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A monograph of Otidea (Pyronemataceae, Pezizomycetes) Naturalis
Olariaga, I.; Vooren, N. van; Carbone, M.; Hansen, K..
The easily recognised genus Otidea is subjected to numerous problems in species identification. A number of old names have undergone various interpretations, materials from different continents have not been compared and misidentifications occur commonly. In this context, Otidea is monographed, based on our multiple gene phylogenies assessing species boundaries and comparative morphological characters (see Hansen & Olariaga 2015). All names combined in or synonymised with Otidea are dealt with. Thirty-three species are treated, with full descriptions and colour illustrations provided for 25 of these. Five new species are described, viz. O. borealis, O. brunneo­parva, O. oregonensis, O. pseudoleporina and O. subformicarum. Otidea cantharella var. minor...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Flavoscypha; ITS; ITS1 minisatellites; LSU; Otideopsis; Resinous exudates.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Molecular systematics of the cotton root rot pathogen, Phymatotrichopsis omnivora Naturalis
Marek, S.M.; Hansen, K.; Romanish, M.; Thorn, R.G..
Cotton root rot is an important soilborne disease of cotton and numerous dicot plants in the south-western United States and Mexico. The causal organism, Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (= Phymatotrichum omnivorum), is known only as an asexual, holoanamorphic (mitosporic) fungus, and produces conidia resembling those of Botrytis. Although the corticoid basidiomycetes Phanerochaete omnivora (Polyporales) and Sistotrema brinkmannii (Cantharellales; both Agaricomycetes) have been suggested as teleomorphs of Phymatotrichopsis omnivora, phylogenetic analyses of nuclear small- and large-subunit ribosomal DNA and subunit 2 of RNA polymerase II from multiple isolates indicate that it is neither a basidiomycete nor closely related to other species of Botrytis...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ozonium; Pezizales; Phylogeny; Phymatotrichum root rot; Pulchromyces fimicola; RDNA; RPB2; Texas.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Species limits and relationships within Otidea inferred from multiple gene phylogenies Naturalis
Hansen, K.; Olariaga, I..
The genus Otidea is one of the more conspicuous members of the Pyronemataceae, with high species diversity in hemiboreal and boreal forests. The genus is morphologically coherent and in previous higher-level multi-gene analyses it formed a highly supported monophyletic group. Species delimitation within Otidea is controversial and much confusion has prevailed in the naming of taxa. To provide a phylogenetic hypothesis of Otidea, elucidate species diversity and limits we compiled a four-gene dataset including the nuclear LSU rDNA and three nuclear protein-coding genes (RPB1, RPB2 and EF-1α) for 89 specimens (total 4 877 nucleotides). These were selected from a larger sample of material studied using morphology and 146 ITS (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and 168 LSU rDNA...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Distribution; Ectomycorrhizal associations; Gene conflict; Genealogical concordance; Mapping morphological features; Pezizomycetes; Pyronemataceae; Species recognition.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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State of the Climate in 2017 ArchiMer
Arndt, D. S.; Blunden, J.; Hartfield, G.; Ackerman, Steven A.; Adler, Robert; Alfaro, Eric J.; Allan, Richard P.; Allan, Rob; Alves, Lincoln M.; Amador, Jorge A.; Andreassen, L. M.; Argueez, Anthony; Arndt, Derek S.; Azorin-molina, Cesar; Baez, Julian; Bardin, M. U.; Barichivich, Jonathan; Baringer, Molly O.; Barreira, Sandra; Baxter, Stephen; Beck, H. E.; Becker, Andreas; Bedka, Kristopher M.; Bell, Gerald D.; Belmont, M.; Benedetti, Angela; Berrisford, Paul; Berry, David I.; Bhatt, U. S.; Bissolli, Peter; Bjerke, J.; Blake, Eric S.; Bosilovich, Michael G.; Boucher, Olivier; Box, J. E.; Boyer, Tim; Braathen, Geir O.; Bromwich, David H.; Brown, R.; Buehler, S.; Bulygina, Olga N.; Burgess, D.; Calderon, Blanca; Camargo, Suzana J.; Campbell, Jayaka D.; Cappelen, J.; Carrea, Laura; Carter, Brendan R.; Chambers, Don P.; Cheng, Ming-dean; Christiansen, Hanne H.; Christy, John R.; Chung, E. -s.; Clem, Kyle R.; Coelho, Caio A. S.; Coldewey-egbers, Melanie; Colwell, Steve; Cooper, Owen R.; Copland, L.; Crouch, Jake; Davis, Sean M.; De Eyto, Elvira; De Jeu, Richard A. M.; De Laat, Jos; Degasperi, Curtis L.; Degenstein, Doug; Demircan, M.; Derksen, C.; Di Girolamo, Larry; Diamond, Howard J.; Dlugokencky, Ed J.; Dohan, Kathleen; Dokulil, Martin T.; Dolman, A. Johannes; Domingues, Catia M.; Donat, Markus G.; Dong, Shenfu; Dorigo, Wouter A.; Drozdov, D. S.; Dunn, Robert J. H.; Dutton, Geoff S.; Elkharrim, M.; Elkins, James W.; Epstein, H. E.; Espinoza, Jhan C.; Famiglietti, James S.; Farrell, S.; Fausto, R. S.; Feely, Richard A.; Feng, Z.; Fenimore, Chris; Fettweis, X.; Fioletov, Vitali E.; Flemming, Johannes; Fogt, Ryan L.; Folland, Chris; Forbes, B. C.; Foster, Michael J.; Francis, S. D.; Franz, Bryan A.; Frey, Richard A.; Frith, Stacey M.; Froidevaux, Lucien; Ganter, Catherine; Gerland, S.; Gilson, John; Gobron, Nadine; Goldenberg, Stanley B.; Goni, Gustavo; Grooss, J. -u.; Gruber, Alexander; Guard, Charles; Gupta, S. K.; Gutierrez, J. M.; Haas, C.; Hagos, S.; Hahn, Sebastian; Haimberger, Leo; Hall, Brad D.; Halpert, Michael S.; Hamlington, Benjamin D.; Hanna, E.; Hanssen-bauer, I; Harris, Ian; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Heim, Richard R., Jr.; Hendricks, S.; Hernandez, Marieta; Hernandez, Rafael; Hidalgo, Hugo G.; Ho, Shu-peng; Hobbs, William R.; Huang, Boyin; Hurst, Dale F.; Ialongo, I.; Ijampy, J. A.; Inness, Antje; Isaksen, K.; Ishii, Masayoshi; Jevrejeva, Svetlana; Jimenez, C.; Jin Xiangze,; John, Viju; Johns, William E.; Johnsen, B.; Johnson, Bryan; Johnson, Gregory C.; Johnson, Kenneth S.; Jones, Philip D.; Jumaux, Guillaume; Kabidi, Khadija; Kaiser, J. W.; Kato, Seiji; Kazemi, A.; Keller, Linda M.; Kennedy, John; Kerr, Kenneth; Kholodov, A. L.; Khoshkam, Mahbobeh; Killick, Rachel; Kim, Hyungjun; Kim, S. -j.; Klotzbach, Philip J.; Knaff, John A.; Kohler, J.; Korhonen, Johanna; Korshunova, Natalia N.; Kramarova, Natalya; Kratz, D. P.; Kruger, Andries; Kruk, Michael C.; Krumpen, T.; Lakatos, M.; Lakkala, K.; Lander, Mark A.; Landschuetzer, Peter; Landsea, Chris W.; Lankhorst, Matthias; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Leuliette, Eric; L'Heureux, Michelle; Lieser, Jan L.; Lin, I-i; Liu, Hongxing; Liu, Yinghui; Locarnini, Ricardo; Loeb, Norman G.; Long, Craig S.; Lorrey, Andrew M.; Loyola, Diego; Lumpkin, Rick; Luo, Jing-jia; Luojus, K.; Lyman, John M.; Macias-fauria, M.; Malkova, G. V.; Manney, G.; Marchenko, S. S.; Marengo, Jose A.; Marra, John J.; Marszelewski, Wlodzimierz; Martens, B.; Martinez-gueingla, Rodney; Massom, Robert A.; May, Linda; Mayer, Michael; Mazloff, Matthew; Mcbride, Charlotte; Mccabe, M. F.; Mccarthy, M.; Mcvicar, Tim R.; Mears, Carl A.; Meier, W.; Mekonnen, A.; Mengistu Tsidu, G.; Menzel, W. Paul; Merchant, Christopher J.; Meredith, Michael P.; Merrifield, Mark A.; Miralles, Diego G.; Mitchum, Gary T.; Mitro, Srkani; Monselesan, Didier; Montzka, Stephen A.; Mora, Natalie; Morice, Colin; Mote, T.; Mudryk, L.; Muehle, Jens; Mullan, A. Brett; Mueller, R.; Nash, Eric R.; Nerem, R. Steven; Newman, Louise; Newman, Paul A.; Nieto, Juan Jose; Noetzli, Jeannette; O'Neel, S.; Osborn, Tim J.; Overland, J.; Oyunjargal, Lamjav; Park, E-hyung; Pasch, Richard J.; Pascual-ramirez, Reynaldo; Paterson, Andrew M.; Pearce, Petra R.; Pelto, Mauri S.; Perkins-kirkpatrick, Sarah E.; Perovich, D.; Petropavlovskikh, Irina; Pezza, Alexandre B.; Phillips, C.; Phillips, David; Phoenix, G.; Pinty, Bernard; Rajeevan, Madhavan; Rayner, Darren; Raynolds, M. K.; Reagan, James; Reid, Phillip; Reimer, Christoph; Remy, Samuel; Revadekar, Jayashree V.; Richter-menge, J.; Rimmer, Alon; Robinson, David A.; Rodell, Matthew; Romanovsky, Vladimir E.; Ronchail, Josyane; Rosenlof, Karen H.; Roth, Chris; Rusak, James A.; Sallee, Jean-bapiste; Sanchez-lugo, Ahira; Santee, Michelle L.; Sawaengphokhai, P.; Sayouri, Amal; Scambos, Ted A.; Schladow, S. Geoffrey; Schmid, Claudia; Schmid, Martin; Schreck, Carl J., Iii; Schuur, Ted; Selkirk, H. B.; Send, Uwe; Sensoy, Serhat; Sharp, M.; Shi, Lei; Shiklomanov, Nikolai I.; Shimaraeva, Svetlana V.; Siegel, David A.; Signorini, Sergio R.; Sima, Fatou; Simmons, Adrian J.; Smeed, David A.; Smeets, C. J. P. P.; Smith, Adam; Smith, Sharon L.; Soden, B.; Spence, Jaqueline M.; Srivastava, A. K.; Stackhouse, Paul W., Jr.; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Steinbrecht, Wolfgang; Stella, Jose L.; Stephenson, Tannecia S.; Strahan, Susan; Streletskiy, Dimitri A.; Sun-mack, Sunny; Swart, Sebastiaan; Sweet, William; Tamar, Gerard; Taylor, Michael A.; Tedesco, M.; Thoman, R. L.; Thompson, L.; Thompson, Philip R.; Timmermans, M. -l.; Tobin, Skie; Trachte, Katja; Trewin, Blair C.; Trotman, Adrian R.; Tschudi, M.; Van As, D.; Van De Wal, R. S. W.; Van Der Schalie, Robin; Van Der Schrier, Gerard; Van Der Werf, Guido R.; Van Meerbeeck, Cedric J.; Velicogna, I.; Verburg, Piet; Vincent, Lucie A.; Voemel, Holger; Vose, Russell S.; Wagner, Wolfgang; Walker, D. A.; Walsh, J.; Wang, Bin; Wang, Chunzai; Wang, Junhong; Wang, Lei; Wang, M.; Wang, Sheng-hung; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watanabe, Shohei; Weber, Mark; Weller, Robert A.; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A.; Whitewood, Robert; Wiese, David N.; Wijffels, Susan E.; Wilber, Anne C.; Wild, Jeanette D.; Willett, Kate M.; Willis, Josh K.; Wolken, G.; Wong, Takmeng; Wood, E. F.; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Wouters, B.; Xue, Yan; Yin, Xungang; Yu, Lisan; Zambrano, Eduardo; Zhang, Huai-min; Zhang, Peiqun; Zhao, Guanguo; Zhao, Lin; Ziemke, Jerry R.; Abernethy, R.; Albanil, Encarnacion Adelina; Aldeco, Laura S.; Aliaga-nestares, Vannia; Anderson, John; Armitage, C.; Avalos, Grinia; Behe, Carolina; Bellouin, Nicolas; Bernhard, G. H.; Blenkinsop, Stephen; Bolmgren, K.; Bouchon, Marilu; Campbell, Ethan C.; Castro, Anabel; Costanza, Carol; Covey, Curt; Coy, Lawrence; Cronin, T.; Cruzado, Luis; Daniel, Raychelle; Davletshin, S. G.; De La Cour, Jacqueline L.; Deline, P.; Dewitte, Boris; Dhurmea, R.; Dickerson, C.; Domingues, Ricardo; Durre, Imke; Eakin, C. Mark; Farmer, J.; Fauchald, P.; Geiger, Erick F.; Gomez, Andrea M.; Gugliemin, Mario; Hansen, K.; Helfrich, S.; Hemming, D. L.; Heron, Scott F.; Heuze, C.; Horstkotte, T.; Hubert, Daan; Hueuze, Celine; Ibrahim, M. M.; Isaac, Victor; Jacobs, Stephanie J.; Jeffries, Martin O.; Karakoylu, Erdem M.; Khan, M. S.; Ladd, C.; Lavado-casimiro, Waldo; Lee, S. -e; Lee, T. C.; Li, Bailing; Li, Tim; Lopez, Luis A.; Luthcke, S.; Marcellin, Vernie; Marin, Dora; Marsh, Benjamin L.; Martin, A; Martinez, Alejandra G.; Martinez-sanchez, Odalys; Meijers, Andrew J. S.; Miller, Ben; Moat, Ben; Mochizuki, Y.; Mosquera-vasquez, Kobi; Mostafa, Awatif E.; Nielsen-gammon, John W.; Noll, Ben E.; Osborne, Emily; Pastor, Saavedra Maria Asuncion; Paulik, Christoph; Peltier, Alexandre; Pinzon, J.; Po-chedley, S.; Polashenski, C.; Purkey, Sarah G.; Quispe, Nelson; Rakotoarimalala, C.; Richardson, A. D.; Ricker, R; Rodriguez, Camino Ernesto; Rosner, Benjamin; Roth, David Mark; Rutishauser, T.; Sasgen, L.; Sayad, T. A.; Scanlon, T.; Schenzinger, Verena; Silow, Eugene; Skirving, William J.; Sofieva, Viktoria; Sparks, T. H.; Spillane, Sandra; Stanitski, Diane M.; Stengel, M.; Stephenson, Kimberly; Strong, Alan E.; Sutton, Adrienne J.; Takahashi, Kenneth S.; Thackeray, S. J.; Thomson, Lthorsteinsson T.; Timbal, Bertrand; Timofeyev, Maxim A.; Tirak, Kyle, V; Togawa, H.; Tommervik, H.; Tourpali, Kleareti; Trinanes, Joaquin A.; Tucker, C. J.; Tye, Mari R.; Van Der A, Ronald J.; Velden, Christopher S.; Vickers, H.; Webster, M.; Westberry, Toby K.; Widlansky, Matthew J.; Wood, K.; Yoon, Huang; York, A.; Zhu, Zhiwei; Ziel, R.; Ziese, Markus G..
In 2017, the dominant greenhouse gases released into Earth’s atmosphere—carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide— reached new record highs. The annual global average carbon dioxide concentration at Earth’s surface for 2017 was 405.0 ± 0.1 ppm, 2.2 ppm greater than for 2016 and the highest in the modern atmospheric measurement record and in ice core records dating back as far as 800 000 years. The global growth rate of CO2 has nearly quadrupled since the early 1960s. With ENSO-neutral conditions present in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during most of the year and weak La Niña conditions notable at the start and end, the global temperature across land and ocean surfaces ranked as the second or third highest, depending on the dataset,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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