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Lycopene and ß-carotene protect in vivo iron-induced oxidative stress damage in rat prostate BJMBR
Matos,H.R.; Marques,S.A.; Gomes,O.F.; Silva,A.A.; Heimann,J.C.; Di Mascio,P.; Medeiros,M.H.G..
It has been suggested that iron overload may be carcinogenic. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of plasma and prostate carotenoid concentration on oxidative DNA damage in 12-week-old Wistar rats treated with intraperitoneal (ip) ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) (10 mg Fe/kg). Plasma ß-carotene and lycopene concentrations were measured as a function of time after ip injection of carotenoids (10 mg kg-1 day-1 ß-carotene or lycopene) in rats. The highest total plasma concentration was reached 3 and 6 h after ip injection of lycopene or ß-carotene, respectively. After 5 days of carotenoid treatment, lycopene and ß-carotene were present in the 0.10-0.51 nmol/g wet tissue range in the prostate. Using a sensitive method to detected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopene ß-carotene DNA damage 8-oxo-7; 8-dihydro- 2'-deoxyguanosine Ferric nitrilotriacetate Prostate cancer.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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