM]; fatty acid composition of POM and sediment organic matter [SOM]) environmental parameters. Such an approach allows the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Behavior; Bivalve recruits; Post-settlement dispersal; Secondary migrations; Trophic environment. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00475/58662/62406.pdf |
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