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Discovery of Messinian Canyons and new seismic stratigraphic model, Offshore Provence (SE France): implications for the hydrographic network reconstruction ArchiMer
Tassy, A.; Fournier, F.; Munch, P.; Borgomano, J.; Thinon, I.; Fabri, Marie-claire; Rabineau, M.; Arfib, B.; Begot, J.; Beslier, M. -o; Cornee, J. -j.; Fournillon, A.; Gorini, C.; Guennoc, P.; Leonide, P.; Oudet, J.; Paquet, F.; Sage, F.; Toullec, R..
The interpretation of high-resolution 2D marine seismic profiles together with the analysis of sea-bottom cores allowed a stratigraphic and structural framework of the Provence continental shelf to be proposed. The integration of onshore and offshore stratigraphy, structure and geomorphology provided new insights into Messinian paleotopography and paleohydrography. A geological map of the offshore Provence continental shelf, isobath map of the base Plio-Quaternary surface are presented for the first time in this area. The base Plio-Quaternary surface is a polyphased unconformity that is composed of deep canyons developed by fluvial erosion during the Messinian event, and wave-cut surfaces formed during post-Messinian transgressions. The study evidenced a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Western Mediterranean; Provence continental shelf; Base Plio-Quaternary surface; Submarine canyon; Karst; Offshore seismic data; Shallow coring; Geological mapping.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Late Pleistocene-Holocene history of a tectonically active segment of the continental margin (Nekor basin, Western Mediterranean, Morocco) ArchiMer
Lafosse, M.; Gorini, C.; Le Roy, P.; Alonso, B.; D'Acremont, E.; Ercilla, G.; Rabineau, Marina; Vazquez, J. T.; Rabaute, A.; Ammar, A..
In active basins, tectonics can segment the continental shelf and control its stratigraphic architecture and physiography. Segmentation can explain the local evolution and morphology of the continental shelf because of sea-level variations, local tectonic segmentation and hydrodynamic processes. Here we investigate the tectonically active Morocco continental margin (southern Alboran Sea) using high-resolution seismic profiles and multibeam bathymetric data. The active faults bounding the transtensive Nekor basin triggered the segmentation of the shelf into three sectors showing different subsidence rates: a western sector corresponding to an extensive fault relay, a central sector corresponding to the subsiding Al-Hoceima Bay and an eastern sector...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic stratigraphy; Active tectonic; Pleistocene; Continental shelf; Swath bathymetry; Geomorphology; Western Mediterranean.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Neogene evolution and demise of the Amapá carbonate platform, Amazon continental margin, Brazil ArchiMer
Cruz, A.m.; Reis, A.t.; Suc, J.p.; Silva, C.g.; Praeg, D.; Granjeon, D.; Rabineau, Marina; Popescu, S.m.; Gorini, C..
The Amazon continental shelf hosted one of the world's largest mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platforms from the late Paleocene onwards - the Amapá carbonates. The platform architecture, however, remains poorly understood and causes and timing of the cessation of carbonate deposition are still controversial. Here we present a stratigraphic analysis of the Neogene succession of the Amapá carbonates, based on a grid of 2D/3D seismic data correlated to revised micropaleontological data from exploration wells. The results provide improved constraints on the age of the transition from predominantly carbonate to siliciclastic sedimentation, which is shown to have varied through time across three different sectors of the shelf (NW, Central and SE). Four Neogene...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platform; Carbonate architecture; Chonostratigraphic model; Non-eustatic accommodation; Shelf paleogeography.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Origin of step-like and lobate seafloor features along the continental shelf off Rio de Janeiro State, Santos basin-Brazil ArchiMer
Reis, A. T.; Maia, R. M. C.; Silva, C.g.; Rabineau, Marina; Guerra, J.v.; Gorini, C.; Ayres, A.; Arantes-oliveira, R.; Benabdellouahed, M; Simoes, I.; Tardin, R..
A combined analysis of seismic and morphological features identified in a set of high-resolution seismic reflection and bathymetric data, shows a systematic relationship between major modern seafloor morphological traces and the basinward migration of Late Pleistocene coastlines along the continental shelf of the Santos basin (Rio de Janeiro State, SE Brazil). Observed fairly continuous and sinuous mid-outer shelf escarpments are related to the sea-level variations and shelf exposure during the Last Glacial cycle. A bathymetric step at -110 m is an erosional remnant of offlapping detached forced-regressive wedges that spread over 50 km in the shelf-dip direction, probably developed during periods of falling sea level between MIS 3 and 2. A second major...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continental shelf geomorphology; Forced regression; LGM shoreline; Late Pleistocene; Post-LGM transgression; Brazil Current.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Polyphase tectonic evolution of fore‐arc basin related to STEP fault as revealed by seismic reflection data from the Alboran Sea (W‐Mediterranean) ArchiMer
D'Acremont, E.; Lafosse, M.; Rabaute, A.; Teurquety, G.; Do Couto, D.; Ercilla, G.; Juan, C.; Mercier De Lépinay, B.; Lafuerza, Sara; Galindo‐zaldivar, J.; Estrada, F.; Vazquez, J.t.; Leroy, S.; Poort, J.; Ammar, A.; Gorini, C..
Since the Miocene, the thinned continental crust below the Alboran Sea as well as its overlying sedimentary cover have been undergoing deformation caused by both convergence of Eurasia and Africa and by deep processes related to the Tethyan slab retreat. Part of this deformation is recorded at the Xauen and Tofiño banks in the southern Alboran Sea. Using swath bathymetry and multichannel seismic reflection data, we identified different stages and styles of deformation. The South Alboran Basin is made up of Early Miocene to Pliocene sedimentary layers that correlate with the West Alboran Basin depocenter and are dominated by E‐W trending folds and thrusts. The Xauen and Tofiño Banks first recorded the phase of extension and strike‐slip movement during the...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: the Mediterranean GOLD project ArchiMer
Rabineau, Marina; Cloetingh, S.; Kuroda, J.; Aslanian, Daniel; Droxler, A.; Gorini, C.; Garcia-castellanos, D.; Moscariello, A.; Burov, E.; Sierro, F.; Lirer, F.; Roure, F.; Pezard, P. A.; Matenco, L.; Hello, Y.; Mart, Y.; Camerlenghi, A.; Tripati, A..
During the last decade, the interaction of deep processes in the lithosphere and mantle with surface processes (erosion, climate, sea-level, subsidence, glacio-isostatic readjustment) has been the subject of heated discussion. The use of a multidisciplinary approach linking geology, geophysics, geodesy, modelling, and geotechnology has led to the awareness of coupled deep and surface processes. Deep earth dynamics (topography, erosion, tectonics) are strongly connected to natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis; sedimentary mass transfers have important consequences on isostatic movements and on georesources, geothermal energy repartitions. The ability to read and understand the link between deep Earth dynamics and surface processes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep drilling; Geodynamics; Passive margins; Paleoclimate; Messinian erosional and salinity crisis; Deep biosphere; Georesources.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The Messinian Ebro River incision ArchiMer
Pellen, Romain; Aslanian, Daniel; Rabineau, Marina; Suc, J.p.; Gorini, C.; Leroux, Estelle; Blanpied, C.; Silenziario, C.; Popescu, S.m.; Rubino, J.l..
Morphological sills condition sedimentary, water and fauna exchanges between different domains. In particular, sills are crucial factors to consider during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) palaeogeographic evolution (5.97–5.33 Ma) of the NW Mediterranean area. Here we focus on the Ebro River and its up to now unexplained short Messinian onshore length (~100 km) compared to that of the Messinian Rhone River (~480 km) despite similar present-day drainage basins. Thanks to an extensive seismic and borehole dataset, we present a new interpretation of a complete 270 km long Messinian Ebro incised-valley system course underneath the present-day continental margin and bathyal basin and its related distal detrital deposits. These results favour a syn-MSC or...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NW Mediterranean Sea; Segmentation; Knickpoint; Ebro fluvial system; Messinian Salinity Crisis; Incised-valley system.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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