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Calibrating process-based marine ecosystem models: An example case using Atlantis 5
Pethybridge, Heidi; Weijerman, Mariska; Perrymann, Holly; Audzijonyte, Asta; Porobic, Javier; Mcgregor, Vidette; Girardin, Raphael; Bulman, Cathy; Ortega-cisneros, Kelly; Sinerchia, Matteo; Hutton, Trevor; Lozano-montes, Hector; Mori, Mao; Novaglio, Camilla; Fay, Gavin; Gorton, Rebecca; Fulton, Elizabeth.
Calibration of complex, process-based ecosystem models is a timely task with modellers challenged by many parameters, multiple outputs of interest and often a scarcity of empirical data. Incorrect calibration can lead to unrealistic ecological and socio-economic predictions with the modeller’s experience and available knowledge of the modelled system largely determining the success of model calibration. Here we provide an overview of best practices when calibrating an Atlantis marine ecosystem model, a widely adopted framework that includes the parameters and processes comprised in many different ecosystem models. We highlight the importance of understanding the model structure and data sources of the modelled system. We then focus on several model outputs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Best practices; Model diagnostics; Food web; Pedigree; Parameter estimation.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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