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Determining ridge and runnel longshore migration rate using Spot imagery ArchiMer
Lafon, V; Dupuis, H; Howa, H; Froidefond, Jm.
High-resolution colour satellite imagery is used to map the morphology and to determine the longshore movements of intertidal ridge and runnel systems that characterise the Atlantic southwest coast of France. A couple of Spot images recorded during the summer of 1989 are processed to extract accurate geographical maps of the coastline defined. in this study, as the level corresponding to the lowest astronomical tide. The coastline extraction method is based on a reflectance model, providing depth measurements that were calibrated in the field. This method enables us to map the coastline regardless of the tide level above the lowest astronomical tide at the moment of the image capture. As this model can be extrapolated to a large area, hen sea water is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Télédétection; Couleur de l’océan; Trait de côte; Déplacement des barres littorales; Côte aquitaine; Remote sensing; Ocean colour; Coastline; Ridge and runnel movement; Aquitaine coast.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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La dispersion des apports de la Gironde sur le plateau continental. Données in situ, satellitales et numériques ArchiMer
Hermida, J; Lazure, Pascal; Froidefond, Jm; Jegou, Anne-marie; Castaing, P.
Coastal waters are generally a product of mixing between continental and oceanic originated water masses. Near river mouth areas, as in the Gironde estuary, oceanic waters are modified by the influence of freshwater discharge that introduces suspended and dissolved substances, including pollutants. Within PNOC (Programme National d'Oceanographie Cotiere) our objective is to determine the extent of the influence of the Gironde estuary on to the Aquitanian continental shelf. Several cruises for collecting hydrological data have been carried out in this area. The data of every cruise were coupled with a NOAA-11 satellite passage. The recorded images have been analysed and were compared with the results given by a 3D mathematical model. The interaction among...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrologie; Circulation; Eau côtière; Estuaire de la Gironde; Hydrology; Circulation; Coastal water; Gironde estuary.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Variabilité du panache turbide de la Gironde par télédétection. Effets des facteurs climatiques ArchiMer
Froidefond, Jm; Jegou, Anne-marie; Hermida, J; Lazure, Pascal; Castaing, P.
The Gironde estuary (France) discharges to the ocean an important amount of suspended particulate matter in the form of turbid plumes. The surface plume is more particularly studied from coastal oceanographic surveys and NOAA/AVHRR satellite data collected during a French programme of coastal oceanography (PNOC-Atlantic). The AVHRR reflectances are atmospherically corrected according to an algorithm based on the clear water concept. The comparison with suspended sediment concentrations are realised by direct and indirect calibrations. The correlations obtained show that at a same concentration the reflectance varies, probably because of varying particle (floc) size and composition. The shape and the surface measured from low resolution (4 km x 4 km) and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Panache turbide; Télédétection; Hydrologie; Climatologie; Gironde; Turbid plume; Remote sensing; Hydrology; Climatology; Gironde.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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