Morizur, Yvon; Tregenza, N; Heessen, H; Beerow, S; Pouvreau, Stephane. |
Incidental mammal catch and the composition of the fish catch were studied in pelagic trawl fisheries in the North-East Atlantic. Several seasonal European fisheries were investigated with scientific observation on the fishing vessels. A total of 379 days at sea were observed . The sampled fisheries were horsemackerel (Dutch, French), herring (Irish), mackerel (UK), pilchard (UK , French) and other French fisheries (hake, tuna, bass, black bream, anchovy). Unintentional catches of dolphins were recorded in four of the investigated fisheries (Dutch horsemackerel, French tuna, French hake and French sea bass) at a rate of 1 dolphin per 100 tow hours; Grey seals were caught in the Irish herring fishery at a rate of 4 individuals per 100 tow hours. The fish... |
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Palavras-chave: Albacore; Bluefin tuna Bass Black bream Whiting Hake Anchovy Pilchard Mackerel Horsemackerel Seal Cetacean Incidental mammal catch Reasons for discarding Discards By catch Pelagic trawl. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1996/rapport-1236.pdf |
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Daan, N; De Boois, I; Emslie, D.c.; Fletcher, N.; Heessen, H; Larsen, L.i.; Lassen, H; Mahe, Jean-claude; Newton, A.w.; Patberg, W.; Peach, K.j.; Piet, G.j.; Sparholt, H.; Star, B; Storbeck, F. |
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Palavras-chave: BTS; BITS; IBTS; CIEM; Chalutage; Base de données; BTS; BITS; IBTS; ICES; European waters; Trawl survey; Fish stock. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2001/rapport-2173.pdf |
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