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Nitrogenous metabolism in Thoroughbred and Arabian foals from birth to five months of age 45
Piccione,G.; Costa,A.; Fazio,F.; Grasso,F.; Caola,G..
The maturation of nitrogen metabolism was studied in six Thoroughbred and six Arabian foals. Rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates and serum concentration of several hematochemical parameters (total protein, urea, uric acid, creatinine, and albumine) were monitored from birth to 5 months of age. In both breeds, all the parameters except albumine showed significant differences over time (P<0.05). The two breeds did not differ from each other at any time point. Statistically significant decreases in urea and creatinine concentrations were related to the growth needs of foals during this critical period of development.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Foal; Nitrogenous metabolism; Physiological parameters; Growth.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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