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Detecting mesopelagic organisms using biogeochemical‐Argo floats ArchiMer
Haëntjens, Nils; Della Penna, Alice; Briggs, Nathan; Karp‐boss, Lee; Gaube, Peter; Claustre, Hervé; Boss, Emmanuel.
During the North Atlantic Aerosols and Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) in the western North Atlantic (NAAMES), float‐based profiles of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) and backscattering exhibited distinct spike layers at ~300 m. The locations of the spikes were at depths similar or shallower to where a ship‐based scientific echo sounder identified layers of acoustic backscatter, an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) detected elevated concentration of zooplankton, and mesopelagic fish were sampled by a mesopelagic net tow. The collocation of spike layers in bio‐optical properties with mesopelagic organisms suggests that some can be detected with float‐based bio‐optical sensors. This opens the door to the investigation of such aggregations/layers in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: BGC-Argo; Diel vertical migration; Mesopelagic organism; Scattering layers.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Globally Consistent Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems ArchiMer
Lomnard, Fabien; Boss, Emmanuel; Waite, Anya M.; Vogt, Meike; Uitz, Julia; Stemman, Lars; Sosik, Heidi M.; Schulz, Jan; Romagnan, Jean-baptiste; Picheral, Marc; Pearlman, Jay; Ohman, Mark D; Niehoff, Barbara; Möller, Klas O; Miloslavich, Patricia; Lara-lpez, Ana; Kudela, Raphael; Lopes, Ribens M; Kiko, Rainer; Karp-boss, Lee; Jaffe, Jules S; Iversen, Morten H; Irisson, Jean-olivier; Fennel, Katja; Hauss, Helena; Guidi, Lionel; Gorsky, Gaby; Giering, Sarah L.c.; Gaube, Peter; Gallager, Scott; Dubelaar, George; Cowen, Robert K; Carlotti, François; Briseno-avena, Christian; Berline, Léo; Benoit-bird, Kelly; Bax, Nicholas; Batten, Sonia; Ayata, Sakina Dorothée; Artigas, Luis Felipe; Appeltans, Ward.
In this paper we review the technologies available to make globally quantitative observations of particles in general—and plankton in particular—in the world oceans, and for sizes varying from sub-microns to centimeters. Some of these technologies have been available for years while others have only recently emerged. Use of these technologies is critical to improve understanding of the processes that control abundances, distributions and composition of plankton, provide data necessary to constrain and improve ecosystem and biogeochemical models, and forecast changes in marine ecosystems in light of climate change. In this paper we begin by providing the motivation for plankton observations, quantification and diversity qualification on a global scale. We...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plankton; Imaging; OceanObs; Autonomous platforms; Global observing; EOVs; ECVs.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Mesoscale Eddies Structure Mesopelagic Communities ArchiMer
Della Penna, Alice; Gaube, Peter.
Mesoscale eddies play a key role in structuring open ocean ecosystems, affecting the entire trophic web from primary producers to large pelagic predators including sharks and elephant seals. Recent advances in the tracking of pelagic predators have revealed that these animals forage in the mesopelagic and the depth and duration of their foraging dives are affected by the presence of eddies. The ways in which eddies impact the distribution of mesopelagic micronekton, however, remain largely unknown. During a multi-seasonal experiment we used a shipboard scientific echosounder transmitting at 38 kHz to observe the distribution of acoustic backscattering in the energetic mesoscale eddy field of the northwestern Atlantic. Observations were collected at 24...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NAAMES; North Atlantic Aerosols and Ecosystems Study; Micronekton; Mesoscale; Eddies; Echosounder; Bioacoustics; Intermediate trophic levels.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Overview of (Sub)mesoscale Ocean Dynamics for the NAAMES Field Program ArchiMer
Della Penna, Alice; Gaube, Peter.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mesoscale; Eddies; North Atlantic aerosols and marine ecosystems study; North Atlantic; NAAMES; Altimeter; Satellite oceanography; Lagrangian reanalysis.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Shifts in Phytoplankton Community Structure Across an Anticyclonic Eddy Revealed From High Spectral Resolution Lidar Scattering Measurements ArchiMer
Schulien, Jennifer A.; Della Penna, Alice; Gaube, Peter; Chase, Alison P.; Haëntjens, Nils; Graff, Jason R.; Hair, Johnathan W.; Hostetler, Chris A.; Scarino, Amy Jo; Boss, Emmanuel S.; Karp-boss, Lee; Behrenfeld, Michael J..
Changes in airborne high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) measurements of scattering, depolarization, and attenuation coincided with a shift in phytoplankton community composition across an anticyclonic eddy in the North Atlantic. We normalized the total depolarization ratio (δ) by the particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) to account for the covariance in δ and bbp that has been attributed to multiple scattering. A 15% increase in δ/bbp inside the eddy coincided with decreased phytoplankton biomass and a shift to smaller and more elongated phytoplankton cells. Taxonomic changes (reduced dinoflagellate relative abundance inside the eddy) were also observed. The δ signal is thus potentially most sensitive to changes in phytoplankton shape because...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HSRL; Depolarization; Backscatter; Phytoplankton community composition; Eddy.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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