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Capacity of the potentially toxic diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia mannii and Pseudo-nitzschia hasleana to tolerate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ArchiMer
Ben Garali, Sondes Melliti; Sahraoui, Ines; Ben Othman, Hiba; Kouki, Abdessalem; De La Iglesia, Pablo; Diogene, Jorge; Lafabrie, Celine; Andree, Karl B.; Fernandez-tejedor, Margarita; Mejri, Kaouther; Meddeb, Marouan; Pringault, Olivier; Hlaili, Asma Sakka.
This study investigates the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on two potentially toxic Pseudonitzschia hasleana and P. mannii, isolated from a PAH contaminated marine environment. Both species, maintained in non-axenic cultures, have been exposed during 144 h to increasing concentrations of a 15 PAHs mixture. Analysis of the domoic acid, showed very low concentrations. Dose?response curves for growth and photosynthesis inhibition were determined. Both species have maintained their growth until the end of incubation even at the highest concentration tested (120 ?g l-1), Nevertheless, P mannii showed faster growth and seemed to be more tolerant than P. hasleana. To reduce PAH toxicity, both species have enhanced their biovolume, with a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diatoms; Pseudo-nitzschia; PAHs mixtures; Biodegradation; Eco-toxicology.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Impact of contaminated sediment elutriate on coastal phytoplankton community (Thau lagoon, Mediterranean Sea, France) ArchiMer
Ben Othman, Hiba; Pringault, Olivier; Louati, Hela; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Leboulanger, Christophe.
Effects of sediment-released contaminants and nitrogen were assessed on phytoplankton communities sampled from Thau lagoon (France, Mediterranean Sea) and one close offshore marine station. Phytoplankton was exposed to sediment elutriate (seawater containing a mix of metals, organic chemicals, and nutrients) or to ammonium enrichment for four days using immersed microcosms exposed to natural conditions of light and temperature. Functional (production - respiration balance) and structural (taxonomy and cell densities) responses of the phytoplankton community were assessed. In the lagoon, both treatments stimulated phytoplankton growth, compare to controls. Conversely in the offshore station, the phytoplankton growth was stimulated only with the sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment resuspension; Mediterranean lagoon; Contaminants; Nutrients; Phytoplankton community.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Plankton food-web functioning in anthropogenically impacted coastal waters (SW Mediterranean Sea): an ecological network analysis ArchiMer
Meddeb, Marouan; Grami, Boutheina; Chaalali, Aurelie; Haraldsson, Matilda; Niquil, Nathalie; Pringault, Olivier; Hlaili, Asma Sakka.
The study is the first attempt to (i) model spring food webs in three SW Mediterranean ecosystems which are under different anthropogenic pressures and (ii) to project the consequence of this stress on their function. Linear inverse models were built using the Monte Carlo method coupled with Markov Chains to characterize the food-web status of the Lagoon, the Channel (inshore waters under high eutrophication and chemical contamination) and the Bay of Bizerte (offshore waters under less anthropogenic pressure). Ecological network analysis was used for the description of structural and functional properties of each food web and for inter-ecosystem comparisons. Our results showed that more carbon was produced by phytoplankton in the inshore waters (966–1234...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food-web modelling; Ecological network analysis; Mediterranean coastal waters; Plankton ecology.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Seasonal changes of chemical contamination in coastal waters during sediment resuspension ArchiMer
Bancon-montigny, Chrystelle; Gonzalez, Catherine; Delpoux, Sophie; Avenzac, Muriel; Spinelli, Sylvie; Mhadhbi, Takoua; Mejri, Kaouther; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Pringault, Olivier.
The potential of remobilization of pollutants is a major problem for anthropogenic ecosystems, because even when the anthropogenic source of pollution is identified and removed, pollutants stored in sediments can be released into the water column and impact pelagic communities during sediment resuspension provoked by dredging, storms or bottom trawling. The objectives of the present study were to assess the changes observed in the chemical composition of the water column following resuspension of a polluted marine sediment and the consequences for the chemical composition of adjacent marine waters according to season. For that purpose, an experimental sediment resuspension protocol was performed on four distinct occasions, spring, summer, fall and winter,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagoon; Offshore; Trace metal elements; Pesticides; PAHs; Enrichment factor; Elutriate.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Structural and functional responses of coastal marine phytoplankton communities to PAH mixtures ArchiMer
Ben Othman, Hiba; Lanouguere, Elodie; Got, Patrice; Hlaili, Asma Sakka; Leboulanger, Christophe.
The toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mixtures was evaluated on natural phytoplankton communities sampled from lagoons of Bizerte (South-western Mediterranean Sea) and Thau (North-western Mediterranean Sea). PAHs induced short-term dose and ecosystem-dependant decreases in photosynthetic potential. Chlorophyll a was negatively affected by increasing PAHs concentrations, together with dramatic changes in phytoplankton community composition. Size classes were strongly affected in the Bizerte compare to the Thau lagoon, with a decrease in nano- and microphytoplankton densities compare to picophytoplankton. In both locations, the diatom Entomoneis paludosa appeared favoured under PAH exposure as evidenced by increase in cell density, whereas...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PAH mixtures (PAHs); Phytoplankton communities; Mediterranean coastal lagoons; Ecotoxicity.
Ano: 2018 URL:
Registros recuperados: 5
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