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Anaerobic digestion as a tool to eliminate animal parasites and weed seeds Organic Eprints
Johansen, Anders; Hansen, Christian M.; Andreasen, Christian; Carlsgart, Josefine; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Roepstorff, Allan.
Anaerobic digestion of residual materials from animals and crops offers an opportunity to simultaneously produce bioenergy and plant fertilizers at single farms and in farm communities where input substrate materials and resulting digested residues are shared among member farms. A surplus benefit from this praxis may be the suppressing of propagules from harmful biological pest like animal parasites, pathogens, and weed seeds. In the BIOCONCENS project ( batch experiments were performed, where survival of six species of weeds and the pigs large roundworm Ascaris suum (non-embryonated eggs) was assessed under conditions similar to biogas plants managed at meso- (37°C) and thermophilic (50°C)...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Biogasproduktionens effekter på parasitter, ukrudtsfrø og jordens mikroorganismer Organic Eprints
Johansen, Anders; Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Andreasen, Christian; Hansen, Christian M.; Carlsgart, Josefine; Roepstorff, Allan.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Nutrient turnover; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Restmaterialer fra bio-energiproduktion - kan de tilbageføres til marken? Organic Eprints
Johansen, Anders; Hansen, Christian M.; Carter, Mette S..
Efluents from biogas production may be recycled to soil as plant nutrition. However, the proportion of plant-available nitrogen is high and may cause loss due to leaching or gaseous emissions. Hence, such waste stream materials must be applied with care to ensure maximum plant uptake to minimize loss. Spread of weed seeds via application of biogas effluents is only a problem when the digestion is performed at mesophilic conditions and when the seeds are staying less than a week in the plant. At thermophilic conditions, seeds from a range of weed plant were unable to germinate efter just a few days.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Farm nutrient management; Weed management; Soil quality; Health and welfare; Composting and manuring; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Survival of animal parasites and weed seeds as affected by anaerobic digestion at meso- and termophilic conditions Organic Eprints
Johansen, Anders; Carlsgart, Josefine; Hansen, Christian M.; Roepstorff, Allan; Andreasen, Christian; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø.
Anaerobic digestion of residual materials from animals and crops offers an opportunity to simultaneously produce bioenergy and plant fertilizers at single farms and in farm communities where input substrate materials and resulting digested residues are shared among member farms. A surplus benefit from this praxis may be the suppressing of propagules from harmful biological pest like animal parasites, pathogens, and weed seeds. In the present work batch experiments were performed, where survival of six species of weeds and the pigs large roundworm Ascaris suum (non-embryonated eggs) was assessed under conditions similar to biogas plants managed at meso- (37 °C) and thermophilic (50 °C) conditions. Cattle manure was used as digestion substrate and...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Health and welfare.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Survival of weed seeds and animal parasites as affected by anaerobic digestion at meso- and thermophilic conditions Organic Eprints
Johansen, Anders; Carlsgart, Josefine; Hansen, Christian M.; Roepstorff, Allan; Andreasen, Christian; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø.
Anaerobic digestion of residual materials from animals and crops offers an opportunity to simultaneously produce bioenergy and plant fertilizers at single farms and in farm communities where input substrate materials and resulting digested residues are shared among member farms. A surplus benefit from this praxis may be the suppressing of propagules from harmful biological pests like weeds and animal pathogens (e.g. parasites). In the present work, batch experiments were performed, where survival of seed of seven species of weeds and non-embryonated eggs of the large roundworm of pigs, Ascaris suum, was assessed under conditions similar to biogas plants managed at meso- (37 °C) and thermophilic (55 °C) conditions. Cattle manure was used as digestion...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Health and welfare.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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