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Evolution of the northeast Labrador Sea during the last interglaciation ArchiMer
Winsor, Kelsey; Carlson, Anders E.; Klinkhammer, Gary P.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Hatfield, Robert G..
Boreal summer insolation during the last interglaciation (LIG) generally warmed the subpolar to polar Northern Hemisphere more than during the early Holocene, yet regional climate variations between the two periods remain. We investigate northeast Labrador Sea subsurface temperature and hydrography across terminations (T) I and II and during the LIG to assess the impact of two different magnitudes of boreal summer insolation increase on the northeast Labrador Sea. We use Mg/Ca ratios in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) as a proxy of calcification temperature to document changes in subsurface temperatures over Eirik Drift. Our corresponding record of delta O-18 of seawater documents changes in water mass salinity. Mg/Ca calcification temperatures...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral); Labrador Sea; Mg/Ca; Deglaciations; Interglaciations; Subpolar gyre.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Interglacial responses of the southern Greenland ice sheet over the last 430,000 years determined using particle-size specific magnetic and isotopic tracers ArchiMer
Hatfield, Robert G.; Reyes, Alberto V.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Carlson, Anders E.; Beard, Brian L.; Winsor, Kelsey; Welke, Bethany.
The past behavior of the Greenland ice sheet can provide important insight into climatic thresholds that may initiate and drive major ice-sheet retreat. Particle-size-specific magnetic and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope records from Eirik Ridge sediments south of Greenland track southern Greenland ice sheet (sGIS) erosional signatures over the past ∼430 ka by discriminating changes in sediment source and transport over the Eirik Ridge. Ground-truthed magnetic and isotopic compositions of subglacial silt from south Greenland's Precambrian bedrock terranes constrain independent magnetic and isotopic estimates of Eirik Ridge silt provenance, which in turn indicate that the southern Greenland ice sheet (sGIS) retreated within its present margin during three of the four...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Greenland ice sheet; Sediment tracing; Radiogenic isotopes; Magnetic properties; Quaternary climate change; Sea-level rise.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Particle size specific magnetic properties across the Norwegian-Greenland Seas: Insights into the influence of sediment source and texture on bulk magnetic records ArchiMer
Hatfield, Robert G.; Wheeler, Benjamin H.; Reilly, Brendan T.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Housen, Bernard A..
We make fundamental observations of the particle size variability of magnetic properties from 71 core tops that span the southern Greenland and Norwegian Seas. These data provide the first detailed regional characterization of how bulk magnetic properties vary with sediment texture, sediment source, and sediment transport. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) and hysteresis parameters were measured on the bulk sediment and the five constituent sediment particle size fractions (clay, fine, medium, and coarse silt, and sand). The median MS value of the medium silt size fraction is ~3‐5 times higher than that of the sand and clay size fractions and results in a strong sensitivity of bulk MS to sediment texture. Hysteresis properties of the clay size fraction are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Northern Basaltic Province; Magnetic susceptibility; Nordic Seas; Magnetic grain size; Sediment source; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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