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Early stages of snapper-grouper exploitation in the Caribbean (Bay Islands, Honduras) ArchiMer
Gobert, Bertrand; Berthou, Patrick; Lopez, E; Lespagnol, Patrick; Turcios, Maria Dolores Oqueli; Macabiau, Christophe; Portillo, Pedro.
In the Caribbean, snappers (Lutjanidae) and groupers (Serranidae) are often heavily exploited by artisanal or industrial fisheries. This paper analyzes the catches of an artisanal fishery selectively targeting these species with a moderate fishing pressure in the Bay Islands (Honduras), and discusses the implications on the understanding of the early stages of development of reef fisheries. Although snappers and groupers are targeted with handlines and spearguns in the whole archipelago, the differences in species diversity and size structure of the catch reveals various exploitation patterns. In most areas, a depletion is observed for the most vulnerable snapper and grouper species, and most other species are mainly exploited in their juvenile phase;...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Top level predators; Selective fishing effort; Caribbean; Artisanal fisheries; Reef fisheries; Groupers; Snappers.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluation méthodologique du recueil de données des pêcheries artisanales martiniquaises ArchiMer
Gobert, Bertrand.
The "assessment of Caribbean fisheries" program, started in 1986 by the Caribbean Centre, included, amongst others, the study of coastal resources in Martinique as well as their exploitation. This study is based on a large amount of data collected on landing ports through a quite intensive survey system whose methodology had to be adapted to the available means and to environmental constraints. This document brings together two other documents presenting and analysing the two methods on which this data collection is based. -Methodological assessment of the indirect activity survey for artisanal fisheries in Martinique (p.1 to 24) - Methodological assessment of the visual estimate of the catches of artisanal fisheries in Martinique (p.25 to 52).
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1989 URL:
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La plage, un univers à découvrir ArchiMer
Donval, Anne; Gobert, Bertrand; Youenou, Gilles; Loarer, Ronan.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Méthodologie de recueil de données de prises et d'efforts des pêcheries côtières en Martinique ArchiMer
Gobert, Bertrand.
This paper deals with a small-scale fisheries sample survey conducted in 1987 in Martinique. In 25 main sites, direct observations were made of numbers of fishing trips and of their characteristics fishing effort, weight and composition of catch, ... In 106 secondary sites, only numbers of trips were indirectly recorded, through informal interviews of fishermen or local inhabitants. The structure of the computer database is described in the appendix (data files, programs). NOT CONTROLLED OCR
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Quelques aspects socio-economiques de la pecherie artisanale beninoise de Pointe-Noire (Congo). ArchiMer
Gobert, Bertrand.
The foreign artisanal fishery of Pointe-Noire (Congo) significantly evolved since its beginning, in the 1950s, by the number of fishermen and canoes, as well as the fishing techniques used and by its socio-economic organization. The fishery for Sardinella by surface gill-nets, its main activity, is based on common ownership and savings, thus allowing partial reinvestment of fishing revenues, the riskier (such as bottom gill-net) being left to individual initiatives. The foreign fishery employs many Congolese fishermen, in a permanent or very occasional way. However no improvement effect seems to have taken place in favor of the local artisanal fishery.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clupeidae; Pisces; Sardinella; Fishery economics; Fishing gear; Artisanal fishing.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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