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Ice-shelf collapse from subsurface warming as a trigger for Heinrich events ArchiMer
Marcott, Shaun A.; Clark, Peter U.; Padman, Laurie; Klinkhammer, Gary P.; Springer, Scott R.; Liu, Zhengyu; Otto-bliesner, Bette L.; Carlson, Anders E.; Ungerer, Andy; Padman, June; He, Feng; Cheng, Jun; Schmittner, Andreas.
Episodic iceberg-discharge events from the Hudson Strait Ice Stream (HSIS) of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, referred to as Heinrich events, are commonly attributed to internal ice-sheet instabilities, but their systematic occurrence at the culmination of a large reduction in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) indicates a climate control. We report Mg/Ca data on benthic foraminifera from an intermediate-depth site in the northwest Atlantic and results from a climate-model simulation that reveal basin-wide subsurface warming at the same time as large reductions in the AMOC, with temperature increasing by approximately 2 C over a 1-2 kyr interval prior to a Heinrich event. In simulations with an ocean model coupled to a thermodynamically...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoceanography; Paleoclimatology; Abrupt climate change.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Orbital controls on Namib Desert hydroclimate over the past 50,000 years ArchiMer
Chase, Brian M.; Niedermeyer, Eva M.; Boom, Arnoud; Carr, Andrew S.; Chevalier, Manuel; He, Feng; Meadows, Michael E.; Ogle, Neil; Reimer, Paula J..
Despite being one of the world’s oldest deserts, and the subject of decades of research, evidence of past climate change in the Namib Desert is extremely limited. As such, there is significant debate regarding the nature and drivers of climate change in the low-latitude drylands of southwestern Africa. Here we present data from stratified accumulations of rock hyrax urine that provide the first continuous highresolution terrestrial climate record for the Namib Desert spanning the past 50,000 yr. These data, spanning multiple sites, show remarkably coherent variability that is clearly linked to orbital cycles and the evolution and perturbation of global boundary conditions. Contrary to some previous predictions of southwestern African climate change, we...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The penultimate deglaciation: protocol for Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) phase 4 transient numerical simulations between 140 and 127 ka, version 1.0 ArchiMer
Menviel, Laurie; Capron, Emilie; Govin, Aline; Dutton, Andrea; Tarasov, Lev; Abe-ouchi, Ayako; Drysdale, Russell N.; Gibbard, Philip L.; Gregoire, Lauren; He, Feng; Ivanovic, Ruza F.; Kageyama, Masa; Kawamura, Kenji; Landais, Amaelle; Otto-bliesner, Bette L.; Oyabu, Ikumi; Tzedakis, Polychronis C.; Wolff, Eric; Zhang, Xu.
The penultimate deglaciation (PDG, ∼138–128 thousand years before present, hereafter ka) is the transition from the penultimate glacial maximum (PGM) to the Last Interglacial (LIG, ∼129–116 ka). The LIG stands out as one of the warmest interglacials of the last 800 000 years (hereafter kyr), with high-latitude temperature warmer than today and global sea level likely higher by at least 6 m. Considering the transient nature of the Earth system, the LIG climate and ice-sheet evolution were certainly influenced by the changes occurring during the penultimate deglaciation. It is thus important to investigate, with coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs), the climate and environmental response to the large changes in boundary conditions...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The penultimate deglaciation: protocol for PMIP4 transient numerical simulations between 140 and 127 ka ArchiMer
Menviel, Laurie; Capron, Emilie; Govin, Aline; Dutton, Andrea; Tarasov, Lev; Abe-ouchi, Ayako; Drysdale, Russell; Gibbard, Philip; Gregoire, Lauren; He, Feng; Ivanovic, Ruza; Kageyama, Masa; Kawamura, Kenji; Landais, Amaelle; Otto-bliesner, Bette L.; Oyabu, Ikumi; Tzedakis, Polychronis; Wolff, Eric; Zhang, Xu.
The penultimate deglaciation (~ 138–128 thousand years before present, hereafter ka) is the transition from the penultimate glacial maximum to the Last Interglacial (LIG, ~ 129–116 ka). The LIG stands out as one of the warmest interglacials of the last 800 ka, with high-latitude temperature warmer than today and global sea level likely higher by at least 6 meters. The LIG therefore receives ever-growing attention, in particular to identify mechanisms and feedbacks responsible for such regional warmth that is comparable to that expected before 2100. Considering the transient nature of the Earth system, the LIG climate and ice-sheets evolution were certainly influenced by the changes occurring during the penultimate deglaciation. It is thus important to...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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