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Cruise MoMARDREAM-Naut and other MoMAR experiments at Rainbow and Lucky Strike in Summer 2007 ArchiMer
Gaill, Françoise; Ballu, V.; Cannat, M.; Crawford, W.; Dyment, J.; Escartin, J.; Fouquet, Yves; Goslin, J.; Reverdin, G.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Tarits, P.; Andreani, M.; Bonnivard, E.; Bucas, Karenn; Burgaud, G.; Cambon-bonavita, Marie-anne; Cueff, Valerie; Durand, C.; Gros, O.; Hamel, G.; Henriques, M.; Hois, E.; Ildefonse, B.; Konn, Cecile; Le Bris, Nadine; Le Guyader, H.; Ravaux, J.; Shilito, B.; Toullec, J.y.; Zbinden, M..
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Ano: 2007 URL:
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Geophysical study of the easternmost Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic: Deep structure ArchiMer
Goslin, J.; Sibuet, Jean-claude.
A seismic-refraction study of the sedimentary structure of the South West African continental shelf was carried out between lat 17°S and 24°S using expendable sonobuoys. Striking differences exist both in the topography and sedimentary structure between the shelf north and south of the Walvis Ridge. South of the ridge, as far as lat 23°S, the shelf consists of a prograded series, whereas north of the ridge, at least as far as lat 17°S, east-trending canyons cut the shelf sedimentary cover. The steep northem scarp of Walvis Ridge can be traced eastward under the sediment of the continental margin. The southern flank of the ridge is buried under a thicker sedimentary cover and could only be traced eastward to long. 10°E on seismic-reflection records. This...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Geophysical study of the easternmost walvis ridge, south atlantic : morphololy and shallow structure ArchiMer
Goslin, J.; Mascle, Jean; Sibuet, Jean-claude; Hosking, H..
The landward termination of Walvis Ridge consists of two east-trending basement ridges of probable basaltic composition enclosing a relatively important sedimentary basin. East of long. 10° E., the southern ridge disappears under the sediments of the continental margin. The trends of the basement ridges are in good agreement with the inferred direction of initial opening. Since its formation, the Walvis Ridge has probably dammed sediment coming from the south. The proposed identification of layer A, a very strong horizon over which the reflectors are nearly undisturbed, may indicate that no major tectonic phase has affected this area since the shift of the pole of opening for the south Atlantic in Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary time. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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