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Holocene biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the Black Sea based on calcareous nannoplankton ArchiMer
Giunta, Simona; Morigi, Caterina; Negri, Alessandra; Guichard, Francois; Lericolais, Gilles.
In this study, detailed micropaleontological analyses were carried out on 270 samples from eight piston cores collected in the Black Sea. The primary goal was to elucidate the Late Quaternary evolution of the Black Sea, specifically to refine its biostratigraphy and to explore the Holocene paleoenvironmental changes. Three intervals were recognized in all the cores studied, irrespective of whether they were from the basin or the shelf. These intervals are characterized, from old to young, by the spotty occurrence, the presence and the local acme of Emiliania huxleyi respectively. Moreover, the species Braarudosphaera bigelowii is, in contrast to the younger units, absent in the oldest unit. The co-occurrence of the two marine species E. huxleyi and B....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Late Quaternary; Black Sea; Calcareous nannoplankton.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Late Pleistocene to Recent ostracod assemblages from the western Black Sea ArchiMer
Boomer, Ian; Guichard, Francois; Lericolais, Gilles.
During the last glacial phase the Black Sea basin was isolated from the world's oceans due to the lowering of global sea-levels. As sea-levels rose during the latest glacial and early Holocene period, the Black Sea was once again connected to the eastern Mediterranean via the Dardanelles-Marmara-Bosporus seaway. In recent years, trace element and stable isotope analyses of ostracod assemblages have yielded important details regarding the hydrological evolution of the Black Sea during these events. Despite this focus on the geochemical signatures of the ostracods, little if any attention has been paid to the taxonomic composition of the ostracod assemblages themselves and there are notably few publications on the sub-littoral fauna of this important water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ponto-Caspian; Black Sea; Ostracoda; Pleistocene; Holocene.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Low-latitude hydrological cycle and rapid climate changes during the last deglaciation ArchiMer
Levi, Camille; Labeyrie, Laurent; Bassinot, Franck; Guichard, Francois; Cortijo, Elsa; Waelbroeck, Claire; Caillon, Nicolas; Duprat, Josette; De Garidel-thoron, Thibault; Elderfield, Harry.
Sea surface temperature and oxygen isotopic records from two well-dated Indian Ocean cores covering the last deglaciation show the occurrence of two periods of increased salinity along the route of warm surface water transport from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, one between 18 and 14.5 ka and the other during the Younger Dryas. Our results imply that during these periods, salt accumulated in the tropical Atlantic, creating favorable conditions for an abrupt resumption of the thermohaline circulation and abrupt northern hemisphere warming. Furthermore, we suggest that the observed pattern of millennial climate variability during the last glacial and deglaciation resulted from the interaction between the relatively slow rhythm of expansion and decay of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rapid climate changes; Low-latitude hydrological cycle; Last deglaciation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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