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Between Two Poles: Matching Trade and Exchange Rate Regimes in Mercosur 31
Busse, Matthias; Hefeker, Carsten; Koopmann, Georg.
The paper reviews exchange rate options for Mercosur countries. We start from the observation that most of the countries in the region have a longstanding tendency to adopt fixed exchange rates, and ask how such a system could best be designed. The Argentine crisis has demonstrated that unilateral currency pegs imply the risk of serious misalignments with other trading partners and subsequent realignments. The standard basket peg is not a solution because of its limited transparency and credibility. We therefore discuss a proposal to create dual currency boards that could be a workable solution for the Mercosur countries.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Exchange Rate Regime; Currency Board; Latin America; Mercosur; International Relations/Trade; F31; F4.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Can Process Conditionality Enhance Aid Effectiveness? The Role of Bureaucratic Interest and Public Pressure 31
Hefeker, Carsten; Michaelowa, Katharina.
Can process conditionality really enhance poverty reduction in developing countries? This question is addressed in the framework of a politico-economic model considering political distortions both on the recipient and on the donor side. It turns out that process conditionality is a very useful tool to raise the welfare of the poor as long as the international aid organizations hold all necessary information to assess the political situation in recipient countries and to select the true representatives of the poor into a participatory process. If they do not hold this information or if other bureaucratic interests reduce their incentive to acquire this information, process conditionality loses its effectiveness in achieving the desired objective.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Poverty reduction; Process conditionality; Political economy of international organizations.; Food Security and Poverty; Political Economy; D72; D73; F35; O19.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Fiscal Reform and Monetary Union in West Africa 31
Hefeker, Carsten.
The paper explores the interaction between the proposed monetary union for ECOWAS and structural reforms of fiscal policy. The effects depend to a large extent on the degree of similarity of member countries. In a monetary union of similar countries, member states run a more distortive fiscal policy, while their structural reform efforts will fall. This is also the case for countries that unilaterally peg to an anchor currency or introduce a foreign currency. In an monetary union with dissimilar countries the reverse can happen for those member states that are confronted with high distortion countries. This result implies that current WAEMU members will run a less distortive fiscal policy after the inclusion of other members of ECOWAS.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: West Africa; Monetary union; Fiscal policy; Structural reforms; Financial Economics; F33; E61; E63.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Handels- und Finanz- architektur im Umbruch: Globale Integration und die institutionelle Arbeitsteilung von IWF, Weltbank und WTO 31
Hefeker, Carsten.
Das Papier untersucht die Rolle von IWF, Weltbank und WTO und ihre Arbeitsteilung. Ich diskutiere die Gründe für ihre Existenz und ihre ursprünglichen Aufgaben und frage, inwieweit es ihnen gelungen ist, sich den veränderten Bedingungen und ihren neuen Aufgaben anzupassen. Politisch-ökonomische Überlegungen demonstrieren, dass die Organisationen ihren Eigennutz maximieren, andererseits aber auch als Instrument der Mitgliedsländer missbraucht werden. Dies erklärt, warum die Organisationen nicht immer erfolgreich gewesen sind. Mögliche Vorschläge für eine Reform warden diskutiert.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Internationale Organisationen; Bürokratietheorie; Handels- und Finanzarchitektur.; Financial Economics; D7; F0; F10; F3.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment 31
Busse, Matthias; Hefeker, Carsten.
The paper explores the linkages between political risk, institutions and foreign direct investment inflows. Using different econometric techniques for a data sample of 83 developing countries and the period 1984 to 2003, we identify those indicators that matter most for the activities of multinational corporations. Overall, 12 different indicators for political risk and institutions are employed in the empirical analysis. The results show that government stability, the absence of internal conflict and ethnic tensions, basic democratic rights and ensuring law and order are highly significant determinants of foreign investment inflows.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Political Risk; Institutions; FDI; Multinational Corporations; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Political Economy; C31; C 33; F21; F23.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Project Aid or Budget Aid? The Interests of Governments and Financial Institutions 31
Hefeker, Carsten.
The paper compares different aid policy instruments and their effect on the target group. Starting from a situation where interest groups compete for the resources of the government, international financial institutions aim to change the policy outcome. They can either directly support one group or condition their financial help to the government on its policy. Apart from a normative analysis which policy is more adequate to help one group, the paper also asks what happens if the IFI is driven by bureaucratic selfinterest, and whether this distort policies.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Aid policy; Conditionality; International financial institution; Interest groups; D73; F35; O23; Financial Economics; Political Economy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Ressourcenverteilung in der EU: Eine polit-okonomische Perspektive 31
Hefeker, Carsten.
Das Papier diskutiert die Ausgestaltung des EU Finanzsystems aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive. Die jetzige Form der Umverteilung lässt sich aus ökonomischer Sicht nicht nachvollziehen; vielmehr kann dies als ein System von politischen Seitenzahlungen verstanden werden. Es wird argumentiert, dass das System in Zukunft nach einer Erweiterung so kaum noch haltbar ist. Stattdessen ist eine Beschränkung auf die tatsächlich notwendigen Aufgaben auf EU Ebene angebracht. Dies impliziert einerseits eine stärkere Zentralisierung, andererseits eine stärkere Dezentralisierung und Rückverlagerung von Aufgaben auf die nationale Ebene. Eine gewünschte Umverteilung zwischen den Staaten sollte pauschal und nicht länger über Agrar- und Sozialfonds stattfinden. Dabei steht...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Europäische Union; Erweiterung der EU; Fiskalpolitik; Politische Ökonomie; Political Economy; D72; E62; H77.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Uncertainty, Wage Setting and Decision Making in a Monetary Union 31
Hefeker, Carsten.
The enlargement of the European Monetary Union is likely to lead to an increase of uncertainty about the transmission of monetary policy for the larger union. Adding new members to the central bank council will in addition imply that the preferences of the enlarged council will be uncertain in the initial period. The paper considers the influence of both types of uncertainty on wage setting behavior in the larger monetary union and its effects on unemployment. In light of these effects, implications for the adequate structure of the central bank are derived.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Monetary Policy Uncertainty; Wage Setting; European Central Bank; Euro Area; Accession Countries.; Financial Economics; Labor and Human Capital; D72; E58.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Wie wirkungsvoll sind Sanktionen? Das Beispiel Sudafrika 31
Hefeker, Carsten; Menck, Karl Wolfgang.
Seit den siebziger Jahren werden Sanktionen von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und kirchlichen Gruppen gefordert, um Menschenrechte und Demokratie in einzelnen Staaten durchzusetzen. Es wird erwartet, dass Sanktionen - je nach Sachstand in dem betroffenen Land - Regierungen, politische Parteien, Unternehmen und nicht-staatliche Organisationen veranlassen können, die bisher verfolgte Politik zu ändern. Dies wird deutlich am Beispiel Südafrika. Die Politik gegen Südafrika muss dabei jedoch vor dem Hintergrund äußerst widersprüchlicher Ziele in den sanktionierenden Ländern gesehen werden. Die Politik stand unter starkem Druck jener Kreise, die Sanktionen als eine Möglichkeit ansahen, die eigenen Märkte gegen südafrikanische Konkurrenz abzuschotten. Investoren...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Yen of Yuan? China's Role in the Future of Asian Monetary Integration 31
Hefeker, Carsten; Nabor, Andreas.
Most proposals for Asian monetary cooperation assign a special role to the Japanese yen as an anchor currency. We focus instead on the potential role of the Chinese renminbi. It becomes increasingly clear that China will assume the role of the dominant economy in the region, and that it will become a more important destination for Asian products than Japan in as little as five years. This development should assign a special role to the Chinese currency and its exchange rate to the other Asian currencies. It is rather unlikely that the renminbi will assume a dominant role immediately but by drawing comparisons with the European monetary integration process, it seems possible to design a system in which most of the present currencies have a role, but where...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: China; Asia; Monetary Integration; Exchange Rate Regimes.; Financial Economics; F3; F4.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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