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Increased aridity in southwestern Africa during the warmest periods of the last interglacial ArchiMer
Urrego, D. H.; Sanchez Goni, M. F.; Daniau, A. -l.; Lechevrel, S.; Hanquiez, V..
Terrestrial and marine climatic tracers from marine core MD96-2098 were used to reconstruct glacial-interglacial climate variability in southwestern Africa between 194 and 24 thousand years before present. The pollen record documented three pronounced expansions of Namakaroo and fine-leaved savanna during the last interglacial ( Marine Isotopic Stage 5 -MIS 5). These Nama-karoo and fine-leaved savanna expansions were linked to increased aridity during the three warmest substadials of MIS 5. Enhanced aridity potentially resulted from a combination of reduced Benguela Upwelling, expanded subtropical high-pressure cells, and reduced austral-summer precipitation due to a northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Decreased austral-winter...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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