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Abrupt warming and salinification of intermediate waters interplays with decline of deep convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Margirier, Félix; Testor, Pierre; Heslop, Emma; Mallil, Katia; Bosse, Anthony; Houpert, Loïc; Mortier, Laurent; Bouin, Marie-noëlle; Coppola, Laurent; D’ortenzio, Fabrizio; Durrieu De Madron, Xavier; Mourre, Baptiste; Prieur, Louis; Raimbault, Patrick; Taillandier, Vincent.
The Mediterranean Sea is a hotspot for climate change, and recent studies have reported its intense warming and salinification. In this study, we use an outstanding dataset relying mostly on glider endurance lines but also on other platforms to track these trends in the northwestern Mediterranean where deep convection occurs. Thanks to a high spatial coverage and a high temporal resolution over the period 2007–2017, we observed the warming (+0.06 ∘C year−1) and salinification (+0.012 year−1) of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) in the Ligurian Sea. These rates are similar to those reported closer to its formation area in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Further downstream, in the Gulf of Lion, the intermediate heat and salt content were exported to the deep...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Tintoré, Joaquín; Pinardi, Nadia; Álvarez-fanjul, Enrique; Aguiar, Eva; Álvarez-berastegui, Diego; Bajo, Marco; Balbin, Rosa; Bozzano, Roberto; Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno; Cardin, Vanessa; Casas, Benjamin; Charcos-llorens, Miguel; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Clementi, Emanuela; Coppini, Giovanni; Coppola, Laurent; Cossarini, Gianpiero; Deidun, Alan; Deudero, Salud; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Drago, Aldo; Drudi, Massimiliano; El Serafy, Ghada; Escudier, Romain; Farcy, Patrick; Federico, Ivan; Fernández, Juan Gabriel; Ferrarin, Christian; Fossi, Cristina; Frangoulis, Constantin; Galgani, Francois; Gana, Slim; García Lafuente, Jesús; Sotillo, Marcos García; Garreau, Pierre; Gertman, Isaac; Gómez-pujol, Lluis; Grandi, Alessandro; Hayes, Daniel; Hernández-lasheras, Jaime; Herut, Barak; Heslop, Emma; Hilmi, Karim; Juza, Melanie; Kallos, George; Korres, Gerasimos; Lecci, Rita; Lazzari, Paolo; Lorente, Pablo; Liubartseva, Svitlana; Louanchi, Ferial; Malacic, Vlado; Mannarini, Gianandrea; March, David; Marullo, Salvatore; Mauri, Elena; Meszaros, Lorinc; Mourre, Baptiste; Mortier, Laurent; Muñoz-mas, Cristian; Novellino, Antonio; Obaton, Dominique; Orfila, Amine; Pascual, Ananda; Pensieri, Sara; Pérez Gómez, Begoña; Pérez Rubio, Susana; Perivoliotis, Leonidas; Petihakis, George; De La Villéon, Loic Petit; Pistoia, Jenny; Poulain, Pierre-marie; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Prieto, Laura; Raimbault, Patrick; Reglero, Patricia; Reyes, Emma; Rotllan, Paz; Ruiz, Simón; Ruiz, Javier; Ruiz, Inmaculada; Ruiz-orejón, Luis Francisco; Salihoglu, Baris; Salon, Stefano; Sammartino, Simone; Sánchez Arcilla, Agustín; Sánchez-román, Antonio; Sannino, Gianmaria; Santoleri, Rosalia; Sardá, Rafael; Schroeder, Katrin; Simoncelli, Simona; Sofianos, Sarantis; Sylaios, Georgios; Tanhua, Toste; Teruzzi, Anna; Testor, Pierre; Tezcan, Devrim; Torner, Marc; Trotta, Francesco; Umgiesser, Georg; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Verri, Giorgia; Vilibic, Ivica; Yucel, Mustafa; Zavatarelli, Marco; Zodiatis, George.
The Mediterranean community represented in this paper is the result of more than 30 years of EU and nationally funded coordination, which has led to key contributions in science concepts and operational initiatives. Together with the establishment of operational services, the community has coordinated with universities, research centers, research infrastructures and private companies to implement advanced multi-platform and integrated observing and forecasting systems that facilitate the advancement of operational services, scientific achievements and mission-oriented innovation. Thus, the community can respond to societal challenges and stakeholders needs, developing a variety of fit-for-purpose services such as the Copernicus Marine Service. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Observing and forecasting systems; Sustained observations; Ocean variability; FAIR data; Climate; Operational services; Science with and for society; SDG's.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade ArchiMer
Pearlman, Jay; Bushnell, Mark; Coppola, Laurent; Karstensen, Johannes; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Pearlman, Francoise; Simpsons, Pauline; Barbier, Michele; Muller-karger, Frank E.; Munoz-mas, Cristian; Pissierssens, Peter; Chandler, Cyndy; Hermes, Juliet; Heslop, Emma; Jenkyns, Reyna; Achterberg, Eric P.; Bensi, Manuel; Bittig, Henry C.; Blandin, Jerome; Bosch, Julie; Bourles, Bernard; Bozzano, Roberto; Buck, Justin J. H.; Burger, Eugene F.; Cano, Daniel; Cardin, Vanessa; Llorens, Miguel Charcos; Cianca, Andres; Chen, Hua; Cusack, Caroline; Delory, Eric; Garello, Rene; Giovanetti, Gabriele; Harscoat, Valerie; Hartman, Susan; Heitsenrether, Robert; Jirka, Simon; Lara-lopez, Ana; Lanteri, Nadine; Leadbetter, Adam; Manzella, Giuseppe; Maso, Joan; Mccurdy, Andrea; Moussat, Eric; Ntoumas, Manolis; Pensieri, Sara; Petihakis, George; Pinardi, Nadia; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Przeslawski, Rachel; Roden, Nicholas P.; Silke, Joe; Tamburri, Mario N.; Tang, Hairong; Tanhua, Toste; Telszewski, Maciej; Testor, Pierre; Thomas, Julie; Waldmann, Christoph; Whoriskey, Fred.
The oceans play a key role in global issues such as climate change, food security, and human health. Given their vast dimensions and internal complexity, efficient monitoring and predicting of the planet's ocean must be a collaborative effort of both regional and global scale. A first and foremost requirement for such collaborative ocean observing is the need to follow well-defined and reproducible methods across activities: from strategies for structuring observing systems, sensor deployment and usage, and the generation of data and information products, to ethical and governance aspects when executing ocean observing. To meet the urgent, planet-wide challenges we face, methods across all aspects of ocean observing should be broadly adopted by the ocean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Best practices; Sustainability; Interoperability; Digital repository; Peer review; Ocean observing; Ontologies; Methodologies.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Multiscale Observations of Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea During Winter 2012-2013 Using Multiple Platforms ArchiMer
Testor, Pierre; Bosse, Anthony; Houpert, Loic; Margirier, Felix; Mortier, Laurent; Legoff, Herve; Dausse, Denis; Labaste, Matthieu; Karstensen, Johannes; Hayes, Daniel; Olita, Antonio; Ribotti, Alberto; Schroeder, Katrin; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Onken, Reiner; Heslop, Emma; Mourre, Baptiste; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Mayot, Nicolas; Lavigne, Heloise; De Fommervault, Orens; Coppola, Laurent; Prieur, Louis; Taillandier, Vincent; De Madron, Xavier Durrieu; Bourrin, Francois; Many, Gael; Damien, Pierre; Estournel, Claude; Marsaleix, Patrick; Taupier-letage, Isabelle; Raimbault, Patrick; Waldman, Robin; Bouin, Marie-noelle; Giordani, Herve; Caniaux, Guy; Somot, Samuel; Ducrocq, Veronique; Conan, Pascal.
During winter 2012-2013, open-ocean deep convection which is a major driver for the thermohaline circulation and ventilation of the ocean, occurred in the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) and has been thoroughly documented thanks in particular to the deployment of several gliders, Argo profiling floats, several dedicated ship cruises, and a mooring array during a period of about a year. Thanks to these intense observational efforts, we show that deep convection reached the bottom in winter early in February 2013 in a area of maximum 28±3 109m9. We present new quantitative results with estimates of heat and salt content at the sub-basin scale at different time scales (on the seasonal scale to a ten days basis) through optimal interpolation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean observation; Oceanic deep convection; Mediterranean Sea; Energy and buoyancy fluxes; Eddies; Plumes; Symmetric instability.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The Joint IOC (of UNESCO) and WMO Collaborative Effort for Met-Ocean Services ArchiMer
Pinardi, Nadia; Stander, Johan; Legler, David M.; O'Brien, Kevin; Boyer, Tim; Cuff, Tom; Bahurel, Pierre; Belbeoch, Mathieu; Belov, Sergey; Brunner, Shelby; Burger, Eugene; Carval, Thierry; Chang-seng, Denis; Charpentier, Etienne; Ciliberti, S.; Coppini, Giovanni; Fischer, Albert; Freeman, Eric; Gallage, Champika; Garcia, Hernan; Gates, Lydia; Gong, Zhiqiang; Hermes, Juliet; Heslop, Emma; Grimes, Sarah; Hill, Katherine; Horsburgh, Kevin; Iona, Athanasia; Mancini, Sebastien; Moodie, Neal; Ouellet, Mathieu; Pissierssens, Peter; Poli, Paul; Proctor, Roger; Smith, Neville; Sun, Charles; Swail, Val; Turton, Jonathan; Xinyang, Yue.
The WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) has devised a coordination mechanism for the fit-for-purpose delivery of an end-to-end system, from ocean observations to met-ocean operational services. This paper offers a complete overview of the activities carried out by JCOMM and the status of the achievements up to 2018. The JCOMM stakeholders consist of the research and operational institutions of WMO members and the IOC member states, which mandated JCOMM to devise an international strategy to move toward the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The three areas of activity are the Observation Program Area (OPA), the Data Management Program Area (DMPA) and the Services and Forecasting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine meteorology and oceanography; Global ocean observing networks; Data management; Ocean services; Capacity development.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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