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High yield corn production can result in high nitrogen use efficiency NWISRL
Wortmann, C.C.; Shapiro, C.A.; Dobermann, Achim; Ferguson, Richard; Hergert, G; Walters, Daniel; Tarkalson, D.D..
Alarm is expressed about the environmental impact of the increasing amount of reactive N in the atmosphere and in terrestrial and marine ecosystems around the globe. Much of this increase is attributed to production and use of N fertilizer. Use of fertilizer N is essential to meet growing global demand for agricultural commodities. Management is key to increasing productivity while also increasing N use efficiency and reducing N losses. A team of University of Nebraska-Lincoln scientists, with partial funding from the Nebraska State Legislature, addressed this challenge. They conducted 32 irrigated trials across diverse production conditions of Nebraska from 2002 to 2004 to evaluate corn response to rates of split-applied N. The results were reported in...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Air Emissions; Chemistry; Fertilizer; Nitrogen; Soil.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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