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Aillery, Marcel P.; Hrubovcak, James; Kramer, Carol S.; Shoemaker, Robbin A.; Tegene, Abebayehu.
By broadening the definition of an ecosystem to include economic activities, can we better characterize the interactions and relationships among agricultural activities and important indicators of ecological system health? This paper addresses research approaches for assessing the role of agriculture in an ecosystems context. Environmental regulation and resource management policies have heightened the interest in understanding interactions among agricultural activities and the natural resource base, including the impacts of agriculture on environmental quality and the impacts on agriculture of ecosystem restoration efforts. What are the most meaningful indicators of environmental quality? Which agricultural practices and policies should be considered,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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LeBlanc, Michael; Hrubovcak, James; Durst, Ron L.; Conway, Roger K..
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 significantly changed incentives for investing. This analysis specifically examines how changes in marginal tax rates, depreciation schedules, and the investment tax credit altered the cost of capital and net investment in agriculture. A stochastic coefficients econometric methodology is used to estimate an investment function which is then used to simulate the effects of tax reform. Estimates indicated that relative to prior law, the Tax Reform Act will reduce the capital stock of farm machinery and equipment by nearly $4 billion.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; Farm Management.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Green Technologies for a More Sustainable Agriculture AgEcon
Hrubovcak, James; Vasavada, Utpal; Aldy, Joseph E..
For U.S. agriculture to continue along a sustainable path of economic development, further production increases must be generated by technologies that are both profitable and more environmentally benign. In this context, we assess the role of these green or sustainable technologies in steering agriculture along a more sustainable path. However, the lack of markets for the environmental attributes associated with green technologies can limit their development. In addition, simply making a technology available does not mean it will be adopted. Experience with green technologies such as conservation tillage, integrated pest management, enhanced nutrient management, and precision agriculture demonstrates that even when technologies are profitable, barriers to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Sustainable agriculture; Natural capital; Nonrenewable resources; Renewable resources; Environmental services; Green technology; Integrated pest management; Conservation tillage; Enhanced nutrient management; Precision agriculture; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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The Role of Information Technology in the Fuel Ethanol Industry AgEcon
Dunn, John R.; Caswell, Margriet; Crooks, Tony; Eidman, Vernon R.; Hrubovcak, James; Shapouri, Hosein; Richman, Scott; Scott, Tom.
This USDA-sponsored study uses panels of ethanol industry experts and follow up interviews with plant owners and managers to examine how information technology has impacted the structure, organization, and operations of the fuel ethanol industry. The study examined the following questions regarding the future of the ethanol industry: (1) Does the present ethanol industry represent a stable structure or a transitional step toward an inevitable concentration of ownership into the hands of a few large processing firms? (2) Have contemporary information technologies fundamentally changed the information flows, scale of operations, access to markets, conditions of vertical and horizontal coordination, sources of finance, and the competitive landscape for the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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