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Characterization of genetic coefficients of durum wheat (Triticum turgidumL. ssp. durum)'Llareta-INIA' and 'Corcolén-INIA' Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Garrido,Marco; Román,Luis; Silva,Paola; Castellaro,Giorgio; García de Cortázar,Víctor; Acevedo,Edmundo.
The genetic coefficients, representative of a crop, are necessary to use growth models; in many cases the range of the species is known, but there are no specific values for varieties. Durum wheat (Triticum turgidumL. ssp. durum)'Llareta-INIA' and 'Corcolén-INIA' were sown under irrigation in the experiment station Antumapu of the Universidad de Chile on 29 June 2007, 19 May 2009, and 15 June 2010 in order to determinate four genetic coefficients: developmental thermal time, phyllochron (PHLN), extinction coefficient (k), and radiation use efficiency (RUE), and to evaluate the performance of these coefficients. Thermal times to anthesis and from anthesis to physiological maturity were 652 and 541 °C d, respectively. Two PHLN values were found, 46.6 °C d...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Simulation; Thermal time; Radiation use efficiency; Extinction coefficient.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Prosopis tamarugo Phil.: a native tree from the Atacama Desert groundwater table depth thresholds for conservation RChHN
Calderon,Gabriela; Garrido,Marco; Acevedo,Edmundo.
Prosopis tamarugo Phil. is a legume tree native to the Atacama Desert, Chile. Tamarugo has physiological characteristics that are highly adapted to extreme life conditions in the Pampa del Tamarugal. Null precipitation makes tamarugo completely dependent on groundwater, developing in areas where the groundwater depth is closest to the surface. Groundwater extraction for domestic consumption, mining, and agriculture affects the desert ecosystem by lowering the water table. Measuring and describing the impacts on vegetation through the monitoring of physiological variables along with groundwater depletion in salt flats where extraction wells are located has contributed to a better understanding of tamarugo response to this stress factor. Integrated variables...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Native tree; Adaptation; Ground water exploitation; Ground water depth; Physiological mechanisms; Thresholds for conservation.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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