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A comprehensive hydro-geomorphic study of cliff-top storm deposits on Banneg Island during winter 2013–2014 ArchiMer
Autret, Ronan; Dodet, Guillaume; Fichaut, Bernard; Suanez, Serge; David, Laurence; Leckler, Fabien; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Ammann, Jerome; Grandjean, Philippe; Allemand, Pascal; Filipot, Jean-francois.
Large clastic cliff-top storm deposits (called CTSDs) are one of the most remarkable signatures that characterizes extreme storm wave events on coastal cliffs. Hence, the study of CTSDs is of key importance for understanding and predicting the impacts of extreme storm wave events on rocky coasts or establishing proxies for storm intensity. The present study uses new data including hydrodynamic measurements in both deep and intertidal waters, and records of CTSDs displacement and deposition across Banneg Island during the stormy winter 2013–2014. Two drone-based surveys were carried out in January 2013 (pre-storms) and in April 2014 (post-storms). In addition, complementary field observations were carried out during the winter, providing a comprehensive and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cliff-top storm deposit; Block transport; Extra-tropical cyclone; Run-up; Coastal erosion; Brittany.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Assessing the Accuracy of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Computed by PhotoScan((R)) and MicMac((R)) in Sub-Optimal Survey Conditions ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Passot, Sophie; Le Bivic, Rejanne; Delacourt, Christophe; Grandjean, Philippe; Le Dantec, Nicolas.
For monitoring purposes and in the context of geomorphological research, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) appear to be a promising solution to provide multi-temporal Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and orthophotographs. There are a variety of photogrammetric software tools available for UAV-based data. The objective of this study is to investigate the level of accuracy that can be achieved using two of these software tools: Agisoft PhotoScan((R)) Pro and an open-source alternative, IGN((c)) MicMac((R)), in sub-optimal survey conditions (rugged terrain, with a large variety of morphological features covering a range of roughness sizes, poor GPS reception). A set of UAV images has been taken by a hexacopter drone above the Riviere des Remparts, a river on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Image processing; SfM photogrammetry software; Digital Surface Model; UAV; Orthophoto; Accuracy assessment.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Diachronic UAV Photogrammetry of a Sandy Beach in Brittany (France) for a Long-Term Coastal Observatory ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Delacourt, Christophe; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Allemand, Pascal; Ammann, Jerome; Grandjean, Philippe; Nouaille, Henri; Prunier, Christophe; Cuq, Veronique; Augereau, Emmanuel; Cocquempot, Lucie; Floc'H, France.
In the dual context of coastal hazard intensification and the growing number of stakes exposed to these hazards, coastal observatories are in demand to provide a structured framework dedicated to long-term monitoring. This article describes the drone-based photogrammetry monitoring performed since 2006 on Porsmilin Beach (Brittany, France) in the framework of the DYNALIT (Littoral and Coastline Dynamics) observatory, focusing on data quality and the consistency of long-term time series under the influence of multiple technological evolutions: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) platforms with the arrival of electric multirotor drones, processing tools with the development of structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, and operational modes of survey. A study...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: UAV; SfM photogrammetry; Coastal observatory; Beach monitoring.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Direct Georeferencing of a Pushbroom, Lightweight Hyperspectral System for Mini-UAV Applications ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Ammann, Jerome; Grandjean, Philippe; Constantin, Dragos; Akhtman, Yosef; Barbieux, Kevin; Allemand, Pascal; Delacourt, Christophe; Merminod, Bertrand.
Hyperspectral imagery has proven its potential in many research applications, especially in the field of environmental sciences. Currently, hyperspectral imaging is generally performed by satellite or aircraft platforms, but mini-UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) platforms (<20 kg) are now emerging. On such platforms, payload restrictions are critical, so sensors must be selected according to stringent specifications. This article presents the integration of a light pushbroom hyperspectral sensor onboard a multirotor UAV, which we have called Hyper-DRELIO (Hyperspectral DRone for Environmental and LIttoral Observations). This article depicts the system design: the UAV platform, the imaging module, the navigation module, and the interfacing between the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV); Hyperspectral mapping; Georectification; Hyperspectral cube reconstruction.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Human Health and Ocean Pollution ArchiMer
Landrigan, Philip J.; Stegeman, John J.; Fleming, Lora E.; Allemand, Denis; Anderson, Donald M.; Backer, Lorraine C.; Brucker-davis, Françoise; Chevalier, Nicolas; Corra, Lilian; Czerucka, Dorota; Bottein, Marie-yasmine Dechraoui; Demeneix, Barbara; Depledge, Michael; Deheyn, Dimitri D.; Dorman, Charles J.; Fénichel, Patrick; Fisher, Samantha; Gaill, Françoise; Galgani, Francois; Gaze, William H.; Giuliano, Laura; Grandjean, Philippe; Hahn, Mark E.; Hamdoun, Amro; Hess, Philipp; Judson, Bret; Laborde, Amalia; Mcglade, Jacqueline; Mu, Jenna; Mustapha, Adetoun; Neira, Maria; Noble, Rachel T.; Pedrotti, Maria Luiza; Reddy, Christopher; Rocklöv, Joacim; Scharler, Ursula M.; Shanmugam, Hariharan; Taghian, Gabriella; Van De Water, Jeroen A. J. M.; Vezzulli, Luigi; Weihe, Pál; Zeka, Ariana; Raps, Hervé; Rampal, Patrick.
Background: Pollution – unwanted waste released to air, water, and land by human activity – is the largest environmental cause of disease in the world today. It is responsible for an estimated nine million premature deaths per year, enormous economic losses, erosion of human capital, and degradation of ecosystems. Ocean pollution is an important, but insufficiently recognized and inadequately controlled component of global pollution. It poses serious threats to human health and well-being. The nature and magnitude of these impacts are only beginning to be understood. Goals: (1) Broadly examine the known and potential impacts of ocean pollution on human health. (2) Inform policy makers, government leaders, international organizations, civil society, and the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Potential of UAVs for Monitoring Mudflat Morphodynamics (Application to the Seine Estuary, France) ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Grasso, Florent; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Verney, Romaric; Delacourt, Christophe; Ammann, Jerome; Deloffre, Julien; Grandjean, Philippe.
Intertidal mudflats play a critical role in estuarine exchange, connecting marine and continental supplies of nutrients and sediments. However, their complex morphodynamics, associated with a wide range of physical and biological processes, are still poorly understood and require further field investigation. In addition, mudflats are challenging areas for Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetric surveys. Indeed, the mudflats generally hold back residual tidal water, which can make stereo restitution particularly difficult because of poor correlations or sun-glint effects. This study aims to show the potential of light UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for monitoring sedimentary hydrodynamics at different spatial scales in a silty estuary. For each UAV...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal monitoring; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Photogrammetry; Estuary; Mudflat areas; Morphological features.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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