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Migratory insights from singing humpback whales recorded around central New Zealand ArchiMer
Warren, Victoria E.; Constantine, Rochelle; Noad, Michael; Garrigue, Claire; Garland, Ellen C..
The migration routes of wide-ranging species can be difficult to study, particularly at sea. In the western South Pacific, migratory routes of humpback whales between breeding and feeding areas are unclear. Male humpback whales sing a population-specific song, which can be used to match singers on migration to a breeding population. To investigate migratory routes and breeding area connections, passive acoustic recorders were deployed in the central New Zealand migratory corridor (2016); recorded humpback whale song was compared to song from the closest breeding populations of East Australia and New Caledonia (2015–2017). Singing northbound whales migrated past New Zealand from June to August via the east coast of the South Island and Cook Strait. Few song...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Passive acoustic monitoring; Cultural transmission; Humpback whale; Migration; Vocal learning.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Oxygen and carbon dioxide fluxes at the water-sediment interface of a tropical lagoon ArchiMer
Boucher, Guy; Clavier, Jacques; Garrigue, Claire.
Oxygen demand, carbon dioxide release and total alkalinity shift were calculated from changes in oxygen, pH and total alkalinity produced by bottom dark incubations at the water-sediment interface of the 3 bottom types identified in a southwest lagoon in New Caledonia. Total sediment oxygen demand (AO?) was corrected from nonbioloyical oxygen demand (NBOD) In order to obtain the apparent biological activity (AOlO)T.o tal carbon dioxide flux (AC02)w as corrected from total alkalinity shift in order to estimate organic carbon processes. The resulting mean carbon dioxide flux (ACOzO= 2.58 mm01 m-' h-', SE = 0.12) exceeded biological oxygen demand (AO," = 1.60 mm01 m-' h-', SE = 0.08). The highly significant ratio estimates from functional regression lines of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon flux; Metabolism; Tropical lagoon.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Rapport des campagnes MARACAS 7 & 8 ArchiMer
Garrigue, Claire; Bonneville, Claire; Derville, Solène; Allain, Valérie; Aucan, Jérôme; Bourgogne, Hugo; Bachelier, Celine; Dutheil, Cyril; Grelet, Jacques; Laran, Sophie; Menkes, Christophe; Niksic, Sara; Pallin, Logan; Pérard, Véronique; Portal, Annie; Receveur, Aurore; Renaud, Armelle; Roger, Jean; Varillon, David; Vourey, Elodie.
En 2014 le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Caledonie a cree le parc naturel de la mer de Corail, l'une des plus grandes zones protegees au monde. Afin de renseigner les zones de conservation prioritaires et de faciliter la mise en place de mesures qui puissent efficacement proteger la megafaune marine, il est necessaire d'acquerir des informations sur sa distribution et l'usage des habitats. C'est pourquoi en 2016, l'IRD a lance le programme WHERE1 qui vise a explorer la distribution spatiale et l'habitat des baleines a bosse pour ameliorer leur gestion spatiale dans le parc naturel de la mer de Corail. Les principaux objectifs du programme WHERE consistent a etablir la distribution des baleines a bosse au sein du parc naturel de la mer de Corail, a evaluer la...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Social Structure, Habitat Use and Injuries of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) Reveal Isolated, Coastal, and Threatened Communities in the South Pacific ArchiMer
Bonneville, Claire Daisy; Derville, Solène; Luksenburg, Jolanda A.; Oremus, Marc; Garrigue, Claire.
Understanding population structure and habitat use of poorly known cetacean species is a first step toward scientifically informed management decisions. In the southern range of New Caledonia (South Pacific), a long-term dataset of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) encounters primarily during winter seasons 1997 to 2019 (473 group observations) was used to assess social structure, habitat use and potential threats. A total of 338 individuals were photographically identified, forming three distinct communities in the south-west lagoon, the south lagoon and the Isle of Pines. Mark-recapture histories revealed that the three communities were weakly connected and might be considered as independent management units. Suitable habitats were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Odontocetes; New Caledonia; Social communities; Habitat; Anthropogenic impacts; Scars.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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