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Bringing Agriculture into the GATT: Potential Use of an Aggregate Measure of Support 31
Ballenger, Nicole; McClatchy, Don; de Filippis, Fabrizio; Mercier, Stephanie; Dixit, Praveen M.; Miner, William M.; Guyomard, Herve; Roe, Terry L.; Hertel, Thomas W.; Rossmiller, George Edward; Johnson, Martin; Sharples, Jerry A.; Josling, Timothy E.; Tsigas, Marinos E.; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Challenges in Modelling and Evaluating Effects of Agricultural Policy Reforms and Trade Agreements 31
Guyomard, Herve.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Impact of CAP Direct Payments on French Farms’ Managerial Efficiency 31
Latruffe, Laure; Guyomard, Herve; Le Mouel, Chantal.
This paper investigates the relationship between CAP direct payments and managerial efficiency for French crop and beef farms. Managerial efficiency scores are calculated using a four-step approach that allows to disentangle managerial inefficiency from other technical inefficiency components, notably what is due to unfavourable environment conditions. Then managerial efficiency scores are regressed over a set of explanatory variables, including CAP direct payments. Our empirical application, based on individual farm data and meteorological data at the municipality level for the year 2000, shows that there is a substantial component of inefficiency that is due to unfavourable conditions. Moreover, there is a significant negative relationship between...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Technical efficiency; Managerial efficiency; Subsidies; Crop farms; Beef farms; France; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impacts of Agri-Environmental Policies on Land Allocation and Land Prices 31
Guyomard, Herve; Lankoski, Jussi E.; Ollikainen, Markku.
We develop a Ricardian framework with heterogeneous land quality to analyse the effects of agricultural and agri-environmental support policies on land allocation decisions and land prices. Four agri-environmental policy instruments are considered: a uniform area payment, a quality-dependent area payment, a mandatory buffer strip policy and a voluntary buffer strip payment. We also analyse how general tax and monetary policies may affect agricultural land prices. The theoretical framework is illustrated by an empirical model applied to Finnish agriculture. The empirical model shows that macroeconomic factors, such as general tax and monetary policies, may exert a greater impact on land prices than some minor fine-tuning in agrienvironmental policies.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agri-environmental policy; Acreage subsidy; Land price; Q11; Q18; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Impacts of Agri-Environmental Policies on Land Allocation and Prices 31
Guyomard, Herve; Lankoski, Jussi E.; Ollikainen, Markku.
We used Ricardian framework with heterogeneous land quality to analyse how policies used to support farm incomes, reduce negative agri-environmental externalities and enhance the provision of positive externalities influence land allocation decisions and land prices. Four agri-environmental policy instruments are considered: a uniform area payment, a quality-dependent area payment, a mandatory buffer strip policy and a voluntary buffer strip payment. We also analyse how general tax and monetary policies may affect agricultural land prices. The theoretical framework is illustrated by an application to Finnish agriculture.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land allocation; Land rents; Agri-environmental policies; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mapping the Decoupling : Transfer Efficiency of the Single Farm Payment Scheme 31
Courleux, F.; Guyomard, Herve; Piet, Laurent.
This paper focuses on the question of the transfer efficiency of the SFP scheme and represents graphically the results of an analytical framework with the seminal Surplus Transformation Curve initiated by Josling (1974) and developed by Gardner (1983). The special feature of the SFP scheme resides in the paradox that exists between the tradability of the entitlements and the activation constraint that creates a particular link to the land. The main result is that redistributive effects between landowners and farmers depend on the total number of entitlements, so they have to be considered as a lever to increase the transfer efficiency of the scheme.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Single Farm Payment; Transfer efficiency; Surplus transformation curve; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Multifunctionality, Agricultural Trade and WTO Negotiations: A Review of Interactions and Issues 31
Guyomard, Herve; Le Bris, Katell.
The paper considers the set of issues associated with the design and implementation of support, trade and multifunctionality policies in agriculture. It first describes how non-trade concerns were taken into account in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture and how they are currently integrated in the current round of negotiations through the opposition between multifunctionality proponents versus opponents. It briefly describes the main non-trade concerns that can be associated with agricultural production (food security, viability of rural areas, environment and natural resource protection) and concludes that a unambiguous resolution to the problems of identifying, measuring and valuing the externalities and/or the public goods associated with...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Multilateral Agricultural Negotiations and Multifunctionality: Some Research Issues 31
Guyomard, Herve; Le Bris, Katell.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Producer Behaviour Under Strict Rationing and Quai-Fixed Factors 31
Guyomard, Herve; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal.
The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full representation of the modified supply-demand system after rationing, including shadow prices for the constrained netputs, is derived from the unrestricted profit function before rationing, and vice-versa. Attention is focused on cross-price effects which have been less explored than own-price effects which obey to the Le Chatelier principle. The theoretical framework is applied to the EC agricultural sector in order to analyse the effects of output and input rationing on the production structure of the EC agricultural sector, with emphasis on the impact of the milk quota constraint on unrestricted output supplies and input demands.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Production Economics.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Gohin, Alexandre; Guyomard, Herve; Le Mouel, Chantal.
In relation to the growing debate around multifunctionality, this paper attempts to classify alternative measures of agricultural income support according to their ability in achieving three policy objectives (supporting agricultural income, promoting positive externalities and reducing negative ones) as well as to their induced trade distortion effects. Four income support programs are considered: a production-linked payment program, a land-based payment program and two decoupled payment programs. Their effectiveness as regards to the three policy objectives and their relatives induce trade distortion effects are examined on an equal cost/support basis through a conceptual framework that allows for free entry in the sector and the land price to adjust...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Prospects for EU Biofuel Production and Trade 31
Bamiére, Laure; Bureau, Jean-Christophe; Guinde, Loic; Guyomard, Herve; Jacquet, Florence; Treguer, David.
The paper provides background information regarding the EU policy on biofuels. The purpose is to assess whether this policy may lead to an increased use of European agricultural products to provide energy, or whether it is more likely that the EU will shift towards imports of biofuels. The paper first describes the EU support policy for energy crops, i.e. tax exemption for biofuels and mandatory incorporation taxes in some member states, the impact on demand and supply of biofuels. It then focuses on the prospects for the production and utilization of biofuels in the EU. The paper addresses the three related issues of energy efficiency, environmental benefits and cost competitiveness of EU biofuels and presents simulations regarding the competition between...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Desquilbet, Marion; Guyomard, Herve.
We use a partial equilibrium two-country model, with two vertically related markets, with perfect competition in the primary good sector and with a fixed number of processing firms in each country, characterized by a Cournot behavior upstream and downstream. In the first stage of the game, the government of the exporting country chooses the level of price instruments on both goods. The targeting principle is used to characterize optimal intervention in presence of a minimum revenue constraint towards primary producers. Keywords: vertically related markets, imperfect
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Vertically related markets; Imperfect competition; Industrial Organization; International Relations/Trade; F1; H2; L1; Q1.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Recent developments and prospects for the production of biofuels in the EU: Can they really be "Part of Solution"? 31
Jacquet, Florence; Bamiére, Laure; Bureau, Jean-Christophe; Guinde, Loic; Guyomard, Herve; Treguer, David.
The European Union has launched an ambitious policy aiming at increasing the use of biofuels in land transport “with a view to contributing to objectives such as meeting climate change commitments, environmentally friendly security of supply and promoting renewable energy sources”. Another motivation, at least for some member states, is that the development of biofuels is expected to provide larger outlets for domestic farm products and new employment opportunities in rural areas and make future adjustments of the Common agricultural policy easier. The EU policy of support to energy crops, tax exemption for biofuels and mandatory incorporation targets in some member states, has resulted in a significant increase in the demand and supply of biofuels. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Scenarios for Modelling Trade Policy Effects on the Multifunctionality of European Agriculture 31
Dwyer, Janet; Baldock, David; Guyomard, Herve; Wilkin, Jerzy; Klepacka-Kołodziejska, Dorota.
The ENARPRI partners agreed in February 2004 to prepare a precise specification for the scenarios that partners would attempt to model in their own national contexts, to examine the impacts of trade-related changes upon the multifunctionality of EU agriculture. This paper outlines a suite of five scenarios covering anticipated domestic (EU) policy under different possible outcomes from the Doha round, broadly based upon the status quo (with mid-term review), full decoupling of domestic support and full decoupling plus reductions in (decoupled) domestic support, with variants in relation to export subsidies and the scale of pillar 2 measures. In all cases it is recognised that national or sub-national models will require an additional level of national or...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Guyomard, Herve; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal; Roe, Terry L.; Tarditi, Secondo.
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support instruments for the former price based instruments, mainly in the cash crop sector. Our first point is that the domestic political balance was unable to generate such a large change in policy design, in spite of inefficiencies and inbalances. The pressure of the US has been a major factor in the design of the reform. We argue that trade interests have been crucial to catalyze international collective action in order to countervail domestic pressure groups. The pursuit of an agreement in the GATT is therefore a means to place a cap on the CAP and foster some reform and control over sectors such as sugar and dairy in other countries. We do not foresee the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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The New Banana Import Regime in the European Union: A Quantitative Assessment 31
Guyomard, Herve; Le Mouel, Chantal.
The new banana import regime in the EU is a two-step process towards a tariff-only system that should enter into force no later than 1 January 2006. During the transitional period, 2001-2005, bananas will continue to be imported into the EU under a tariff-rate quota system. This paper provides an empirical evaluation of the new EU banana import policy. It focuses on the structure of EU imports from preferred and non-preferred suppliers in the transitional period, and it evaluates the tariff equivalent that should be applied in 2006 on EU imports from non-preferred suppliers. The most vulnerable African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, mainly the Caribbean states, would suffer from the new regulation unless they were to receive direct aid to make...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Banana; European Union; Tariff; Tariff-rate quota; World Trade Organization; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Tariff-Only Import Regime for Bananas in the European Union: Is Setting the Tariff at Right Level an Impossible Mission? 31
Guyomard, Herve; Le Mouel, Chantal; Levert, Fabrice; Lombana, Jahir.
The European Union is bound by World Trade Organisation agreements to move to a tariff-only import system for bananas by no later than 1 January 2006. From that date, imports from non-ACP countries will be subject to a single tariff while ACP country bananas will continue to enter the EU market duty free. This regime will replace the highly contested tariff-rate quota policy in place since 1993. This paper shows that setting the tariff at a level that maintain the status quo is an impossible mission given uncertainties on quota rent estimates and quota rent distribution.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bananas; European Union; Tariff-rate quota; Tariff; ACP countries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Tariff-only Import Regime for Bananas in the European Union: Setting the Tariff at Right Level is Impossible Mission 31
Guyomard, Herve; Le Mouel, Chantal; Levert, Fabrice.
On 29 November 2005, the European Union (EU) unilaterally introduced a tariff of €176 per tonne to apply from 1 January 2006 to bananas imported from countries enjoying the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status. The new EU trade policy includes a duty-free annual import quota of 775,000 tonnes for bananas originating from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states. This regime replaces the very complex and highly contested tariff-rate quota policy in place in the EU between 1993 and 2005. However, the banana international trade war very likely has not come to an end. Several Latin American countries have announced their intention to challenge the new EU trade policy by initiating a new WTO complaint. In this paper, we first propose an analysis of the two WTO...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tariff-rate quota; Tariff; Bananas; European Union; World Trade Organisation; Most Favoured Nation; African; Caribbean and Pacific countries; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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