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Proliferative signaling initiated in ACTH receptors 56
Lotfi,C.F.P.; Lepique,A.P.; Forti,F.L.; Schwindt,T.T.; Eichler,C.B.; Santos,M.O.; Rebustini,I.T.; Hajj,G.N.M.; Juliano,L.; Armelin,H.A..
This article reviews recent results of studies aiming to elucidate modes of integrating signals initiated in ACTH receptors and FGF2 receptors, within the network system of signal transduction found in Y1 adrenocortical cells. These modes of signal integration should be central to the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the G0->G1->S transition in the adrenal cell cycle. FGF2 elicits a strong mitogenic response in G0/G1-arrested Y1 adrenocortical cells, that includes a) rapid and transient activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases-mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK-MAPK) (2 to 10 min), b) transcription activation of c-fos, c-jun and c-myc genes (10 to 30 min), c) induction of c-Fos and c-Myc proteins by 1 h and cyclin D1 protein by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ACTH; FGF2; Signal transduction; MAP kinases; Early response genes.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Where do we aspire to publish? A position paper on scientific communication in biochemistry and molecular biology 56
Baptista,M.S.; Alves,M.J.M.; Arantes,G.M.; Armelin,H.A.; Augusto,O.; Baldini,R.L.; Basseres,D.S.; Bechara,E.J.H.; Bruni-Cardoso,A.; Chaimovich,H.; Colepicolo Neto,P.; Colli,W.; Cuccovia,I.M.; Da-Silva,A.M.; Di Mascio,P.; Farah,S.C.; Ferreira,C.; Forti,F.L.; Giordano,R.J.; Gomes,S.L.; Gueiros Filho,F.J.; Hoch,N.C.; Hotta,C.T.; Labriola,L.; Lameu,C.; Machini,M.T.; Malnic,B.; Marana,S.R.; Medeiros,M.H.G.; Meotti,F.C.; Miyamoto,S.; Oliveira,C.C.; Souza-Pinto,N.C.; Reis,E.M.; Ronsein,G.E.; Salinas,R.K.; Schechtman,D.; Schreier,S.; Setubal,J.C.; Sogayar,M.C.; Souza,G.M.; Terra,W.R.; Truzzi,D.R.; Ulrich,H.; Verjovski-Almeida,S.; Winck,F.V.; Zingales,B.; Kowaltowski,A.J..
The scientific publication landscape is changing quickly, with an enormous increase in options and models. Articles can be published in a complex variety of journals that differ in their presentation format (online-only or in-print), editorial organizations that maintain them (commercial and/or society-based), editorial handling (academic or professional editors), editorial board composition (academic or professional), payment options to cover editorial costs (open access or pay-to-read), indexation, visibility, branding, and other aspects. Additionally, online submissions of non-revised versions of manuscripts prior to seeking publication in a peer-reviewed journal (a practice known as pre-printing) are a growing trend in biological sciences. In this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Scientific journals; Scientific editing; Pre-prints; Open access; Peer review.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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