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Cartographie des habitats physiques Eunis - Côtes de France. Convention Ifremer/AAMP n° 09/12177764/FY ArchiMer
Hamdi, Anouar; Vasquez, Mickael; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cartographie prédictive du champ de laminaires du plateau Molène sur la base des données physiques et biologiques ArchiMer
Bajjouk, Touria; Rochette, Sebastien; Ehrhold, Axel; Cordier, Celine; Laurans, Martial; Tourolle, Julie; Hamdi, Anouar; Tourolle, Julie; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier; Vasquez, Mickael; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estimation of the diffuse attenuation coefficient K-dPAR using MERIS and application to seabed habitat mapping ArchiMer
Saulquin, Bertrand; Hamdi, Anouar; Gohin, Francis; Populus, Jacques; Mangin, Antoine; D'Andon, Odile Fanton.
The availability of light in the water column and at the seabed determines the euphotic zone and constrains the type and the vertical distribution of algae species. Light attenuation is traditionally quantified as the diffuse attenuation coefficient of the downwelling spectral irradiance atwavelength 490 nm(Kd490) or the photosynthetically available radiation (KdPAR). Satellite observations provide global coverage of these parameters at high spatial and temporal resolution and several empirical and semi-analytical models are commonly used to derive Kd490 and KdPAR maps from ocean colour satellite sensors. Most of these existing empirical or semi-analytical models have been calibrated in open ocean waters and performwell in these regions, but tend to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean color; Light attenuation; Photosynthetic available radiation; Euphotic depth; Seabed mapping.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Forêts de laminaires à Molène : approches multi-échelles des fonds rocheux de l’archipel ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Bajjouk, Touria; Cordier, Celine; Le Nilliot, Philippe; Hamdi, Anouar; Drussel, Benjamin; Guerin, Charline; Le Gall, Bernard; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Laminaires; Systèmes acoustiques; Lidar; Géomorphologie; MNT.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Marine landscape maps: methodology and potential use ArchiMer
Hamdi, Anouar; Populus, Jacques; Piel, Steven.
The Marine Landscape is a concept that originated in Canada (Roff and Taylor 2000) and was recently implemented in UK and Europe in the respective frames of the UKSeaMap (Connor 2006) and Mesh projects. It aims to describe the marine environment with respect to its main geophysical features, in terms of both the seabed and water column. Marine landscape maps are not a surrogate for genuine habitat maps which are produced by incorporating biological data from samples to the physical map. They provide a more global vision of our coastal and shelf environment in terms of their main physiographic traits and hence act as a support for national/regional policy and spatial planning. While initially applied on a more global scale (resolution of one nautical mile),...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Modelling Seabed Physical Habitat ArchiMer
Vasquez, Mickael; Hamdi, Anouar; Populus, Jacques.
Within the marine environment, the EUNIS classification system attempts to define key environmental drivers that describe natural benthic habitats. The hierarchical nature of the system is initially broad, but becomes increasingly complex at finer biological scales such as communities and species. This project addressed the higher EUNIS levels. Each of the contributing physical parameters were split into categories using threshold values defined with the help of benthic ecologists familiar with the relative influence of such factors on seabed biology. Climatologies were confronted to in situ samples and observations to derive most reliable values. Historic data sets were collated, stitched and harmonised into mosaics which comprehensively covered the area...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Towards prediction of seabed habitats ArchiMer
Populus, Jacques; Hamdi, Anouar; Golding, Neil; Van Lancker, Vera; De Oliveira, Eric.
Marine seabed habitats are highly influenced by the geophysical variables they feature. These are firstly seabed type, topography and exposure, but in the more inshore areas also include water transparency, salinity, temperature etc. Some relations have been established in a top-down approach between adequate combinations of these variables and the higher levels of the Eunis (European Nature Information System) habitat classification which is currently being used to harmonise seabed habitat mapping throughout Europe. These levels have been referred to as "Marine landscapes", as they are aggregations of a number of lower Eunis habitats from levels 4 to 6. More elaborate variables that are thought to have a bearing on habitat types can be computed from the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2006 URL:
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