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Agulhas salt-leakage oscillations during abrupt climate changes of the Late Pleistocene ArchiMer
Marino, Gianluca; Zahn, Rainer; Ziegler, Martin; Purcell, Conor; Knorr, Gregor; Hall, Ian R.; Ziveri, Patrizia; Elderfield, Henry.
An ensemble of new, high-resolution records of surface ocean hydrography from the Indian-Atlantic oceanic gateway, south of Africa, demonstrates recurrent and high-amplitude salinity oscillations in the Agulhas Leakage area during the penultimate glacial-interglacial cycle. A series of millennial-scale salinification events, indicating strengthened salt leakage into the South Atlantic, appear to correlate with abrupt changes in the North Atlantic climate and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). This interhemispheric coupling, which plausibly involved changes in the Hadley Cell and midlatitude westerlies that impacted the interocean transport at the tip of Africa, suggests that the Agulhas Leakage acted as a source of negative buoyancy for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas Leakage; Abrupt climate change; Millennial-scale variability; AMOC; Bipolar seesaw; Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Centennial-scale evolution of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in the northeast Atlantic Ocean between 39.5 and 56.5 ka BP ArchiMer
Dickson, Alexander J.; Austin, William E. N.; Hall, Ian R.; Maslin, Mark A.; Kucera, Michal.
1] There is much uncertainty surrounding the mechanisms that forced the abrupt climate fluctuations found in many palaeoclimate records during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)-3. One of the processes thought to be involved in these events is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation ( MOC), which exhibited large changes in its dominant mode throughout the last glacial period. Giant piston core MD95- 2006 from the northeast Atlantic Ocean records a suite of palaeoceanographic proxies related to the activity of both surface and deep water masses through a period of MIS- 3 when abrupt climate fluctuations were extremely pronounced. A two- stage progression of surface water warming during interstadial warm events is proposed, with initial warming related to...
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Ano: 2008 URL:
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Centennial-scale variability of the British Ice Sheet: Implications for climate forcing and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last deglaciation ArchiMer
Knutz, Paul C.; Zahn, Rainer; Hall, Ian R..
Evidence from paleoclimatic archives suggests that Earth's climate experienced rapid temperature changes associated with pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry during the last glacial period. Explanations for these climate excursions have converged on nonlinear interactions between ice sheets and the ocean's thermohaline circulation, but the driving mechanism remains to be identified. Here we use multidecadal marine records of faunal, oxygen isotope, and sediment proxies from the northeast Atlantic proximal to the western margins of the last glacial British Ice Sheet (BIS) to document the coupling between ice sheet dynamics, ocean circulation, and insolation changes. The core data reveal successions of short-lived (80-100 years), high-amplitude ice-rafted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ice sheet variability; Rapid climate change; North Atlantic overturning circulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Contrasting multiproxy reconstructions of surface ocean hydrography in the Agulhas Corridor and implications for the Agulhas Leakage during the last 345,000 years ArchiMer
Martinez-mendez, Gema; Zahn, Rainer; Hall, Ian R.; Peeters, Frank J. C.; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Cacho, Isabel; Negre, Cesar.
Planktonic delta(18)O and Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperature (SST) records from the Agulhas Corridor off South Africa display a progressive increase of SST during glacial periods of the last three climatic cycles. The SST increases of up to 4 degrees C coincide with increased abundance of subtropical planktonic foraminiferal marker species which indicates a progressive warming due to an increased influence of subtropical waters at the core sites. Mg/Ca-derived SST maximizes during glacial maxima and glacial Terminations to values about 2.5 degrees C above full-interglacial SST. The paired planktonic delta(18)O and Mg/Ca-derived SST records yield glacial seawater delta(18)O anomalies of up to 0.8%, indicating measurably higher surface salinities during...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Deep water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 170 ka ArchiMer
Molyneux, Elizabeth G.; Hall, Ian R.; Zahn, Rainer; Diz, Paula.
Sortable silt mean grain sizes together with oxygen and carbon isotopic data produced on the benthic foraminiferal species Fontbotia wuellerstorfi are used to construct high-resolution records of near-bottom flow vigour and deep water ventilation at a core site MD02-2589 located at 2660 m water depth on the southern Agulhas Plateau. The results suggest that during glacial periods ( marine oxygen isotope stages 2 and 6, MIS 2 and MIS 6, respectively), there was a persistent contribution of a well-ventilated water mass within the Atlantic to Indian oceanic gateway with a delta(13)C signature similar to present-day Northern Component Water (NCW), e. g., North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The records of chemical ventilation and near-bottom flow vigor reflect...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic isotopes; Sortable silt mean grain size; North Atlantic Deep Water.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Dynamics of North Atlantic Deep Water masses during the Holocene ArchiMer
Hoogakker, Babette A. A.; Chapman, Mark R.; Mccave, I. Nick; Hillaire-marcel, Claude; Ellison, Christopher R. W.; Hall, Ian R.; Telford, Richard J..
High resolution flow speed reconstructions of two core sites located on Gardar Drift in the northeast Atlantic Basin and Orphan Knoll in the northwest Atlantic Basin reveal a long-term decrease in flow speed of Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW) after 6,500 years. Benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes of sites currently bathed in NEADW show a 0.2 parts per thousand depletion after 6,500 years, shortly after the start of the development of a carbon isotope gradient between NEADW and Norwegian Sea Deep Water. We consider these changes in near-bottom flow vigor and benthic foraminiferal isotope records to mark a significant reorganization of the Holocene deep ocean circulation, and attribute the changes to a weakening of NEADW flow during the mid to late...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Eastern South African hydroclimate over the past 270,000 years ArchiMer
Simon, Margit H.; Ziegler, Martin; Bosmans, Joyce; Barker, Stephen; Reason, Chris J. C.; Hall, Ian R..
Processes that control the hydrological balance in eastern South Africa on orbital to millennial timescales remain poorly understood because proxy records documenting its variability at high resolution are scarce. In this work, we present a detailed 270,000 year-long record of terrestrial climate variability in the KwaZulu-Natal province based on elemental ratios of Fe/K from the southwest Indian Ocean, derived from X-ray fluorescence core scanning. Eastern South African climate variability on these time scales reflects both the long-term effect of regional insolation changes driven by orbital precession and the effects associated with high-latitude abrupt climate forcing over the past two glacial-interglacial cycles, including millennial-scale events not...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Evidence of silicic acid leakage to the tropical Atlantic via Antarctic Intermediate Water during Marine Isotope Stage 4 ArchiMer
Griffiths, James D.; Barker, Stephen; Hendry, Katharine R.; Thornalley, David J. R.; Van De Flierdt, Tina; Hall, Ian R.; Anderson, Robert F..
Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) are the main conduits for the supply of dissolved silicon (silicic acid) from the deep Southern Ocean (SO) to the low-latitude surface ocean and therefore have an important control on low-latitude diatom productivity. Enhanced supply of silicic acid by AAIW (and SAMW) during glacial periods may have enabled tropical diatoms to outcompete carbonate-producing phytoplankton, decreasing the relative export of inorganic to organic carbon to the deep ocean and lowering atmospheric pCO(2). This mechanism is known as the silicic acid leakage hypothesis (SALH). Here we present records of neodymium and silicon isotopes from the western tropical Atlantic that provide the first direct evidence of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Silica leakage; Diatom; Carbon dioxide; SAMW; AAIW.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Glacial reduction and millennial-scale variations in Drake Passage throughflow ArchiMer
Lamy, Frank; Arz, Helge W.; Kilianc, Rolf; Lange, Carina B.; Lembke-jene, Lester; Wengler, Marc; Kaiser, Jerome; Baeza-urrea, Oscar; Hall, Ian R.; Harada, Naomi; Tiedemann, Ralf.
The Drake Passage (DP) is the major geographic constriction for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and exerts a strong control on the exchange of physical, chemical, and biological properties between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean basins. Resolving changes in the flow of circumpolar water masses through this gateway is, therefore, crucial for advancing our understanding of the Southern Ocean's role in global ocean and climate variability. Here, we reconstruct changes in DP throughflow dynamics over the past 65,000 y based on grain size and geochemical properties of sediment records from the southernmost continental margin of South America. Combined with published sediment records from the Scotia Sea, we argue for a considerable total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoceanography; Drake Passage; Antarctic Circumpolar Current; Glacial-interglacial changes; Sedimentology.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Multicentennial Agulhas leakage variability and links to North Atlantic climate during the past 80,000 years ArchiMer
Dyez, Kelsey A.; Zahn, Rainer; Hall, Ian R..
New high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) estimates are presented from the Agulhas Bank slope in the Atlantic sector of the Agulhas Corridor using planktic foraminiferal (Globigerinoides ruber) O-18 and Mg/Ca-derived SST. By focusing on the last 80,000years, this is the first fine-scale Agulhas leakage record that overlaps in time with much of the Greenland ice core record of abrupt climate changes in the North Atlantic region. The multicentennial profiles indicate instances of warm SST and/or increased SSS coincident with Northern Hemisphere cool periods, followed by Northern Hemisphere warming. These periods of enhanced SST and SSS in the Agulhas Corridor occur at the last glacial termination (T1) and during North...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas leakage; SST.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Paleoceanography of the southern Agulhas Plateau during the last 150 ka: Inferences from benthic foraminiferal assemblages and multispecies epifaunal carbon isotopes ArchiMer
Diz, Paula; Hall, Ian R.; Zahn, Rainer; Molyneux, Elizabeth G..
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the carbon isotope composition of the epifaunal benthic foraminifera Epistominella exigua and Fontbotia wuellerstorfi have been investigated along core MD02-2589 located at the southern Agulhas Plateau ( 41 degrees 26.03'S, 25 degrees 15.30'E, 2660 m water depth). This study aims to evaluate changes in the benthic paleoenvironment and its influence on benthic delta(13)C with a notable focus on E. exigua, a species associated with phytodetritus deposits and poorly studied in isotope paleoceanographic reconstructions. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages (> 63 mu m) show large fluctuations in species composition suggesting significant changes in the pattern of ocean surface productivity conceivably related to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas Plateau; Benthic foraminifera; Epistominella exigua; Last glacial-interglacial cycle; Productivity; Stable isotopes.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Surface changes in the eastern Labrador Sea around the onset of the Little Ice Age ArchiMer
Moffa-sanchez, Paola; Hall, Ian R.; Barker, Stephen; Thornalley, David J. R.; Yashayaev, Igor.
Despite the relative climate stability of the present interglacial, it has been punctuated by several centennial-scale climatic oscillations; the latest of which are often colloquially referred to as the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). The most favored explanation for the cause of these anomalies is that they were triggered by variability in solar irradiance and/or volcanic activity and amplified by ocean-atmosphere-sea ice feedbacks. As such, changes in the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) are widely believed to have been involved in the amplification of such climatic oscillations. The Labrador Sea is a key area of deep water formation. The waters produced here contribute approximately one...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planktonic foraminifera; δ 18O; Mg; Ca; Surface Labrador Sea; Last millennium.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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