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Échantillons rocheux provenant de « volcans de boue » de Méditerranée orientale ArchiMer
Huguen, Caroline; Benkhelil, J; Giresse, P; Mascle, Jean; Muller, C; Woodside, John; Zitter, T; The Medinaut Scientific Party,.
In the eastern Mediterranean, numerous argilo-kinetic manifestations, commonly named 'mud volcanoes', have been identified and studied in some detail during the last twenty years using several techniques. The Medinaut survey (December 1998) has provided new insights into this phenomenon through twenty deep dives performed with the submersible Nautile within two areas particularly active in terms of mud expulsions: the central Mediterranean ridge south of Crete, and the Anaximander mountains area, south of Turkey. The morphology, petrography, microstructure and biostratigraphy of different clasts sampled in the two areas helped to better understand the mud volcano formation and subsequent evolution. Paleoenvironmental conditions, ranging from deep marine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clasts; Eastern Mediterranean; Deep dives; 'mud volcanoes'.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Menes caldera, a highly active site of brine seepage in the Eastern Mediterranean sea: "In situ" observations from the NAUTINIL expedition (2003) ArchiMer
Huguen, Caroline; Foucher, Jean-paul; Mascle, J.; Ondreas, Helene; Thouement, M.; Gontharet, S.; Stadnitskaia, A.; Pierre, C.; Bayon, Germain; Loncke, L.; Boetius, A.; Bouloubassi, I.; De Lange, G.; Caprais, Jean-claude; Fouquet, Yves; Woodside, J.; Dupre, Stephanie.
This paper reports the first "in situ" seafloor observations of fluid escape structures in a fault-controlled caldera-type depression of about 8 km diameter, named the Menes caldera, in the Eastern Mediterranean sea off Egypt (western province of the Nile Deep Sea Fan). A detailed analysis of seven Nautile dives, performed during the Nautinil cruise in 2003, focused on determining the nature, origin, importance, mechanisms and environmental impacts of the fluid escape processes from the geological observations. Seafloor maps, constructed from direct visual observations and video records made from the submersible, and sampling results, for three mud volcanoes of the caldera, Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinos show differences in activity but many common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Nile Deep Sea Fan; Mud volcano; Brine seep.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid seepage on an unstable margin: The case of the Central Nile deep sea fan ArchiMer
Bayon, Germain; Loncke, L.; Dupre, Stephanie; Caprais, Jean-claude; Ducassou, E.; Duperron, Sebastien; Etoubleau, Joel; Foucher, Jean-paul; Fouquet, Yves; Gontharet, S.; Henderson, G. M.; Huguen, Caroline; Klaucke, I.; Mascle, J.; Migeon, S.; Olu-le-roy, Karine; Ondreas, Helene; Pierre, C.; Sibuet, Myriam; Stadnitskaia, A.; Woodside, J..
We report on a multidisciplinary study of cold seeps explored in the Central Nile deep-sea fan of the Egyptian margin. Our approach combines in situ seafloor observation, geophysics, sedimentological data, measurement of bottom-water methane anomalies, pore-water and sediment geochemistry, and Th-230/U dating of authigenic carbonates. Two areas were investigated, which correspond to different sedimentary provinces. The lower slope, at similar to 2100 m water depth, indicates deformation of sediments by gravitational processes, exhibiting slope-parallel elongated ridges and seafloor depressions. In contrast, the middle slope, at similar to 1650 m water depth, exhibits a series of debris-flow deposits not remobilized by post-depositional gravity processes....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Authigenic carbonate; U Th; Cold seep; Continental margin; Nile.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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