Registros recuperados: 10 | |
Crous, P.W.; Summerell, B.A.; Shivas, R.G.; Burgess, T.I.; Decock, C.A.; Dreyer, L.L.; Granke, L.L.; Guest, D.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Hausbeck, M.K.; Hüberli, D.; Jung, T.; Koukol, O.; Lennox, C.L.; Liew, E.C.Y.; Lombard, L.; McTaggart, A.R.; Pryke, J.S.; Roets, F.; Saude, C.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Stukely, M.J.C.; Vánky, K.; Webster, B.J.; Windstam, S.T.; Groenewald, J.Z.. |
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Phytophthora amnicola from still water, Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi from Castanea sp., Pseudoplagiostoma corymbiae from Corymbia sp., Diaporthe eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus sp., Sporisorium andrewmitchellii from Enneapogon aff. lindleyanus, Myrmecridium banksiae from Banksia, and Pilidiella wangiensis from Eucalyptus sp. Several species are also described from South Africa, namely: Gondwanamyces wingfieldii from Protea caffra, Montagnula aloes from Aloe sp., Diaporthe canthii from Canthium inerne, Phyllosticta ericarum from Erica gracilis, Coleophoma proteae from Protea caffra, Toxicocladosporium strelitziae from Strelitzia reginae, and Devriesia agapanthi from... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532141 |
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Crous, PW.; Shivas, R.G.; Wingfield, M.J.; Summerell, B.A.; Rossman, A.Y.; Alves, J.L.; Adams, G.C.; Barreto, R.W.; Bell, A.; Coutinho, M.L.; Flory, S.L.; Gates, G.; Grice, K.R.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Kleczewski, N.M.; Lombard, L.; Longa, C.M.O.; Louis-Seize, G.; Macedo, F.; Mahoney, D.P.; Maresi, G.; Martin-Sanchez, P.M.; Marvanová, L.; Minnis, A.M.; Morgado, L.N.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Quaedvlieg, W.; Ryan, P.G.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.; Seifert, K.A.; Swart, W.J.; Tan, Y.P.; Tanney, J.B.; Thu, P.Q.; Videira, S.I.R.; Walker, D.M.; Groenewald, J.Z.. |
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Catenulostroma corymbiae from Corymbia, Devriesia stirlingiae from Stirlingia, Penidiella carpentariae from Carpentaria, Phaeococcomyces eucalypti from Eucalyptus, Phialophora livistonae from Livistona, Phyllosticta aristolochiicola from Aristolochia, Clitopilus austroprunulus on sclerophyll forest litter of Eucalyptus regnans and Toxicocladosporium posoqueriae from Posoqueria. Several species are also described from South Africa, namely: Ceramothyrium podocarpi from Podocarpus, Cercospora chrysanthemoides from Chrysanthemoides, Devriesia shakazului from Aloe, Penidiella drakensbergensis from Protea, Strelitziana cliviae from Clivia and Zasmidium syzygii from... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532113 |
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Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Richardson, D.M.; Roux, J.J. Le; Strasberg, D.; Edwards, J.; Roets, F.; Hubka, V.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Heykoop, M.; Martin, M.P.; Moreno, G.; Sutton, D.A.; Wiederhold , N.P.; Barnes, C.W.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Gené, J.; Giraldo, A.; Guarnaccia, V.; Guarro, J.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Kolařík, M.; Manjón, J.L.; Pascoe, I.G.; Popov, E.S.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Acharya, K.; Alexandrova, A.V.; Alvarado, P.; Barbosa, R.N.; Baseia, I.G.; Blanchette, R.A.; Boekhout, T.; Burgess, T.I.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Čmoková, A.; Dimitrov, R.A.; Dyakov, M.Yu.; Dueñas, M.; Dutta, A.K.; EsteveRaventós, F.; Fedosova, A.G.; Fournier, J.; Gamboa, P.; Gouliamova, D.E.; Grebenc, T.; Groenewald, M.; Hanse, B.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Held, B.W.; Jurjević, Ž.; Kaewgrajang, T.; Latha, K.P.D.; Lombard, L.; Luangsa-ard, J.J.; Lysková, P.; Mallátová, N.; Manimohan, P.; Miller, A.N.; Mirabolfathy, M.; Morozova,, O.V.; Obodai, M.; Oliveira, N.T.; Ordóñez, M.E.; Otto, E.C.; Paloi,, S.; Peterson, S.W.; Phosri, C.; Roux, J.; Salazar, W.A.; Sánchez, A.; Sarria, G.A.; Shin, H.-D.; Silva, B.D.B.; Silva, G.A.; Smith, M.Th.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Stchigel, A.M.; Stoilova-Disheva, M.M.; Sulzbacher, M.A.; Telleria, M.T.; Toapanta, C.; Traba, J.M.; Valenzuela-Lopez, N.; Watling, R.; Groenewald, J.Z.. |
Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Vermiculariopsiella eucalypti, Mulderomyces natalis (incl. Mulderomyces gen. nov.), Fusicladium paraamoenum, Neotrimmatostroma paraexcentricum, and Pseudophloeospora eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus spp., Anungitea grevilleae (on leaves of Grevillea sp.), Pyrenochaeta acaciae (on leaves of Acacia sp.), and Brunneocarpos banksiae (incl. Brunneocarpos gen. nov.) on cones of Banksia attenuata. Novel foliicolous taxa from South Africa include Neosulcatispora strelitziae (on Strelitzia nicolai), Colletotrichum ledebouriae (on Ledebouria floridunda), Cylindrosympodioides brabejum (incl. Cylindrosympodioides gen. nov.) on Brabejum stellatifolium, Sclerostagonospora... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/611386 |
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Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Burgess, T.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Crane, C.; Barrett, S.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Roux, J.J. Le; Thangavel, R.; Guarro, J.; Siqueira, C.M. , J.P.Z.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Stephenson, S.L.; Sutton, D.A.; Tamakeaw, N.; Telleria, M.T.; Valenzuela-Lopez, N.; Viljoen, A.; Visagie, C.M.; Vizzini, A.; Stchigel, A.M.; Wartchow, B.D. , F.; Wingfield, B.D.; Yurchenko, E.; Zamora, J.C.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Martín, M.P.; Alfredo, D.S.; Barber, P.A.; Barreto, R.W.; Baseia, I.G.; Cano-Canals, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Ferreira, R.J.; Gené, J.; Lechat, C.; Moreno, G.; Roets, F.; Shivas, R.G.; Sousa, J.O.; Tan, Y.P.; Wiederhold, N.P.; Abell, S.E.; Accioly, T.; Albizu, J.L.; Alves, J.L.; Antoniolli, Z.I.; Aplin, N.; Araújo, J.; Arzanlou, M.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Bouchara, J.-P.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Castillo, A.; Castroagudín, V.L.; Ceresini, P.C.; Claridge, G.F.; Coelho, G.; Ceresini, P.C.; Claridge, G.F.; Coelho, G.; Coimbra, V.R.M.; Costa, L.A.; Cunha, K.C. da; Silva, S.S. da; Daniel, R.; Beer, Z.W. de; Dueñas, M.; Edwards, J.; Enwistle, P.; Fiuza, P.O.; Fournier, J.; García, D.; Gibertoni, T.B.; Giraud, S.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Gusmão, L.F.P.; Haituk, S.; Heykoop, M.; Hirooka, Y.; T.A. Hofmann, J. Houbraken, D.P. Hughes, I. Kautmanová, O. Koppel, O. Koukol,, T.A.; T.A. Hofmann, J. Houbraken, D.P. Hughes, I. Kautmanová, O. Koppel, O. Koukol,, J.; Hughes, D.P.; Kautmanová, I.; Koppel, O.; Koukol, O.; Larsson, E.; Latha, K.P.D.; Lee, D.H.; Lisboa, Á. López-Villalba,, D.O.; Lisboa, W.S.; López-Villalba, Á.; Maciel , J.L.N.; Manimohan, P.; Manjón, J.L.; Marincowitz, S.; Marney, T.S.; Meijer, M.; Miller, A.N.; Olariaga, I.; Paiva, L.M.; Piepenbring, M.; Poveda-Molero, J.C.; Raj, K.N.A.; Raja, H.A.; Rougeron, A.; Salcedo, I.; Samadi,, R.; Santos, T.A.B.; Scarlett, K.; Seifert, K.A.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Silva, G.A.; Silva, M.. |
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xanthosiae on Xanthosia rotundifolia, Coniothyrium hakeae on Hakea sp., Diatrypella banksiae on Banksia formosa, Disculoides corymbiae on Corymbia calophylla, Elsinoë eelemani on Melaleuca alternifolia, Elsinoë eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus kingsmillii, Elsinoë preissianae on Eucalyptus preissiana, Eucasphaeria rustici on Eucalyptus creta, Hyweljonesia queenslandica... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS nrDNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/621630 |
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Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Burgess, , T.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Barber, P.A.; Alvarado,, P.; Barnes, C.W.; Buchanan, P.K.; Heykoop, M.; Moreno, G.; Vabeikhokhei, J.M.C.; Diepeningen, A.D. van; Hoa, N. van; Tri, M. van; Wiederhold, N.P.; Wrzosek, M.; Zothanzama, J.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Thangavel, R.; Spuy, S. van der; Barili, A.; Barrett, S.; Cacciola, S.O.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Crane, C.; Decock, C.; Gibertoni, T.B.; Guarro, J.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Hubka, V.; Kolarík, M.; Lira, C.R.S.; Ordoñez, M.E.; Padamsee, M.; Ryvarden, L.; Soares, A.M.; Stchigel, A.M.; Sutton, D.A.; Vizzini, A.; Weir, B.S.; Acharya, K.; Aloi, F.; Baseia, I.G.; Blanchette, R.A.; Bordallo, J.J.; Bratek, Z.; Butler, T.; Cano-Canals, J.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Chander, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Cruz, R.H.S.F.; Silva, M. da; Dutta, A.K.; Ercole, E.; Escobio, V.; Esteve-Raventós, F.; Flores, F.A.; Gené, J.; Góis, J.S.; Haines, L.; Held, B.W.; Horta Jung, M.; Hosaka, K.; Jung, J.; Jurjević, Ž.; Kautman, V.; Kautmanova, I.; Kiyashko, A.A.; Kozanek, M.; Kubátová, A.; Lafourcade, M.; Spada, F. La; Latha, K.P.D.; Madrid, H.; Malysheva, E.F.; Manimohan, P.; Manjón, J.L.; Martín, M.P.; Mata, M.; Merényi, Z.; Morte, A.; Nagy, I.; Normand, A.-C.; Paloi, S.; Pattison, N.; Pawłowska, J.; Pereira, O.L.; Petterson, M.E.; Picillo, B.; Raj, K.N.A.; Roberts, A.; Rodríguez, A.; Rodríguez-Campo, F.J.; Romański, M.; Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, M.; Scanu, B.; Schena, L.; Semelbauer, M.; Sharma, R.; Shouche, Y.S.; Silva, V.; Staniaszek-Kik, M.; Stielow, J.B.; Tapia, C.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Toome-Heller, M.. |
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Banksiophoma australiensis (incl. Banksiophoma gen. nov.) on Banksia coccinea, Davidiellomyces australiensis (incl. Davidiellomyces gen. nov.) on Cyperaceae, Didymocyrtis banksiae on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Disculoides calophyllae on Corymbia calophylla, Harknessia banksiae on Banksia sessilis, Harknessia banksiae-repens on Banksia repens, Harknessia banksiigena on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Harknessia communis on Podocarpus sp., Harknessia platyphyllae on Eucalyptus platyphylla, Myrtacremonium eucalypti (incl. Myrtacremonium gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus globulus, Myrtapenidiella balenae on Eucalyptus sp., Myrtapenidiella eucalyptigena on... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS nrDNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/631070 |
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Crous, P.W.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Shivas, R.G.; Edwards, J.; Seifert, K.A.; Alfenas, A.C.; Alfenas, R.F.; Burgess, T.I.; Carnegie, A.J.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Hiscock, N.; Hüberli, D.; Jung, T.; Louis-Seize, G.; Okada, G.; Pereira, O.L.; Stukely, M.J.C.; Wang, W.; White, G.P.; Young, A.J.; McTaggart, A.R.; Pascoe, I.G.; Porter, I.J.; Quaedvlieg, W.. |
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Bagadiella victoriae and Bagadiella koalae on Eucalyptus spp., Catenulostroma eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus laevopinea, Cercospora eremochloae on Eremochloa bimaculata, Devriesia queenslandica on Scaevola taccada, Diaporthe musigena on Musa sp., Diaporthe acaciigena on Acacia retinodes, Leptoxyphium kurandae on Eucalyptus sp., Neofusicoccum grevilleae on Grevillea aurea, Phytophthora fluvialis from water in native bushland, Pseudocercospora cyathicola on Cyathea australis, and Teratosphaeria mareebensis on Eucalyptus sp. Other species include Passalora leptophlebiae on Eucalyptus leptophlebia (Brazil), Exophiala tremulae on Populus tremuloides and Dictyosporium... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532357 |
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Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Burgess, T.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Gené, J.; Guarro, J.; Baseia, I.G.; García, D.; Gusmão, L.F.P.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Rodríguez-Andrade, E.; Saba, M.; Schauflerová, A.; Shivas, R.G.; Simonini, G.; Siqueira, J.P.Z.; Sousa, J.O.; Stajsic, V.; Svetasheva, T.; Tan, Y.P.; Thangave, R.; Tkalčec, Z.; Ullah, S.; Valente, P.; Valenzuela-Lopez, N.; Abrinbana, M.; Viana Marques , D.A.; Wong, P.T.W.; Xavier de Lima, V.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Adamčík, S.; Barili, A.; Barnes, C.W.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Bordallo, J.J.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Oliveira, R.J.V. de; Ercole, E.; Hubka, V.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Kubátová, A.; Martín, M.P.; Moreau, P.-A.; Morte, A.; Ordoñez, M.E.; Rodríguez, A.; Stchige, A.M.; Vizzini, A.; Abdollahzadeh, J.; Abreu, V.P.; Adamčíková, K.; Albuquerque, G.M.R.; Alexandrova, A.V.; Álvarez Duarte, E.; Armstrong-Cho, C.; Banniza, S.; Barbosa , R.N.; Bellanger, J.-M.; Bezerra, J.L.; Cabral , T.S.; Caboň, M.; Caicedo , E.; Cantillo, T.; Carnegie, A.J.; Carmo, L.T.; Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F.; Clement, C.R.; Čmoková, A.; Conceição, L.B.; Cruz, R.H.S.F.; Damm, U.; Silva, B.D.B. da; Silva, G.A. da; Silva, R.M.F. da; Santiago, A.L.C.M. de A.; Oliveira, L.F. de; Souza , C.A.F. de; Déniel, F.; Dima , B.; Dong, G.; Edwards, J.; Félix, C.R.; Fournier, J.; Gibertoni, T.B.; Hosaka, K.; Iturriaga M. , T.; Jadan, M.; Jany, J.-L.; Jurjević, Z.; Kolařík, M.; Kušan, I.; Landell, M.F.; Leite Cordeiro, T.R.; Lima, D.X.; Loizides , M.; Luo, S.; Machado, A.R.; Madrid, H.; Magalhães, O.M.C.; Marinho, P.; Matočec, N.; Mešić, A.; Miller, A.N.; Morozova, O.V.; Neves , R.P.; Nonaka, K.; Nováková, A.; Oberlies, N.H.; Oliveira-Filho, J.R.C.; Oliveira, T.G.L.; Papp, V.; Pereira, O.L.; Perrone, G.; Peterson, S.W.; Pham, T.H.G.; Raja, H.A.; Raudabaugh, D.B.; Řehulka, J.. |
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetopsina eucalypti on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Colletotrichum cobbittiense from Cordyline stricta × C. australis hybrid, Cyanodermella banksiae on Banksia ericifolia subsp. macrantha, Discosia macrozamiae on Macrozamia miquelii, Elsinoë banksiigena on Banksia marginata, Elsinoë elaeocarpi on Elaeocarpus sp., Elsinoë leucopogonis on Leucopogon sp., Helminthosporium livistonae on Livistona australis, Idriellomyces eucalypti (incl. Idriellomyces gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus obliqua, Lareunionomyces eucalypti on Eucalyptus sp., Myrotheciomyces corymbiae (incl. Myrotheciomyces gen. nov., Myrotheciomycetaceae fam. nov.), Neolauriomyces eucalypti (incl.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: ITS nrDNA barcodes; LSU; New taxa; Systematics. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/655759 |
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Jung, T.; Stukely, M.J.C.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; White, D.; Paap, T.; Dunstan, W.A.; Burgess, T.I.. |
During surveys of dying vegetation in natural ecosystems and associated waterways in Australia many new taxa have been identified from Phytophthora ITS Clade 6. For representative isolates, the region spanning the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal DNA, the nuclear gene encoding heat shock protein 90 and the mitochondrial cox1 gene were PCR amplified and sequenced. Based on phylogenetic analysis and morphological and physiological comparison, four species and one informally designated taxon have been described; Phytophthora gibbosa, P. gregata, P. litoralis, P. thermophila and P. taxon paludosa. Phytophthora gibbosa, P. gregata and P. taxon paludosa form a new cluster and share a common ancestor; they are homothallic and generally... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Aquatic habitat; Breeding systems; Evolution; Phylogeny; Radiation; Sterility; Survival. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532234 |
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Burgess, T.I.; Simamora, A.V.; White, D.; Wiliams, B.; Schwager, M.; Stukely, M.J.C.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.. |
During routine vegetation health surveys in the southwest of Western Australia (SWWA), several Phytophthora isolates with affinity to Clade 6a have been recovered. In this study, all known taxa from Clade 6a, P. inundata, P. humicola, P. gemini, P. ‘walnut’ and P. ‘personii’, and the new isolates were compared based on morphology and DNAsequence data from three nuclear genes and two mitochondrial genes resulting in the description of five new species, P. balyanboodja, P. condilina, P. cooljarloo, P. kwongonina and P. pseudorosacearum. With the exception of P. gemini and P. humicola, all species from Clade 6a have been recovered from natural ecosystems in SWWA. These species are morphologically similar, with predominantly ovoid sporangia and nested and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity hotspot; Heathland; Native vegetation. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/639951 |
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Scott, P.M.; Burgess, T.I.; Barber, P.A.; Shearer, B.L.; Stukely, M.J.C.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Jung, T.. |
A new Phytophthora species, isolated from rhizosphere soil of declining or dead trees of Eucalyptus gomphocephala, E. marginata, Agonis flexuosa, and another 13 plant species, and from fine roots of E. marginata and collar lesions of Banksia attenuata in Western Australia, is described as Phytophthora multivora sp. nov. It is homothallic and produces semipapillate sporangia, smooth-walled oogonia containing thick-walled oospores, and paragynous antheridia. Although morphologically similar to P. citricola, phylogenetic analyses of the ITS and cox1 gene regions demonstrate that P. multivora is unique. Phytophthora multivora is pathogenic to bark and cambium of E. gomphocephala and E. marginata and is believed to be involved in the decline syndrome of both... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Decline; Dieback; Forest; Jarrah; Phylogeny; Phytophthora citricola; Tuart. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/531947 |
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Registros recuperados: 10 | |