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Fraser, Rob W..
In this paper a method for evaluating the supply response of individual producers to a price underwriting scheme is presented. The method includes precise formulae to take account of the impact of price underwriting on the producer's uncertain conditions. The Australian Wheat Board's guaranteed minimum price scheme is taken as a specific example of price underwriting in practice. Results show the scheme to lead to only relatively small supply responses. The impact on producer behaviour of an increase in price uncertainty in the presence of an underwriting scheme is also demonstrated in the paper.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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A method for evaluating the extent to which farm subsidies can be de-coupled before profitable arable land is abandoned in the European Union AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This paper evaluates concerns over the "abandonment of production" in the context of the recent CAP reform as it applies to the arable sector. The particular focus of the evaluation is on the extent to which the proposed "single farm payment" can be de-coupled from production and yet avoid the abandonment of land on which production is expected to be profitable. An analytical framework is developed which indicates the most important non-policy factors are the profitability of the land, the variability of yield and the grower's degree of risk aversion. The conclusion of a numerical analysis using this framework is that 85% de-coupling is unlikely to lead to abandonment of land in any arable region of the EU, and that 95% de-coupling is also unlikely to lead...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fraser, Rob W..
The literature shows that the influence of yield uncertainty on production relative to quota is ambiguous in the case of a single market. This paper uses a two-market framework (quota market and secondary market) with multiplicative yield uncertainty to show that if over-quota production in the absence of yield uncertainty is profitable, then the presence of yield uncertainty is unambiguously a further stimulus to over-quota production. The analysis is discussed in the context of recent changes to the marketing arrangements for Western Australian potatoes.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Production Economics.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Adverse Selection in the Environmental Stewardship Scheme: Does the Higher Level Entry Scheme Design Reduce Adverse Selection? AgEcon
Quillerou, Emmanuelle; Fraser, Rob W..
The Environmental Stewardship Scheme provides payments to farmers for the provision of environmental services based on agricultural foregone income. This creates a potential incentive compatibility problem which, combined with an information asymmetry on farm land heterogeneity, could lead to adverse selection of farmers into the scheme. However, the Higher Level Scheme (HLS) design includes some features that potentially reduce adverse selection. This paper studies the adverse selection problem of the HLS using a principal agent framework at the regional level. It is found that, at the regional level, the enrolment of more land from lower payment regions for a given budget constraint has led to a greater overall contracted area (and thus potential...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adverse selection; Agri-environment; Environmental Stewardship; Principal-agent; Contract; Environmental Economics and Policy; D78; D82; H44; Q18; Q58.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Adverse Selection in the Environmental Stewardship Scheme: Evidence in the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme? AgEcon
Quillerou, Emmanuelle; Fraser, Rob W.; Fraser, Iain.
The Environmental Stewardship Scheme provides payments to farmers for the provision of environmental services based on foregone agricultural income. This creates a potential incentive compatibility problem which, combined with an information asymmetry on farm land heterogeneity, could lead to adverse selection of farmers into the Scheme and therefore reduced cost-effectiveness of the Scheme. This reduced cost-effectiveness would be represented by a systematic overpayment of farmers for the land enrolled into the Scheme, compared to the opportunity cost of production. This paper examines the potential adverse selection problem affecting the higher tier of the Environmental Stewardship, the Higher Level Stewardship, using a principal agent framework combined...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adverse selection; Agri-environment; Environmental Stewardship; Principal-agent; Contract; Environmental Economics and Policy; D78; D82; H44; Q18; Q58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Fraser, Rob W.; Salerian, Soynia.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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An analysis of the Western Australian gold royalty AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This article analyzes the modified form of ad valorem royalty recently announced by the WA government in relation to gold production, which features a threshold price below which there is no tax liability and compares this royalty with a profit-based royalty. The level at which the threshold price is set plays an important role in determining the performance of the royalty in relation to its impact on production and the expected level and variability of tax revenue. It is argued that the higher this price is set, the stronger the grounds for preferring a profit-based royalty, eve taking into account the reliability of each form for generating tax revenue.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Fraser, Rob W..
In this paper a method for estimating a producer's willingness-to-pay for crop insurance is presented. The method includes formulae to capture the impact of crop insurance on the producer's expected income and variance of income. These impacts are evaluated in the context of a model of producer welfare which features both price and yield uncertainty, as well as risk aversion on the part of the producer. The method is applied to the Australian wheat industry and estimates of willingness-to-pay are shown to be relatively sensitive to the levels of coverage and yield variability.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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An Economic Risk Assessment of the Impact on Producers of Removing Quarantine Restrictions AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This paper contributes to the understanding of the impact of removing quarantine restrictions on the income risk of domestic producers. It develops a model of this impact on a producer's perception of income risk. Four effects of the introduction of imports on the perceived income risk of domestic producers are identified, as well as a range of factors which influence the magnitude of these effects. A numerical analysis evaluates the role of each of these factors in determining the producer's perception of income risk following the introduction of imports. This evaluation provides a range of conclusions relevant to quarantine policy.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Beyond the Biosecurity Horizon AgEcon
Cook, David C.; Fraser, Rob W.; Wilby, A.; Waage, J.K.; Mumford, John D..
The dynamic process of market globalisation dictates that biological, technological and institutional changes have the capacity to alter the way in which future biosecurity policies are formulated and endorsed. This paper proposes a method of carrying out biosecurity risk profiling for the United Kingdom by comparing agricultural pest incursions under present circumstances with those under future conditions. Changing economic, environmental, social and political climates are set to alter the circumstances of future pest and disease incursions. With this in mind, this paper suggests a means of identifying responsible biosecurity risk management strategies for an uncertain future.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Can Producers Place Valid and Reliable Valuations on Wool Price-Risk Information? AgEcon
Pluske, Johanna M.; Fraser, Rob W..
Using the contingent valuation method farmers in the high rainfall region of Western Australia were asked to value the information that they used to reduce risk associated with wool prices. To ascertain whether these values were both valid and reliable they were combined with additional data collected from the questionnaires and incorporated into profit functions so that farmers' attitudes towards risk could be estimated. These risk attitudes may be deemed reliable and valid providing they correspond to those estimated by other researchers. Results showed that the farmers' risk aversion coefficients were comparable to those estimated in the Australian literature. Therefore it may be argued that these farmers were able to nominate valid and reliable...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Do Royalties: “have a disincentive effect on production"? AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W.; Rygnestad, Hild.
This paper analyses the impact of royalties in the context of a bilateral monopoly bargaining process. It is shown that the bilateral monopoly model is characterised by two distinct forms which are distinguished by the shape of the seller’s marginal cost function, and that the view that royalties have a disincentive effect on production is unfounded for one of these forms. It is argued that the forms of bilateral monopoly can be differentiated by identifying the direction of the observed correlation between movements in traded prices and quantities. This proposal is investigated in the context of the Australian iron ore and coal industries, and it is suggested that, in the case of iron ore, royalties do not have a disincentive effect on production.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Production Economics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Estimating the Social Welfare Effects of New Zealand Apple Imports AgEcon
Cook, David C.; Liu, Shuang; Fraser, Rob W.; Siddique, Abu-Baker; Paini, Dean R..
This paper provides a demonstration of how a comprehensive economic framework, which takes into account both the gains from trade and the costs of invasive species outbreaks, can inform decision-makers when making quarantine decisions. Using the theoretical framework developed in Cook and Fraser (2008) an empirical estimation is made of the economic welfare consequences for Australia of allowing quarantine-restricted trade in New Zealand apples to take place. The results suggest the returns to Australian society from importing New Zealand apples are likely to be negative. The price differential between the landed product with SPS measures in place and the autarkic price is insufficient to outweigh the increase in expected damage resulting from increased...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Grower perceptions of the impact of protein premiums and discounts for wheat AgEcon
Petersen, Elizabeth H.; Fraser, Rob W..
This paper presents results of a survey of Western Australian wheat growers designed to elicit perceptions of the impact of protein premiums and discounts for wheat on income, utility and off-farm risk management. The results indicate that a grower’s perception of the scheme’s impact on expected income and utility depends on that grower’s expected protein level. Additionally, growers do not perceive protein premiums and discounts to have affected the variance of income, or their willingness-to-pay for a forward contract. These latter findings are contrary to previous studies of actual rather than perceived effects. However, the perceptions of growers are understandable given that the scheme’s effect on the variance of income is small relative to its effect...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Protein premiums and discounts; Wheat; Survey; Willingness-to-pay; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Mining Sector AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Financial Economics.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Implications of Recent Australian Wheat Industry Developments for Domestic and Overseas Prices AgEcon
Lobb, Alexandra E.; Fraser, Rob W..
This study is motivated by the proposition that the objectives of the AWB Ltd have changed since semi-privatisation of the Australian Wheat Board under the Wheat Marketing Act, 1989. Conceptualising this change of objectives as a shift from revenue maximization to profit maximization, this study examines the impact of such a change on the pricing policies of a multi-market price-setting firm. More specifically, this paper investigates, using two hypothetical objective functions, a risk averse AWB’s price-setting behaviour in an “overseas” and a “domestic” market in response to recent wheat industry developments. In the analysis these developments manifest themselves as differing price elasticities, differing transport costs and uncertain demand functions,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Privatisation; Australian wheat industry; Pricing policies.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Land Heterogeneity, Agricultural Income Forgone and Environmental Benefit: An Assessment of Incentive Compatibility Problems in Environmental Stewardship Schemes AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This paper examines the issue of incentive-compatibility within environmental stewardship schemes where incentive payments to farmers to provide environmental goods and services are based on foregone agricultural income. The particular focus of the paper is on the role of land heterogeneity, whether in terms of agricultural value or environmental value, in leading to divergences between the actual and the socially optimal level of provision of environmental goods and services. It is shown that such goods and services are systematically over or under-provided depending on the characteristics of land heterogeneity both within and between landscape regions. It is therefore concluded that incentive payments should be based on social willingness-to pay for the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Land Heterogeneity, Agricultural Income Forgone and Environmental Benefit: An Assessment of Incentive Compatibility Problems in Environmental Stewardship Schemes AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This paper examines the issue of incentive-compatibility within environmental stewardship schemes where incentive payments to farmers to provide environmental goods and services are based on foregone agricultural income. The particular focus of the paper is on the role of land heterogeneity, whether in terms of agricultural value or environmental value, in leading to divergences between the actual and the socially optimal level of provision of environmental goods and services. It is shown that such goods and services are systematically over or under-provided depending on the characteristics of land heterogeneity both within and between landscape regions. It is therefore concluded that incentive payments should be based on social willingness-to pay for the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Lease allocation systems, risk aversion and the resource rent tax AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This article examines the case of a risk‐averse mining firm facing a resource rent tax in order both to incorporate the role of the risk‐sharing quality of such a tax and to assess its implications given a government’s lease allocation system. The model develops the conditions required for an investment‐neutral RRT characterised by a threshold rate of return and a rate of tax and suggests that for an auction system of lease allocation, government revenue could be maximised by setting the tax rate below 100 per cent, but that for a discretionary system, it is in the government’s interest to introduce an RRT which is effectively rate‐of‐return regulation.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Moral Hazard, Targeting and Contract Duration in Agri-Environmental Policy AgEcon
Fraser, Rob W..
This paper extends the multi-period agri-environmental contract model of Fraser (2004) so that it contains a more realistic specification of the inter-temporal penalties for non-compliance, and therefore of the inter-temporal moral hazard problem in agri-environmental policy design. On this basis it is shown that a farmer will have an unambiguous preference for cheating early over cheating late in the contract period based on differences in the expected cost of compliance. It is then shown how the principal can make use of this unambiguous preference to target monitoring resources intertemporally, and in so doing, to encourage full contract duration compliance.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Moral Hazard; Contract Duration; Agri-Environmental Policy; Targeting; Agribusiness; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q15; Q18; Q58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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