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Projecting Productivity Growth: Lessons from the U.S. Growth Resurgence AgEcon
Jorgenson, Dale W.; Ho, Mun S.; Stiroh, Kevin J..
This paper analyzes the sources of U.S. labor productivity growth in the post-1995 period and presents projections for both output and labor productivity growth for the next decade. Despite the recent downward revisions to U.S. GDP and software investment, we show that information technology (IT) played a substantial role in the U.S. productivity revival. We then outline a methodology for projecting trend output and productivity growth. Our base-case projection puts the rate of trend productivity growth at 2.21% per year over the next decade with a range of 1.33 - 2.92%, reflecting fundamental uncertainties about the rate of technological progress in IT-production and investment patterns. Our central projection is only slightly below the average growth...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Productivity; Information technology; Productivity Analysis; O4.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Near-Term Impacts of Carbon Mitigation Policies on Manufacturing Industries AgEcon
Morgenstern, Richard D.; Ho, Mun S.; Shih, Jhih-Shyang; Zhang, Xuehua.
Who will pay for new policies to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions in the United States? This paper considers a slice of the question by examining the near-term impact on domestic manufacturing industries of both upstream (economy-wide) and downstream (electric power industry only) carbon mitigation policies. Detailed Census data on the electricity use of four-digit manufacturing industries is combined with input-output information on interindustry purchases to paint a detailed picture of carbon use, including effects on final demand. This approach, which freezes capital and other inputs at current levels and assumes that all costs are passed forward, yields upper-bound estimates of total costs. The results are best viewed as...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Distribution of carbon mitigation costs; Industrial impacts of carbon policies; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q28; Q48.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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