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A comprehensive assessment of turbulence at a tidal-stream energy site influenced by wind-generated ocean waves ArchiMer
Thiébaut, Maxime; Filipot, Jean-francois; Maisondieu, Christophe; Damblans, Guillaume; Duarte, Rui; Droniou, Eloi; Chaplain, Nicolas; Guillou, Sylvain.
Velocity measurements collected by an upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler were used to provide the first study of ambient turbulence in Alderney Race. Turbulence metrics were estimated at mid-depth during peak flooding and ebbing tidal conditions. The dissipation rate ε and the integral lengthscale (L) were estimated using two independent methods: the spectral method and the structure function method. The spectral method provided ε and (L) estimates with standard deviations twice lower than that obtained from the structure function method. Removal of wave and Doppler noise-induced bias when estimating the dissipation rate was shown to be a crucial step in turbulence characterization. It allowed for a significant refining in (L) estimates...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Tidal energy; Wave; Doppler noise; ADCP; Alderney Race.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Modélisation des flux sédimentaires charriés dans la baie du Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche, France) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Guillou, Sylvain; Auffret, J; Garlan, T; Nguyen, K.
A study of the sediment bedload in the Mont-Saint-Michel bay is presented here. It combines the use of a 2DH numerical model and a pattern of sediment bedload transport established on the analysis of the statements of sidescan imagery combined with a dense groundwork of sedimentary grab samples. Results show the role of tidal currents asymetry in the realistic bioclastic sand transfert from the subtidal environment to the coast and the divergence of sedimentary dynamic between the maritime bay to the West and the tidal delta to the East. This in-shore transfer is responsable of the Holocene prism construction. The model reproduces tidal sedimentary dynamics with the immediate surroundings of the Mont-Saint-Michel. It shows the interest of the modeling of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mont Saint Michel bay; Sediment; Sidescan; Bedload transport; Hydrodynamic model; Baie du Mont Saint Miche; Sédiment; Sonar latéral; Débit massique; Modèle hydrodynamique.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The merging of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices into large coherent flow structures in a high Reynolds number flow past a wall-mounted square cylinder ArchiMer
Mercier, Philippe; Ikhennicheu, Maria; Guillou, Sylvain; Germain, Gregory; Poizot, Emmanuel; Grondeau, Mikaël; Thiébot, Jérôme; Druault, Philippe.
Flows at tidal-stream energy sites are characterised by high turbulence intensities and by the occurrence of highly energetic large and coherent flow structures. The interaction of the flow with seabed roughness is suspected to play a major role in the generation of such coherent flow structures. The problem is introduced with canonical wall-mounted square obstacles representing abrupt changes of bathymetry, with high Reynolds number flow (Re = 250000). Two methods are used: a numerical model, based on the LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) combined with LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and an experimental set-up in a circulating tank. The numerical model is validated by comparison with experimental data. In the case of a wall-mounted square cylinder, large-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Coherent flow structure; Numerical simulation; Lattice Boltzmann Method; Large Eddy Simulation; Wall-mounted obstacles.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Towards a turbulence characterization in tidal energy sites. First results of THYMOTE project ArchiMer
Guillou, Sylvain; Filipot, Jean-francois; Thiebot, Jérôme; Germain, Gregory; Chaplain, Nicolas; Ikhennicheu, Maria; Duarte, Rui; Gaurier, Benoit; Bourgoin, Adrien; Mercier, Philippe; Ata, Riadh; Laverne, Jérôme; Benhamadouche, Sofiane; Pieterse, Aline; Maisondieu, Christophe; Poizot, Emmanuel; Poirier, Jean-charles; Auvray, Cedric; Droniou, Elois; Arramounet, Valentin; Pinon, Grégory.
Tidal turbine will be installed in area with high current and high turbulence level. A characterisation of this last is required. The aim of the project THYMOTE is to characterize and understand the generation of eddies from smaller to several tens of meters. Three technics are used: Numerical modelling, Physical modelling, field measurements. Physical and numerical modelling show clearly the appearance of the eddies close to the bottom in presence of dunes or rocks and their motion towards the free surface.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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