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Analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des populations microalgales côtières observées par le REseau de surveillance du PHYtoplancton et des phycotoxines (REPHY) ArchiMer
Gailhard, Isabelle.
The dynamic of coastal marine microphytoplankton communities is characterized by successions of species assemblages displaying typical schemes of spatio-temporal variability. Numerous studies of phytoplankton spatio-temporal variability have concerned holistic variables such as total biomass or primary production. Such studies deal with the role of primary producers in the global functioning of the pelagic ecosystem, but have little relevance to other problematics. For instance, knowledge of the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities and of their spatio-temporal patterns is necessary to understand the mechanisms favouring of the predominance of a precisely identified population within phytoplankton communities. In particular, the identification...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multivariate statistical analyses; Hydroclimatic factors; Geographical distribution; Temporal Variability; French coasts; Microphytoplankton; Méthodes statistiques multivariées; Facteurs hydroclimatiques; Distribution géographique; Variabilité temporelle; Littoral français; Microphytoplancton.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Analyse des tendances des séries temporelles de la concentration en azote minéral dissous dans les trois principaux estuaires de la façade Manche-Atlantique ArchiMer
Gailhard, Isabelle.
Estuaries are areas which, from their structure, their fonctioning, and their localisation, are subject to significant contribution of nutrients. One of the objectif of the RNO, the French network for coastal water quality monitoring, is to assess the levels and trends of nutrient concentrations in estuaries. A linear model was used in order to describe and to explain the total dissolved nitrogen concentration evolution in the three most important estuaries on the Chanel-Atlantic front (Seine, Loire and Gironde). As a first step, the selection of a reliable data set was performed. Then total dissolved nitrogen evolution schemes in estuary environment were graphically studied, and allowed a resonable choice of covariables. The salinity played a major role...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nutriments; Estuaire; Loire; Seine; Gironde; Schéma de dilution; Modèle linéaire; Tendance; Nutrients; Estuary; Seine; Loire; Gironde; Dilution schema; Linear mode1; Trend.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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'Phytoplankton events' in French coastal waters during 1987–1997 ArchiMer
Beliaeff, Benoit; Gros, Philippe; Belin, Catherine; Raffin, Bernard; Gailhard, Isabelle; Durbec, Jean-pierre.
This study aims to propose a tool to describe the long-term (10 years) variability of phytoplanktonic assemblages monitored by Rephy (French monitoring programme for phytoplankon and phycotoxins) in the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean French coastal waters. According to the sampling strategy (systematic survey, with a time-step of 1 or 2 weeks, and a between-sampling station distance ranging from less than one to several kilometres), the information content of the data is mainly relevant to the characterization of seasonal variability of populations at the mesoscale. For any given area, and for each of the 56 taxinomic units considered here, the data are thus processed in order to recognize the temporal succession of ‘phytoplankton...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Variability patterns of microphytoplankton communities along the French coasts ArchiMer
Gailhard, Isabelle; Gros, Philippe; Durbec, Jp; Beliaeff, Benoit; Belin, Catherine; Nezan, Elisabeth; Lassus, Patrick.
Microalgal populations along French coasts (English Channel, Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean Sea) have been sampled twice a month since 1987 within the context of the French Phytoplankton and Phycotoxin Monitoring Network (REPHY). This study used these data to characterize the large-scale geographical structures of microphytoplankton communities and to determine whether 'homogeneous' geographical areas exist in which microalgal populations display similar temporal variability schemes. Once the temporal variability component shared by all sampled coastal sites was identified, the 'residual' site-specific component was analyzed. Multivariate ordination methods were used to determine seasonal and inter-annual variability. The expected-temporal pattern common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytoplankton; French coast; Geographical structure; Temporal variability; RV coefficient; Multidimensional scaling.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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