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Diversity and toxic potential of algal bloom-forming species from Takaroa lagoon (Tuamotu, French Polynesia): a field and mesocosm study 5
Rodier, M; Longo, S; Henry, K; Ung, A; Lo-yat, Alain; Darius, Ht; Viallon, J; Beker, B; Delesalle, B; Chinain, M.
Pearl farming lagoons are economically important, yet poorly studied ecosystems in French Polynesia. This paper describes a study conducted in 2016 in Takaroa (Tuamotu Archipelago), an atoll recurrently affected by harmful algal bloom (HAB) events. The objectives were to gain insight into phytoplankton community composition, identify the main bloom-forming species and investigate their potential for toxicity. A mesocosm approach was used to assess the response of phytoplankton communities to 3 nutrient treatments: Conway with Si, Si-depleted f/2 and a commercial N-P fertilizer. In total, 87 morpho-species were described from Takaroa lagoon, with dinoflagellates as the most diverse group. Diatoms (Extubocellulus sp., Cylindrotheca closterium, Nitzschia...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Taxonomy; Mesocosm; Bloom-forming species; Toxicity; French Polynesian lagoons.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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SHINKAI 6500 dives in the Manus Basin: New STARMER Japanese-French Program 5
Auzende, Jean Marie; Urabe, T; Ruellan, E; Chabroux, D; Charlou, Jean-luc; Gena, K; Gamo, T; Henry, K; Matsubayashi, O; Matsumoto, T; Naka, J; Nagaya, Y; Okamura, K.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1996 URL:
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