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Holocene formation and evolution of coastal dunes ridges, Brittany (France) ArchiMer
Van Vliet-lanoe, Brigitte; Goslin, Jerome; Henaff, Alain; Hallegouet, Bernard; Delacourt, Christophe; Le Cornec, Erwan; Meurisse-fort, Murielle.
Holocene coastal dune formation under a continuously rising sea level (SL) is an abnormal response to increasing storm frequency. The aim of this work is to understand the coastal sedimentary budget and the present-day sand starvation, controlled by climate and man. Dating in Brittany shows that Aeolian deposition initiated from ca. 4000 cal BP, with the slowing down of the SL rise. Pre-historical dunes appeared here from ca. 3000 cal BP, without SL regression. After, further building phases recycled the same stock of sands. Historical dunes I developed from ca. 350 AD. Major storms between 900 and 1200 AD resulted in the construction of washover coastal ridges, the Historical dunes II. A part of the sand was evacuated offshore. From ca. 1350 AD, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dunes; Holocene; Climate; Sand starvation; Anthropic perturbation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Middle Pleistocene seismically induced clay diapirism in an intraplate zone, western Brittany, France ArchiMer
Van Vliet-lanoe, Brigitte; Authemayou, Christine; Molliex, Stephane; Field, Michael Hugh; Frechen, Manfred; Le Roy, Pascal; Perrot, Julie; Andrieu-ponel, Valerie; Gregoire, Gwendoline; Hallegouet, Bernard.
The Brittany region of France is located in a low seismicity intraplate zone. Most of the instrumented earthquakes are limited to a shallow crustal depth without surface rupture. A paleoseismological analysis was performed on deposits on the Crozon Peninsula and in the Elorn estuary. We highlight hydroplastic deformations induced by liquefaction leading to clay diapirism, which were likely triggered by past earthquakes. This diapirism seems to be frequent in continental nonconsolidated sediments and to develop on the inherited tectonic structures, when a shallow water table and confining layers exist. Timing of deformation is dated using paleoenvironmental data, and electron spin resonance and infrared-stimulated luminescence dating methods. Two seismic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clay diapirism; Liquefaction; Earthquake; Saprolite; Brittany; Variscan structures; Paleoseismology; Intraplate; Middle Pleistocene.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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