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Influence of the degree of hydrolysis and type of enzyme on antioxidant activity of okara protein hydrolysates Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
SBROGGIO,Melissa Ferreira; MONTILHA,Marina Silveira; FIGUEIREDO,Vitória Ribeiro Garcia de; GEORGETTI,Sandra Regina; KUROZAWA,Louise Emy.
Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of okara using an endopeptidase (Alcalase) and exopeptidase (Flavourzyme). The reaction was monitored by the pH-stat procedure in which five aliquots were collected during the hydrolysis by each enzyme, corresponding to different degrees of hydrolysis (DH). The antioxidant activities of the aliquots were evaluated by the ABTS, DPPH and FRAP methods. For the hydrolysates obtained using Alcalase, the antioxidant activities increased from: 68.6 to 99.5% (ABTS), 14.5 to 17.7% (DPPH) and 222.6 to 684.9 µM Trolox (FRAP), when the DH varied from 0 to 33.6%. With respect to Flavourzyme, the results were: 67.2 to 88.2% (ABTS),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soy pulp; Endopeptidase; Exopeptidase; Antioxidant capacity; Bioactive peptides.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Microencapsulation of grape seed oil by spray drying Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
BÖGER,Bruna Raquel; GEORGETTI,Sandra Regina; KUROZAWA,Louise Emy.
Abstract In the search for alternative wall materials to replace gum Arabic (GA), a good but expensive encapsulating agent, this work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of maltodextrin 10DE in combination with GA (GA/MD, 50:50 ratio) for the microencapsulation of grape seed oil by spray drying. The addition of maltodextrin to gum Arabic did not influence the mean particle diameter, powder bulk density, encapsulation efficiency or the total oil retained in the microspheres. Although the oil encapsulated with GA showed greater retention of phenolic compounds after spray drying, the sample encapsulated with GA/MD had greater ferric reduction antioxidant power and DPPH radical scavenging activity, and a lower peroxide index.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Microencapsulation; Grape seed oil; Antioxidant activity; Maltodextrin; Encapsulation efficiency; Lipid oxidation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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