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Sheep enterprises—what are the differences? AgEcon
Graham, Phil; White, A..
Difficult seasonal conditions during the last six years have placed many farms under significant financial pressure. Producers have been looking for enterprise changes which will quickly improve their profits. New breeds have increased the options available, but there is rarely any local production data for them. Information in the media has done little more than create confusion about the true differences between sheep enterprises. Modelling allows this complex question to be looked at in a logical fashion and combines production and financial factors in the comparison. GrassGro® was used at two locations in southern NSW, Yass and Cowra, for the period 1960 to 2007. The results indicated that no enterprise performed consistently better based on profit per...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Sheep enterprises; Modelling; GrassGro®; Profitability; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The impact of superphosphate and surface-applied lime on the profitability and sustainability of wool production on the tablelands of NSW AgEcon
Khairo, Salahadin A.; Norton, Mark R.; Garden, P.; Graham, Phil; Langford, Colin; Armstrong, P.; Brassil, T..
Soil acidification is one of the major forms of soil degradation in higher rainfall areas of the tablelands of NSW. A grazing experiment was conducted near Sutton, NSW, to assess the effect of various rates of superphosphate, lime, sewage ash and stocking rates on wool production and sustainability between 1999 and 2008. The results from the discounted cash flow analysis show that the net present value of the treatment without lime, the lower rate of superphosphate and the lowest stocking rate returned the highest net present value of $266.30/ha. Raising the application of superphosphate from 125kg/ha every two to three years to 250kg/ha every year on un-limed and limed soil reduced the net present value by $278.70/ha and $249.30/ha, respectively. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Economic; Acid soil; Lime; Superphosphate; Sewage ash; Stocking rate; Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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