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Effect of feeding fermentable fibrerich feedstuffs on meat quality with emphasis on chemical and sensory boar taint in entire male and female pigs Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Stolzenbach, S.; Jensen, J.A.; Henckel, P.; Hansen-Møller, J.; Syriopoulos, K.; Byrne, D.V..
Skatole, androstenone and other compounds such as indole cause boar taint in entire male pork. However, female pigs also produce skatole and indole. The purpose of this experiment was to minimise boar taint and increase overall impression of sensory quality by feeding entire male and female pigs with fibrerich feedstuffs. The pigs have been fed three organic diets for either 1 or 2 weeks prior to slaughter of which two diets contained different fermentable fibre-rich feedstuffs – 10–13.3% dried chicory roots or 25% blue lupines. These two treatments were compared with pigs fed with an organic control diet for either 1 or 2 weeks prior to slaughter. Lupines significantly reduced skatole in blood and backfat for both genders after 1 week. Moreover, lupines...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Pigs.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of organic pig production systems on performance and meat quality Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Jensen, S.K.; Andersen, H.J..
The present study was carried out to establish knowledge of consequence for setting up guidelines of importance for production of competitive organic pork of high quality. Performance and meat quality characteristics were compared between three organic pig production systems based on indoor housing with access to an outdoor area and a Danish conventional indoor system including 100% concentrate during the finishing feeding stage. The three organic systems used the following three feeding regimes: 100% organic concentrate according to Danish recommendations, 70% organic concentrate (restricted) plus ad libitum organic barley/pea silage and 70% organic concentrate (restricted) plus ad libitum organic clover grass silage, respectively. With exception of a...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effects of chicory roots on finishing performance and CLA and fatty acid composition in longissimus muscle of Friesian steers Organic Eprints
Vestergaard, M.; Andersen, H.R.; Lund, P.; Kristensen, T.; Hansen, L.L.; Sejrsen, K..
Low profitability is believed to be the greatest hindrance profitability is believed to be the greatest hindrance for a more extensive use of dairy breed bull calves in for a more extensive use of dairy breed bull calves in organic beef production systems organic beef production systems Among certain consumers, there is an increasing interest Among certain consumers, there is an increasing interest for organic beef production for organic beef production However, there is a need for reliable information about However, there is a need for reliable information about and documentation for production parameters, methods and documentation for production parameters, methods for rearing and housing, feeding strategies etc. to be able for rearing and housing,...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Feeding with chicory roots reduces the amount of odorous compounds in colon and rectal contents of pigs Organic Eprints
Jensen, M.T.; Hansen, L.L..
Sixteen pigs (eight entire males and eight females) were given individually two diets, control and control added 25% chopped chicory roots for 2 months before slaughter. Samples were taken from the contents in colon and rectum and subjected to GC-MS analysis for amount of odour impact compounds. The compounds 2-pentanone, ethylbutyrate, propylpropionate, butyric acid, ethyl-2-methylbutyrate, p-cresol, indole and skatole showed a significant difference between the two treatments. The esters, which have relatively pleasant, often fruity odours, increased in the chicory treatment, whereas the malodorous compounds, p-cresol, indole and skatole decreased in the chicory treatment. The measured amounts of compounds were corrected for their odour thresholds as...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Feeding with chicory roots reduces the amount of odorous compounds in colon contents of pigs Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Jensen, M.T..
It is known that pure inulin a fructooligosaccharide extracted from chicory roots can: reduce boar taint (skatole in backfat and blood)reduce parasite infection levels when added to specially composed experimental diets. However, the entire chicory roots may, in comparison to inulin: reduce boar taint more effectively improve the taste of cooked meat from both male and female pigs be more effective against parasites when added to normal diet types Improved stable environment due to: the reduced malodour coming from pig stables and manure may possibly lead to environmental benefits for the farmer and the public?
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Influence of chicory roots (Cichorium intybus L) on boar taint in entire male and female pigs Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Mejer, H.; Thamsborg, S.M.; Burne, D.V.; Roepstorff, A.; Karlsson, A.H.; Hansen-Møller, J.; Jensen, M.T.; Tuomola, M..
Boar taint is an off-flavour of pork caused primarily by a microbial breakdown product, skatole and a testicular steroid, androstenone. As skatole is produced in the large intestine from tryptophan, it is possible that some "bioactive" ingredients could modify protein fermentation and, in the process, diminish boar taint. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of inulin-rich chicory roots (Cichorium intybus L.) on boar taint. In the first of three trials individually penned, entire males and females were given an organic concentrate in which 0·25 of the daily energy intake was replaced with crude chicory roots for 9 or 4 weeks prior to slaughter. In the second trial, entire male pigs were given diets that included, either crude chicory roots,...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Influence of chicory roots /Cichorium intybus L) on boar taint in entire male pigs and female pigs Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Jensen, M.T.; Mejer, H.; Roepstorff, A.; Thamsborg, S.M.; Byrne, D.V.; Karlsson, A.H.; Hansen-Møller, J.; Tuomola, M..
It is known that pure inulin a fructooligosaccharide extracted from chicory roots can: – reduce boar taint (skatole in backfat and blood) – reduce parasite infection levels when added to specially composed experimental diets • However, the entire chicory roots may, in comparison to inulin: – reduce boar taint more effectively – improve the taste of cooked meat from both male and female pigs – be more effective against parasites when added to normal diet types – contain secondary metabolites that add to the effect of the inulin – be a cheaper solution
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Kvalitet og integritet i økologiske æg, kyllinge- og svinekødsprodukter (QEMP) Organic Eprints
Kongsted, A.G.; Hermansen, J.E.; Hammershøj, M.; Horsted, K.; Roepstorff, A.; Hansen, L.L.; Steenfeldt, S.; Baggesen, D.L.; Andersen, B.H.; Pedersen, H.L.; Karlsson, A.H.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Allesen-Holm, B.H.; Mølbak, L.; Jensen, T.K.; Jensen, A.N.; Byrne, D.V.; Stolzenbach, S.; Thamsborg, S.M.; Meyer, H..
Gode muligheder for at påvirke kvalitet og øge diversiteten ved at ’skrue på’ race, fodring og slagtealder Fortsat fokus på kvalitet nødvendig (især samspil mellem frilandsproduktion og kvalitet)!
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Farming Systems; Animal husbandry; Food systems; Pigs; Poultry.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Rå eller tørrede cikorierødder i grisefoder har flere gode egenskaber, så som at begrænse parasitter og ornelugt Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L..
Rå eller tørrede cikorierødder i grisefoder har flere gode egenskaber, så som at begrænse parasitter og ornelugt.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Reducing the risk of food borne pathogens (Campylobacter) in pre-slaughter pigs via short-time feeding with prebiotics Organic Eprints
Jensen, A.N.; Hansen, L.L.; Baggesen, D.L..
Reducing the presence of human pathogens like Campylobacter and Salmonella (zoonoses) in their animal hosts is important to enhance food safety of products of animal origin. Campylobacter is considered to be a commensal in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs due to its typically high prevalence. Consequently, it is difficult to control Campylobacter in pigs at farm level by usual hygienic measures, especially in open systems of organic pig production (Jensen et al 2006). However, another potential means to control pathogens is inclusion of non-digestible oligosaccharides (prebiotics) in the diet. For example, prebiotics proofed successful in control of the intestinal disease swine dysentery caused by the spirochaete Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (Molbak et al....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Pigs.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Skatole pattern during the growth period 50 to 100 kg liveweight in entire male pigs of the crossbreed combinations YDxLYD and HxLYD kept in groups of entire male pigs or in groups with dominant female pigs Organic Eprints
Hansen, L.L.; Jensen, J.A.; Hansen-Møller, J.; Hermansen, J..
1. Dominant females do not decrease the skatole and androstenone concentration in entire male pigs being dominated during the growth period from 50-100 kg liveweight (see fig. 1 and 3). 2. The amount of entire male pigs having higher skatole concentrations in blood – corresponding to skatole in backfat > 0.15 µg/g – are surprisingly high at 50 kg and 75 kg liveweight compared to 100 kg (10, 9 and 13 entire male pigs). 3. Furthermore it is not the same pigs having high skatole concentrations during the period from 50 over 75 to 100 kg liveweight. 4. The crossbreed HxLYD had significant higher skatole concentration in backfat at slaughter (100 kg liveweight) compared to the crossbreed YDxLYD (P<0.05)(see fig. 2). However, there was no significant...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Health and welfare; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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