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Benthic and fish aggregation inside an offshore wind farm: Which effects on the trophic web functioning? ArchiMer
Raoux, Aurore; Tecchio, Samuele; Pezy, Jean-philippe; Lassalle, Geraldine; Degraer, Steven; Wilhelmsson, Dan; Cachera, Marie; Ernande, Bruno; Le Guen, Camille; Haraldsson, Matilda; Grangere, Karine; Le Loc'H, Francois; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Niquil, Nathalie.
As part of the energy transition, the French government is planning the construction of three offshore wind farms in Normandy (Bay of Seine and eastern part of the English Channel, north-western France) in the next years. These offshore wind farms will be integrated into an ecosystem already facing multiple anthropogenic disturbances such as maritime transport, fisheries, oyster and mussel farming, and sediment dredging. Currently no integrated, ecosystem-based study on the effects of the construction and exploitation of offshore wind farms exists, where biological approaches generally focused on the conservation of some valuable species or groups of species. Complementary trophic web modelling tools were applied to the Bay of Seine ecosystem (to the 50...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine renewable energies; Reef effect; Wind farm; Ecopath with Ecosim; Ecosystem-based approach.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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How to model social-ecological systems? – A case study on the effects of a future offshore wind farm on the local society and ecosystem, and whether social compensation matters ArchiMer
Haraldsson, Matilda; Raoux, Aurore; Riera, Fabien; Hay, Julien; Dambacher, Jeffrey M.; Niquil, Nathalie.
Models of social-ecological systems (SES) are acknowledged as an important tool to understand human-nature relations. However, many SES models fail to integrate adequate information from both the human and ecological subsystems. With an example model of a future Offshore Wind Farm development and its effects on both the ecosystem and local human population, we illustrate a method facilitating a “balanced” SES model, in terms of including information from both subsystems. We use qualitative mathematical modeling, which allows to quickly analyze the structure and dynamics of a system without including quantitative data, and therefore to compare alternative system structures based on different understandings of how the system works. By including similar...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Network; Renewable energy; Eastern English channel; Perception; Qualitative modeling; Acceptance.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Plankton food-web functioning in anthropogenically impacted coastal waters (SW Mediterranean Sea): an ecological network analysis ArchiMer
Meddeb, Marouan; Grami, Boutheina; Chaalali, Aurelie; Haraldsson, Matilda; Niquil, Nathalie; Pringault, Olivier; Hlaili, Asma Sakka.
The study is the first attempt to (i) model spring food webs in three SW Mediterranean ecosystems which are under different anthropogenic pressures and (ii) to project the consequence of this stress on their function. Linear inverse models were built using the Monte Carlo method coupled with Markov Chains to characterize the food-web status of the Lagoon, the Channel (inshore waters under high eutrophication and chemical contamination) and the Bay of Bizerte (offshore waters under less anthropogenic pressure). Ecological network analysis was used for the description of structural and functional properties of each food web and for inter-ecosystem comparisons. Our results showed that more carbon was produced by phytoplankton in the inshore waters (966–1234...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food-web modelling; Ecological network analysis; Mediterranean coastal waters; Plankton ecology.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Recommandations pour une approche écosystémique des aires d’implantation d’énergies marines renouvelables. Cas d’étude du parc éolien offshore de Courseulles-sur-mer ArchiMer
Araignous, Emma; Beaugrand, Gregory; Ben Rais Lasram, Frida; Bourdaud, Pierre; Champagnat, Juliette; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Grangeré, Karine; Halouani, Ghassen; Haraldsson, Matilda; Hattab, Tarek; Le Loch, Francois; Leroy, Boris; Lejart, Morgane; Niquil, Nathalie; Nogues, Quintin; Pagot, J.-p.; Raoux, Aurore; Safi, Georges; Villanueva, Ching-maria.
Les études d’impact environnemental menées en amont des projets éoliens offshores considèrent chaque compartiment de manière individuelle, et non pas l’écosystème dans son ensemble. La compréhension des liens trophiques et l’appréhension de l’écosystème de manière holistique est pourtant un enjeu important rapporté par les politiques publiques telles que la Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (Directive 2008/56/EC). Le projet collaboratif TROPHIK (ANR-10-IEED-0006-12) pose les bases d’une approche écosystémique des Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR) destinée à permettre une démarche holistique et intégrée avant installation de parcs éoliens en mer. Cette approche s’appuie sur un cas d’étude français, le site du futur parc éolien au large de...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Merits of Loop Analysis for the Qualitative Modeling of Social-Ecological Systems in Presence of Offshore Wind Farms ArchiMer
Niquil, Nathalie; Scotti, Marco; Fofack-garcia, Rhoda; Haraldsson, Matilda; Thermes, Maud; Raoux, Aurore; Le Loc'H, François; Mazé, Camille.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Social-ecosystem modeling; Loop analysis; Adaptive management; Sensitivity analysis; Marine renewable energy.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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