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Eco-epidemiological study on sandflies and environmental aspects related to the transmission of leishmaniasis in a municipality of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2015-2016 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Gomes,L.B.; Dias,E.S.; Silva,S.C.P.F.; Carvalho,P.C.F.B.; Santos,A.G.R.C.; .Michalsky,E; Lara-Silva,F.O.; Souza,A.G.M.; Fortes-Dias,C.L.; Morais,M.H.F.; Nicolino,R.R.; Soares,D.F.M..
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate Leishmania vectors and investigate the environmental and climatic characteristics related to their transmission. This was a prospective eco-epidemiological study involving the systematic collection of sandflies and a canine serological survey in areas of municipality in Brazil. Blood samples from 1,752 dogs were examined to test for canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL). An entomological evaluation was carried out using 24 light traps in the peridomicile and intradomicile areas of 12 households for 12 months. Climate variables were analyzed using a simple Spearman correlation and a spatial analysis via the fuzzy logic method and K function. The prevalence rate of canine VL was 4.1% and 7.1% in the two areas that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leishmania infantum; Visceral Leishmaniasis; Lutzomyia; Sandflies; Public health.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Fingerprinting of cell lines by directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD) BJMBR
Silva,L.M.; Montes de Oca,H.; Diniz,C.R.; Fortes-Dias,C.L..
The development of in vitro propagation of cells has been an extraordinary technical advance for several biological studies. The correct identification of the cell line used, however, is crucial, as a mistaken identity or the presence of another contaminating cell may lead to invalid and/or erroneous conclusions. We report here the application of a DNA fingerprinting procedure (directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA), developed by Heath et al. [Nucleic Acids Research (1993) 21: 5782-5785], to the characterization of cell lines. Genomic DNA of cells in culture was extracted and amplified by PCR in the presence of VNTR core sequences, and the amplicons were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. After image capture with a digital camera, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: DNA fingerprinting; DAMD; Cell line; Cell culture.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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