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A numerical model for the entire Wadden Sea: skill assessment and analysis of hydrodynamics ArchiMer
Graewe, Ulf; Floeser, Goetz; Gerkema, Theo; Duran-matute, Matias; Badewien, Thomas H.; Schulz, Elisabeth; Burchard, Hans.
A baroclinic three-dimensional numerical model for the entire Wadden Sea of the German Bight in the southern North Sea is first assessed by comparison to field data for surface elevation, current velocity, temperature, and salinity at selected stations and then used to calculate fluxes of volume and salt inside the Wadden Sea and the exchange between the Wadden Sea and the adjacent North Sea through the major tidal inlets. The model is simulating the reference years 2009–2011. An overview of tidal prisms and residual volume fluxes of the main inlets and their variability is given. In addition, data from an intensive observational campaign in a tidal channel south of the island of Spiekeroog as well as satellite images and observations of sea surface...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wadden Sea; GETM; Coastal ocean modeling; Tidal straining; Estuarine circulation; Total exchange flow.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Variation that can be expected when using particle tracking models in connectivity studies ArchiMer
Hufnagl, Marc; Payne, Mark; Lacroix, Genevieve; Bolle, Loes J.; Daewele, Ute; Dickey-collas, Mark; Gerkema, Theo; Huret, Martin; Janssen, Frank; Kreus, Markus; Paetsch, Johannes; Pohlmann, Thomas; Ruardij, Piet; Schrum, Corinna; Skogen, Morten D.; Tiessen, Meinard C. H.; Petitgas, Pierre; Van Beek, Jan K. L.; Van Der Veer, Henk W.; Callies, Ulrich.
Hydrodynamic Ocean Circulation Models and Lagrangian particle tracking models are valuable tools e.g. in coastal ecology to identify the connectivity between offshore spawning and coastal nursery areas of commercially important fish, for risk assessment and more for defining or evaluating marine protected areas. Most studies are based on only one model and do not provide levels of uncertainty. Here this uncertainty was addressed by applying a suite of 11 North Sea models to test what variability can be expected concerning connectivity. Different notional test cases were calculated related to three important and well-studied North Sea fish species: herring (Clupea harengus), and the flatfishes sole (Solea solea) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). For sole...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean circulation; Lagrangian approach; Variability; Marine protected areas; Renewable energy; Wind park; Model intercomparison; Ensemble.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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