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Color image simulation for underwater optics 5
Bottefy, Matthieu; Galland, Frederic; Allais, Anne-gaelle.
Underwater optical image simulation is a valuable tool for oceanic science, especially for the characterization of image processing techniques such as color restoration. In this context simulating images with a correct color rendering is crucial. This paper presents an extension of existing image simulation models to RGB imaging. The influence of the spectral discretization of the model parameters on the color rendering of the simulated images is studied. It is especially shown that, if only RGB data of the scene chosen for simulations are available, a spectral reconstruction step prior to the simulations improves the image color rendering.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Influence of polarization filtering on image registration precision in underwater conditions 5
Boffety, Matthieu; Galland, Frederic; Allais, Anne-gaelle.
Underwater images often suffer from poor visibility due to photon scattering. However, in some cases, optical polarization filtering techniques can decrease the contribution of the scattered light and improve the visual image quality. In this Letter, the influence of these techniques for underwater image registration is analyzed, particularly when backscattered light is the main perturbation induced by the submarine environment. This analysis is performed using the Cramer-Rao bound and relies on a standard image formation model, taking into account various kinds of noises. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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SOFI: a 3D simulator for the generation of underwater optical images 5
Allais, Anne-gaelle; Bouhier, Marie-edith; Edmond, Toussaint; Maciol, Nicolas; Nicolas, Stephane; Boffety, M.; Galland, Frederic; Chami, Malik; Ebert, Kerstin.
We present an original simulator - called SOFI - for the synthetic generation of underwater optical images. The simulator architecture is flexible and relies on flow diagrams in order to allow the integration of various models for image generation which are based on the underwater optical phenomena. The objective is also to ensure real time or quasi real time performance so it takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as GPGPU, and relies on GPU programming under CUDA. Two kinds of models for image generation are presented and should be integrated in SOFI: (1) the OSOA model based on the radiative transfer theory and (2) global image modeling which describes globally how an image is deteriorated under the effects of sea water.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulator; GPU; GPGPU; Underwater; Radiative transfer; Image modeling.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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