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Canary Island Tomato Exports: A Structural Analysis of Seasonality AgEcon
Rodriguez, Gloria Martin; Hernandez, Jose Juan Caceres.
The European tomato market is characterised by a constant process of dynamic adjustment toward the equilibrium. Furthermore, Canary tomato exports cause a high seasonal impact on market prices in the winter period. In these circumstances, an adequate distribution of shipments throughout the campaign could contribute to maximize producers' profits. The goal of this paper is to analyse the seasonal pattern of Canary tomato exports to Europe throughout the first fourteen campaigns following Spanish integration into the European Union. These export levels show some degree of instability, clearly related to the changes in the European Union trade rules, and there is a long period, the summer, without exports. Moreover, we have opted by using weekly data. These...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Canary tomato exports; Weekly data; Seasonality; Structural models; Splines; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Evolving Seasonal Pattern of Tenerife Tomato Exports AgEcon
Rodriguez, Gloria Martin; Hernandez, Jose Juan Caceres.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the long term movements and, particularly, the seasonal pattern of Tenerife (Canary Islands) tomato exports throughout the last two decades. In order to observe more clearly the exporter's decisions, weekly data has been used. The instabilities in the long term behaviour of the series and the specific nature of the seasonal pattern should be taken into account in order to capture the performance of exports accurately. Thus, this analysis is carried out inside the frame delimited by the structural approach to time series and the usefulness of evolving splines as a tool capable of modelling seasonal variations in which either the period or the magnitude of the fluctuations do not remain the same over time is shown.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tenerife tomato exports; Weekly data; Structural models; Evolving splines; International Relations/Trade; C22; Q17.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Exportacion de un tomate en Canarias: un patron estacional estable? AgEcon
Rodriguez, Gloria Martin; Cano, Victor; Hernandez, Jose Juan Caceres.
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se analiza el patrón estacional de la exportación semanal de tomate canario desde el ingreso de España en la Unión Europea. Un primer examen de los componentes determinísticos de la serie revela la inestabilidad de éstos, claramente vinculada a los cambios en la normativa comercial de acceso a los mercados europeos, así como la presencia de numerosas observaciones anómalas causadas por fenómenos de diversa índole. Estas circunstancias afectan al estudio detallado de la estacionalidad estocástica de la serie bajo estudio, que reúne dos características —la frecuencia semanal de las observaciones y la existencia de períodos sin exportación— cuya consideración es imprescindible para recoger apropiadamente la conducta de las...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Tomato exports; Seasonality; Unit roots; Structural time series models; Outliers; Crop Production/Industries; Q17.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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