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Etude de la fécondité de l’huître creuse dans le bassin d’Arcachon en 2013 en lien avec la qualité de l’eau. Compte-rendu final du programme FeLiBA ArchiMer
Bernard, Ismael; Allain, Gwenhael; Auby, Isabelle; Plus, Martin; Drean, Tugdual; Gasmi, Sonia; David, Valérie; Pouvreau, Stephane; Maurer, Daniele.
De 2009 à 2011, le captage à Arcachon fut particulièrement mauvais. Des pontes tardives associées à de faibles quantités de larves “petites” indiquaient un problème probablement au niveau de la maturation ou de la ponte. Le programme FéLiBA consiste en un zoom, pour l’année 2013, sur la Fécondité des huîtres creuses en Lien avec la qualité de l’eau du Bassin d’Arcachon. Ce programme s’est traduit par différentes actions de terrain. Tout d’abord, la maturation des huîtres issues du captage d’Arcachon ou de Marennes-Oléron a été suivie à Arcachon (site du Tès) et comparée avec celle de la Rade de Brest (pointe du Château) au cours de l’année 2013. Puis, un bilan de la maturation des huîtres sauvages d’Arcachon a été établi fin juin 2013. La ponte a également...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Influence of phytoplankton diversity and community structure on oyster reproduction (Arcachon Bay, France) ArchiMer
Gonzales, Arriagada; Bernard, Ismael; Maurer, Daniele; Auby, Isabelle; Gasmi, Sonia; Pouvreau, Stephane; David, Valerie.
Arcachon Bay is one of the most important spat-supplying area for the French oyster production. During the last 16 years, the local economic activity of spat production has been threatened recurrently by a high interannual variability of seed harvesting. This threatened spat production was attributed to reproductive problems highlighted by both a delay in oyster spawning and a decrease of small larvae abundances since 1995. Recent works showed that these two reproduction indices seem closely related to climate change that might controls the phytoplankton communities of the Bay. Food availability in term of quantity and quality appears thus as a serious track to understand the reproductive problems of oyster in the Arcachon Bay. The aim of this work was...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Spatial patterns in the condition index of the wild Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in a macrotidal coastal ecosystem: Influence of tidal processes and beyond ArchiMer
Gasmi, Sonia; Bernard, Ismael; Pouvreau, Stephane; Maurer, Daniele; Schaal, Gauthier; Ganthy, Florian; Cominassi, Louise; Allain, Gwenhael; Sautour, Benoit; David, Valerie.
In macrotidal coastal ecosystems, spatial heterogeneity of the water column properties is induced by both oceanic and continental influences. Hydrodynamic processes generate a land-sea gradient of environmental conditions, affecting the biological performances of sedentary organisms. The aim of the present study is to establish an extensive spatial assessment in the reproductive investment of the wild Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Arcachon Bay. This is done by looking for a relationship between the Lawrence and Scott condition index (LSCI) and two tidal processes: the immersion level (IL) and the local oceanic flushing time (LoFt). The LSCI of C. gigas was assessed, just before gamete release, at 68 sampling stations in Arcachon Bay. Oyster...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Reproductive investment; Crassostrea gigas; Macrotidal lagoon; Immersion level; Oceanic flushing; Environmental variability.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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