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Feed management practices to reduce manure phosphorus excretion in dairy cattle NWISRL
Kebreab, Ermias; Hansen V, Anja; Leytem, A.B..
Phosphorus (P) is an essential mineral that needs to be supplied in sufficient quantities for maintenance and growth and milk production in dairy cattle. However, over 60% of the P consumed can be excreted in faeces with a potential to cause environmental pollution. Concern over higher levels of P in intensively managed livestock systems has led to legislation such as the Water Framework Directive in the European Union. In this manuscript, several methods of reducing P pollution are discussed. A major source of environmental P pollution has been overfeeding P mainly due to addition of ‘safety margin’ over the animal’s requirement and concerns related to fertility. Matching the animal’s requirement and feeding in groups so that animals at the same...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Animal; Manure; Phosphorous.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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